I'm Yours

Smiley Review Cafe [We are Busy (not accepting requests)]

Title: I'm Yours
Author: MissTangerine
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rated: Yes/No
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/108811/i-m-yours-2ne1-2pm-bigbang-dara-daragon-darakhun-woodara


Title [ 2/5 ]

The title is really cliched and it's quite a popular name, so I'm marking it down for creativity and originality. However it still holds relevance to the story, so you got marks there.



Foreword and Description [ 2/5 ]

It's quite… mediocre. Nothing really draws me into the story and it seems too reality-like. Remember, this is a story and not a bibliography so be sure to advertise the most interesting parts of your story. However, keep in mind that this is a blurb and not a summary. By summarising the story, the readers will be looking forward to more than what you promote in the story.



Poster [ 2/5 ]

I quite like the poster and it really suits the story, but it seems a bit dull since it only shows three main colors. 



Plot [ 12/25 ]

The whole love triangle/square things is a very popular plot development. For a story to be successful and also have this, you will need to add more to it than just this. Personally, there weren't enough interesting developments in the story and  lost interest quickly.



Entertainment [ 5/15 ]

In all honesty, I lost interest the moment I finished the foreword. The plot moves along slowly, and the developments aren't interesting enough. Everything is based around three guys who are head over heels for this girl and it really just needs more of a 'wow factor'. I stopped reading around chapter 10 because I really didn't find any point in continuing with a story that wasn't entertaining me. Sorry. 



Spelling and Grammar [ 18/20 ]

Your spelling and grammar is very good considering that you're not fluent in English. Very impressed with this section.



Writing Style [ 8/20 ]

Your writing style looses interest quickly. You spend too long writing about what people are doing without describing anything. Description is so important when you are writing because if the reader has a plain, drape description in their head, it's not so interesting.



Ending/Last chapter read [ 2/5 ]

The plot is developing, but I couldn't keep reading. Sorry.



Score [ 51/100 ]



Reviewer's Comments

You really need to review your work and fix it up a bit. It was lacking description and because of that, there was nothing there to hold up the plot. I'm really sorry that I didn't read through all your chapters or that I couldn't give a better review, but it's really just mediocre. 

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requested for a review ^_^
Requested for a review :)
KimPossible21 #3
received. thank you :)
I've requested, please take your time^^
I've already subscribed and requested!
i've requested :D
I'm picking up my review. Thanks for reposting it. :)
yngguks #8
Done requesting!
Thank you very much! Your review is appreciated :)

Do you mind if I post the review as a chapter in my story when it is completed? (I have already credited it) This is just because I don't want to keep updating with reviews, not actual story chapters.

Please tell me if you'd rather have me post it in my story now, so I can get to it right away :)
I'm really sorry, I just changed my story title back to the original one, "Trapped!.. In The Kingdom Of The Forbidden Romance"
So yeah. I just wanted to let you know. :)