Anti-Boy Girl Fighting


Hyuna, trying to be the best that she can in everything but things are not so favorable when you suffer from a really weird disorder. She can't stand the presence of male companion with her, well at least not in 1 feet range. It's always been the same reaction whenever she's in such situation almost like she's allergic to boys. The only ones she's okay with are her dad and brothers. Hyuna herself doesn't really know what've caused her to be like this. She missed out  a lot due to this problem; she has never fallen in love ! She appears timid but what she really is different from what she may seem. She's a scaredy cat in front of crowds but she'll turn into a knight when she sees injustice and getting quite wild when she's around her friends. Now that she is stuck in a boarding school half-filled with boys after years avoiding them, could she survive the entire school years without any trouble? Will she ever be cured from this unique defect or forever live like this?

I never wish to be like this. I just want to be like every other girls, falling in love and laughing with my male BFF.


This is my first story and hopefully it will be good enough for the readers. Please drop some comments about my writing and storyline. Thanks in advanced ^_^


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