

After Key had stormed out he passed Jonghyun, but he didn’t even pay attention to his friend.  Instead he just went right on his way.  Jonghyun knew something was up.  So walking back to the dressing room he heard sobs coming through the slight crack of the door.  Walking in he saw Toma just sitting on floor crying.  Standing there he debating whether just to leave her be or go over and sit down with her.  Deciding it was better to go sit down with her he did, but the moment he sat she saw him and clammed up immediately.

“Don’t worry.  You don’t have to keep quiet.  You can cry if you want to.  I don’t know what happened but I know it can’t be good to make you cry like this,” he told her as he put an arm around her.

Debating a bit on what to do Toma gave into Jonghyun’s smile and began to cry again.  Leaning into him a bit she wrapped her arms around him, and he did the same.  It felt so good just to have someone hold her.  To have someone let her know that they cared about her.  It was the most amazing feeling in the world.  She missed it so much.  At first Key would just sit there and hold her like Jonghyun was doing, but that’s when he changed for the worse.  Just thinking about it made her cry even more.

She didn’t want to think about him right now.  All she wanted to do was just sit there knowing that someone in this world actually cared about her.  “Don’t worry, it’s alright,” he told her as he held her in his arms.  It had to be pretty bad if he made her cry like this.  I wonder if there’s more than what we’re seeing on the outside.  Jonghyun thought to himself.  He didn’t really care about going to rehearsal that day, he just felt like he should stay there.

After Toma had calmed down enough, she told Jonghyun everything.  She couldn’t hold it in anymore.  Jonghyun couldn’t think of anything to say.  This news completely shocked him to the core.  He would have never guessed in a million years that Key would do something like what he did to Toma.  “Oppa?  Can I stay at your place tonight?  I don’t want to go back there again,” she asked not looking Jonghyun in the face.

Looking at how scared she was he just couldn’t say no, not like he would anyway with what she had told him.  There was no way on earth that she was going back there, “Of course!  In fact you’re going to stay with me from now on.”

Her face brightened up almost instantly, although there was still a small fear in her eyes.  The only question now, was how to confront Key, and on whether or not he should tell the others.  There was no way he could do this alone.  He would need some back up if he confronted Key, and there was no way he would let him near Toma again.  Although there was the fact that this was the first he had heard of all of this and none of the others had either.  Would they believe him?

“Oppa?  Can we leave?  I don’t want to be here if he comes back,” Toma said trying to brush her short red bangs out of her face, but they fell right back into place.  Seeing that they had probably over stayed their welcome in Key’s dressing room, Jonghyun went and helped Toma up, grabbed her bag for her and left to go find the others while Toma followed closely behind.

“Hey Bling!  Where you been?”  Onew asked joking around with the other members.  Getting up the other members noticed he was carrying Toma’s bag, and she was clinging to him like a lost puppy.

Taemin stopped a couple feet from Jonghyun and looked at the bag, then at Toma, and asked, “Whoa, dude!  You can’t be serious?  If Key finds out, he’ll kill you!”

“Yeah, Jonghyun.  It’s not right,” Onew told Jonghyun without hearing his side of the story.  And before anyone knew what was going on they were bombarding him with questions.

“Hey guys!  Guys!  Calm down.  You need to hear what happened before you jump to conclusions.”

Everyone went dead silent and looked at either Jonghyun or Toma, who still hadn’t moved a muscle.  Sitting everyone down, with Toma on his lap, Jonghyun explained everything.  And no one said a word, they sat there in shock.  After he had told them the entire story, with some help from Toma, Jonghyun waited for a response.

But everyone just sat there not knowing what to say.  They had never thought of what was going on behind closed doors because Toma and Key just seemed so happy in public.  What had happened to make Key like this?

“Wow,” Minho was the first to speak up.  “I had never thought about something like that happening to anyone I know.  I mean I’ve heard about it and all.  But Key?  Never in a million years.”  The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

And that’s when who else but Key should show up.  They rest of the group stood up, even Jonghyun moved Toma and stood in front of her.  “What’s this about?”  Key asked playing innocent.

“We know everything Key,” Jonghyun told him.

Still playing dumb Key replied, “Know everything about what?  I have no clue what you guys are talking about.”

“Key, we know!  Now stop acting like you have no clue!  Toma told us everything,” Taemin spoke up next.

But what happened next was beyond everyone, Key he just, started laughing.  Laughing!  “Looks like the cats out of the bag huh?  Stupid .  Going around telling everyone everything!  I bet she slept all of you too!”  Key said now turning stone faced and pointing at the group.

“So these are your true colors.  Hmph, well what do you call yourself then?  You go out and sleep with almost every girl you can while Toma stays in that house and knows very well where you are!”  Jonghyun yelled not moving, not showing and Key’s accusations actually hurt.  Although they probably hurt Toma even more.  How could she live like this for all this time?  It made no sense at all, and this was only the verbal abuse.

“Pft!  Whatever!  Not like I care, she’s just a waste of space.  Nothing more to me.  In fact if you want her you can have her!”  Key said almost walking out, but before he could open the door Onew pulled him back and punched him in the face.

“Onew?”  Key asked and fell to his startled by the fact that Onew actually punched him in the face.  Onew!

“How can you say that?  You could at least act like a decent human being!”

Taemin came up and put his hand on Onew’s shoulder, “Onew.”

“No Taemin!  I can’t stand it!  What on earth did she do to him to make him do all those horrid things to her?  I just can’t wrap my mind around how anyone can hurt someone they supposedly love!”  Everyone just stood there, they had never seen Onew this worked up about something.

But then Key broke the silence again, and laughing again!  “Just what is so funny?”  Onew demanded.

“Your naivety!  That’s what,” Key replied through his laughter.  “I can’t believe you guys actually think that the world can be so simple!”  And with that Key got up and walked out.

Onew was about to go after him, but Jonghyun stopped him.  “As long as he isn’t hurting Toma anymore there’s a way we can fight this battle without anyone getting physically hurt.”

After their little fight the day before no one wanted to go into work the next day.  And despite Jonghyun’s wishes, Toma came as well.  The day went on and Key never showed, which not that anyone really cared, but they did notice.  Forgetting Key for a while every one’s day went on like usual, even Toma’s.  It was like nothing had ever happened.  She actually smiled, and laughed, and just enjoyed life.

At the very end of the day Jonghyun and Toma were just sitting on a couch in a lounge talking.  “I’m glad you’re feeling better Toma.”  Jonghyun said ruffling her hair slightly.

“Stop it Oppa!”  She laughed trying to move his hand.  Scooting closer to him she leaned her head on his shoulder.  Stiffening up a bit he was a little shocked that she could be this close to someone right after she had just come out about Key.  But he relaxed and put his arm around her and laid his head on hers slightly.  It may have been a little strange since he was so used to the idea of her dating Key now, but it felt nice.  She was happy and that was all that mattered.

“Jonghyun!”  Taemin came running into the room.  “It’s Onew!”

“Whoa, calm down there, take a breath,” he said getting up and walking over to Taemin who was obviously out of breath from running.

“It’s Onew.  Key came back and Onew just lost it!  They’re fighting right now.”

“What?  Oh man, Taemin stay here with Toma, I’ll be right back.”

Out in the lobby Onew and Key were going at it.  They were rolling on the ground trying to pin the other down so they could get a clear shot at the others face.  “Onew!  Stop it!”  Jonghyun shouted at the two knowing it wouldn’t do any good.  Walking up he tried to pull Key off of Onew, but in the process he got punched instead.  Going backwards a bit he was caught by Minho who helped him regain balance.

“It’s no good.  I already tried that and got it pretty bad.”  Jonghyun looked back and there was blood coming from Minho’s mouth.  Not giving up Jonghyun went back in to try again.  Only this time instead of trying to pull them apart he pushed Key off Onew, who was already pretty badly beaten, and pushed him back while Minho helped Onew up.

“That’s enough!”  Jonghyun shouted.  “You know what Key?  I don’t think I want to be Forever SHINee!  Or at least not with you!”  He had lost it, and he wasn’t going to sit back anymore.  Now he was on the same page as Onew.  Jonghyun just couldn’t understand Key anymore.  They thought they knew everything about him, but as it turns out they knew nothing about him.
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This was so good!! ^^
ukissmekevin16 #2
I think I cheered out loud when Onew punched Key :P I love this story!!!
This is amazing! i hope you update it soon! :)
Ohhhh...Key is bad! D:
Good chapter!
Update soon! ;3