Day off - Part 3


The five of you blinked into the bright sunlight outside and just stood there. What now? 

"Let's go there." Jacob pointed straight across from the aquarium to the World of Coca-Cola.

Kevin disagreed. "I'm hungry. We should find a place to eat first."

You glanced at the time. It was now 2:30pm. You pulled out your phone to check the closing time of the attraction before you decided. Google says that it closes at 7pm so you have plenty of time to eat then come back. 

Eric, who stood on your right, glanced down at your phone. "Can you search for food places around here?" 

"Sure." You pulled up the map and looked all around Centennial Park. "There are some places over there." You gestured in that direction. 

"What's there?" Jacob asked. 

After zooming in, you gave the options. Surprisingly, they all decided on Subway. It was a short walk, and the meal didn't take very long either. As everyone finished up, you began considering what you should do. Jacob wanted to do the World of Coca-Cola, but what else would be open when you finished there? Then again, since it was open until 7pm, you could always find something else to do and come back to it. 

"Guys." You internally cringed as you suddenly got the full attention of all four of them. "What if we do something else when we leave?" You explained that World of Coca-Cola was open late and that this area was near where you had met anyway, so they would probably have to come back here, so why not head to a different area, like Arts Center where there were museums and things to see there. Since those places closed at 5, you would be able to do something, then come back to do World of Coca-Cola. They considered it and agreed with you after a few minutes of discussion. 

"We should see before going." Q said after they agreed. The others double checked his meaning and conveyed it. He wanted to see if there was anything they wanted to do in that area before they spent time to get there. 

You pulled up the map of the area and zoomed in. You saw the AMLI Arts Center, the Woodruff Arts Center, the High Museum of Art, the Bremen Museum, the SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion and Film, which got a lot of interest, and the Center for Puppetry Arts. At that, Q seemed to perk up. He started talking to the others quickly and excitedly in Korean. You watched the conversation evolve with small groans, a very effective pout from Q with assistance from Jacob, and sighs of defeat. You were quite sure that he had managed to convince them to go to the Puppetry Arts museum. 

It took about 20 minutes to reach Arts Center as you got through the Marta gates just as the correct train pulled up. After getting off at Arts Center, you recognized the location you were at. You had been here before because Center Stage was right up the road. You had been to see a few different Kpop groups perform there. You consulted your map again and realized that the Museum of Puppetry Arts was behind Center Stage by a block. 

Kevin quickly made sure everyone was there before you set off. 

"Good food." You mumbled as you noticed DaVinci's across the street. 

"What was that?"

You smiled at Kevin. "I've eaten there before. It's good." 

He seemed surprised. "You have? I thought you don't come out to this part of Atlanta." 

"Not often." You agreed. "I have been down here before for concerts, before. We ate there before one once." 

You smiled as you reminisced about that time. It was a fond memory of spending time with friends in a city you loved. 

"Concerts? Who did you see? What kind of music do you listen to?"

Suddenly, you were extremely aware that they were all listening to you. You walked in silence for a moment, unsure of whether to answer them honestly. A lot of people were weirded out that you liked music in another language, and you weren't sure how these guys would react knowing that it was their own. 

"Do you like pop, rap, country?" Kevin coaxed. 

"You don't have to answer that." Q offered with a chastising look toward Kevin who just shrugged.

"Do you know Kpop?" Jacob blurted out.

You were a bit surprised but nodded slowly and smiled a bit. 

Everyone stopped. You took three more steps before you realized that no one was moving. 

"YOU LISTEN TO KPOP?" Kevin's voice was unnecessarily loud and the other three hushed him as quickly as they could. 

You braced yourself for the onslaught of silly questions, weird looks, and laughter. Instead, their reaction was to usher you along quickly toward your destination. 

There was silence for a while and, as you reached the light to cross the road to Center Stage, Jacob asked what groups you liked. You stared at the Center Stage sign for a second, wondering where to begin. However, it was staring you in the face, proverbially. 

"I saw SF9 here at this theater." You thought. "And Oneus." 

"Are they your favorites?" Eric asked.

You shrugged. The walk light came on. "I like a lot of groups and a lot of songs." 

"Who else do you like?"

"Music-wise, members, or both?" The phrase popped out before you could stop it. It was something you joked about with some of your other Kpop friends. 

"There's a difference?" Jacob seemed surprised.

A little flustered at your automatic response, you stumbled over the explanation. "Y-Yeah. There are groups I know by their music only, like I've heard their stuff but haven't learned the members. There are ones where I've learned the members and like them but don't like their music as much as others, and there are some where I know and like both."

You glanced toward the door of Center Stage as you passed it. 

"What category does SF9 fall under?" Kevin asked. 

"I like both them and their music."

"And Oneus?" 

"Also both."

"BTS?" Q chimed in.

"Music. I don't seem to be as interested in the members as others are."

They all seemed a bit surprised at that, but continued on. 




Now that was one to think about. "I'm not sure. I used to like both, but all of it has faded for me. I don't like them nearly as much as other groups or even as much as I used to."

They continued with a few other groups before Jacob asked. "What about The Boyz?" 

"Music." You paused for a moment. "But I keep telling myself I'm going to learn the members. They seem... energetic." You couldn't think of a better word to use. You didn't want to fall back on your common (always used in endearment) term: 'idiots'. 

The guys gave each other glances and began laughing. 

"What?" You asked. 

"I've never thought about it that way before. I guess it's true, though." Eric said between laughs. "At least for some." 

"Ah." So they knew who The Boyz were. That explained the reaction.

Finally, you reached the Museum of Puppetry Arts. Without blinking, Q headed straight for the doors and ushered everyone inside. 

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