

“What?  Jonghyun!  What are you saying?”  Minho yelled at his friend.

Not looking back he replied, “I can’t even stand to look at him anymore!  Last night I tried to hug Toma before she went to bed and she started to freak out!”  He was on the verge of tears, “She, she began to scream and cry.  I couldn’t stand it!  I had to sit there and hold her for a couple hours and tell her that she wasn’t with him anymore before she calmed down!  It’s not something I want her to have to live with!  The fact that this dirtbag treated her that way, it just pisses me off!”

Staring at their friend, they had no clue what to say to him.  It was obvious to them that Jonghyun had fallen for Toma, and seeing the one he loved most hurt this way was more than he could take.  “Minho, I’d have to agree with Jonghyun on this one,” Onew told his friend.

Looking around to see that even Taemin and Toma had showed up, Key knew when he wasn’t wanted and this was one of those times.  “Hmph!  Fine, you guys want it that way.  I’ll be taking my leave then,” and with that Key had walked out of the building and as far as anyone was concerned he was no longer Forever SHINee.  It seemed to be the only thing that they could agree on at this point.

Within  few hours news had reached the entire Kpop world that Key was leaving SHINee.  Fans mourned for a while, but then a conference was called for the rest of SHINee to explain why he left, and what had happened to make him leave.  The entire world was watching as Jonghyun got up to explain what had happened with the rest of the members and Key to make him leave.  It was probably their only chance to tell the world what had happened behind closed doors with Key.

“And as we are deeply saddened to find this out, as well as to be the ones to tell the world, Key will no longer be a part of SHINee.”  Jonghyun told the crowd as a closing to his comment, looked out at the mass of cameras and left the stage before any of the reporters could bombard him with questions.

As Jonghyun walked back into the room where the rest of the group was staying for the conference he saw that Onew still looked pretty badly beat up, and Taemin was busy with Toma-who was enjoying herself playing with his iPod.  Minho was the one who was out currently at a different meeting with more press.  It was a pretty big deal for them, so of course there was going to be a lot of coverage.

Sitting down in between Taemin and Onew who was currently watching the coverage for Minho’s conference and holding a bag of ice to his head.  “So how’s our Minho doing?”  Jonghyun asked him.

“Not too bad, but not as professional as you were.  Saw the whole thing on TV,” Onew told him not looking up from his phone.  He was streaming Minho’s conference from his phone, and he was just about done too.  Soon Minho joined them in the backroom and they had to decide what to do now.  Key was gone for good hopefully, but what to do with Toma.  Taemin took her out to get some ice cream while the rest stayed back to discuss.

“From what you told us about last night it sounds pretty bad,” Minho sat back.

Onew was up getting a different ice pack for his face, “You know with as hard as he hit me I wouldn’t doubt that she’s pretty scared of him.  Jonghyun, if you two-.”

Jonghyun cut him off before he could finish, “There’s nothing going on between us.  I honestly have no clue what you two are talking about.”  Onew and Minho just sat there at looked at him dumbfounded.  He just didn’t see it!  There was obviously something going on between the two!

He wasn’t usually one to let Toma get this comfortable with him.  And the way he got all defensive for her with Key, there was no doubt in any one of their minds he had something for Toma.  And with the way she felt so comfortable with him so soon after her and Key were over, she obviously had something for him too.

“I was just going to say that if you two were going to be together, treat her right.  No girl should or deserves to go through what she went through,” Onew half-heartedly finished his sentence.  If he couldn’t see it, then what would happen to Toma?  She liked him too, but did she see it?  And if she did then what would happen when Jonghyun told her that he didn’t really feel the same way back?

She would be crushed, and after what happened with Key it might be just a little more than she could take.  And right then Taemin and Toma walked back in.  When she saw Jonghyun there her whole face lit up.  That’s when it was obvious to the others that she did feel that way about him.  Problem was, he didn’t just quite see how he felt yet.

“Hyung!  We got you your favorite!”  Taemin came in all bubbly and happy to have his ice cream.

Minho nodded to Onew and Taemin while Jonghyun was distracted by Toma.  Getting the hint Taemin quickly turned around and left the room and his Hyung’s soon followed.  “Oppa’s,” Toma handed him his and gave him a big goofy grin making him laugh.

“Thanks Toma,” he messed her hair up a little bit.  Sitting down next to him they both took a bite of their ice cream, and that’s when he noticed that they had all ditched to leave them alone.  Sitting back in his seat he was about ready to mumble under his breath when Toma leaned up against him.  Without realizing what he was doing he put his arm around her and pulled her in closer.  Giving her a kiss on the top of her head she giggled and he realized that they did have something.

And cue Key.  Of course he has to walk in right as they’re sitting like this.  This whole thing obviously involved him too so he was going to be here as well.  They just didn’t exactly expect to run into each other while they were here.  Key just gave them the cold shoulder and continued to walk past them to the small fridge in the corner of the room to grab a water.  Jonghyun figuring what to do next moved and pulled Toma in closer and kissed her right there in front of Key.

He knew Key wouldn’t be able to ignore that move.  Slamming the fridge door shut he took his water and chugged it before he even left the room and tossed the water bottle behind him.  “Oppa?”  Toma asked as Jonghyun pulled away.  And that’s when it clicked for him-he really did love Toma.

“Shh,” he told her and he kissed her again.
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This was so good!! ^^
ukissmekevin16 #2
I think I cheered out loud when Onew punched Key :P I love this story!!!
This is amazing! i hope you update it soon! :)
Ohhhh...Key is bad! D:
Good chapter!
Update soon! ;3