0.4, wonyoung

turtle by twice-

you: ‘pls tell me u can hang out today’ 

you: 'i just had the worst day and if u say no i will literally shoot myself’ 

chaeWONT: ‘oh my god i didnt know i was that amazing’ 

you: ‘rethinking my life decisions rn’ 

chaeWONT: 'girlllll dont say that’ 

chaeWONT: 'im g but………… can minju come LOL’

you: 'as long as u guys dont kiss in front of me’     

chaeWONT: ‘no promises ;)’

chaeWONT: 'we meeting at the usual?’ 

you: ‘yup thanks chaewon ily’ 

you: ‘ill be there in 30’ 

chaeWONT: ‘ayt bet’


“Why so sad? You get a B or something?” Chaewon comments as she and Minju sit down across from me. I continue stirring my drink like I have been the past 10 minutes.
“The people at my new school are insane you don’t even know.” 

“Ah well, if they’re all like you, I get what you mean.” Minju laughs at Chaewon’s reply as I let out a glare. 

“Alright, tell us what happened little one.” Minju says teasingly, but it’s clear that she cares. 

“It’s weird, they all feel like threatened by the new kids. I swear to god only one person smiled at me throughout the whole day, while everybody else kept shooting daggers at me. Oh, and these classes are hard. Like I’ve never had a class where I was actually confused. And the teachers are so ty. One of them got mad at me for being in the bathroom for too long when I literally didn’t know where the I was going. And when I tried to explain it to him he was just like that’s something you should’ve known. That’s the dumbest I’ve ever heard in my life.” I finish my rant, while the two girls in front of me stare understandingly. 

“Oh, it’s bad bad.” Chaewon says, while resting her head on her hand. 

“That’s what you get for being too smart, Wonyoung.” Minju says, taking a sip from my drink. 

“Yeah, I would literally rather keep on 3rd wheeling you two than go back to that hell hole.” Minju and Chaewon chuckle as I just look down at my feet. 

“Oh wait.” Minju says while taking out her phone. “I just remembered.” My ears perk up at what she has to say. “I know somebody that goes to your school.” 

“Oh my god who?” I squeal in my seat, not trying to hide my excitement as I try to sneak a peek at Minju’s phone. 

“Uhm, this is going to be kind of awkward.” she says sheepishly, showing Chaewon the Instagram profile on her phone. Chaewon laughs knowingly, placing her hand on Minju's shoulder. 

“This is going to be fun.” She grins, Minju playfully slapping her in response. 

“Who? Who is it? Oh my god I hate you guys.” I roll my eyes, throwing myself back into my seat. 

“Hmm.” Minju thinks about it for a bit, not noticing that both pairs of eyes were expectantly waiting on her. “Just give me a few days first, Wony. Actually, you reminding me of her makes me remember that the way we left things just wasn't right. Let me fix things with her and I'll gladly set you up.” She ends with a wink. 

“Booooooo,” I groan, but at this point I'll take any help I can get. “Alright fine, just do it as quickly as possible please.” 

“Don't worry girl I gotchu. And plus, this has been long overdue, I guess I didn't realize I've been avoiding it. You guys would actually hit it off really well, I'm so hyped.” Chaewon nods her head in agreement, and I sit back satisfied at the thought that Minju knows someone that might make school a little more tolerable. 

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newsone112 #1
Chapter 7: Awwwww... update soon please
Chapter 7: Lezzgo 2kim and Annyeongz!
reigngrey #3
Chapter 4: Alright. 2kim and annyeongz. Im excited
Chapter 3: 2kim and Annyeongz lezzzgo!
Chapter 3: As an annyeongz and 2kim fan, I'm hereeeee