
How to seduce Yoo Jimin
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Yoo Jimin was completely and utterly bamboozled. She had a problem on her hands that she was not quite sure how to solve, and that problem involved the one and only Winter Kim. Winter had been acting rather… strange as of late. Stranger than usual, anyways. Ignoring all the disasters Winter had caused recently (like knocking them both down the stairs!), Winter had hugged her, Winter had called her b-beautiful - Karina could feel her cheeks heat at the thought -  yes, Winter had been doing a lot of strange things recently. Karina had a theory as to what it meant, but she dared not assume… She dared not to hope that Winter returned her feelings. She supposed she could just ask Winter, but the thought of that sent a spike of fear deep into her chest. She could not risk her friendship with Winter on some whimsical feelings and a suspicion.


Karina blinked in surprise, realising she had been staring out the window for quite a while. She glanced around their classroom; everyone’s eyes were on her. Giselle and Yeji were looking at her confusedly. She then looked at their professor who seemed slightly concerned. “I'm sorry, Professor. What was your question?” She ignored the murmurs that erupted after she spoke, no doubt they were gossiping about how Karina Yoo was not paying attention in class. After answering the question, Karina fought the urge to return her gaze to the window. It would not do for her to be caught not paying attention twice.

Karina swiftly packed up her books when the bell rang, and hurried out of the classroom before anyone could question her. Or at least she tried to. She was barely out the door before someone had latched onto her arm and spun her around.

“Karina, are you -” Winter began, her brows pinched with worry. Before Winter could finish her sentence, Giselle and Yeji entered the fray. “Karina!” they both cried. Blast it. This is not what she wanted. She appreciated their concern, but she wanted to avoid a confrontation -

“Hey Winter, let go of her arm!”

Karina found herself pulled forward when Giselle grabbed Winter’s arm and tugged. Winter and Giselle glared at each other fiercely, and Karina knew she had to interfere before a fight broke out.

“Girls, there is no need to quarrel. Gi, please let go of Winter. She merely wished to grab my attention.”

Karina frowned when the trio looked at her blankly. Had she said something wrong…?

“Did you just make a pun…?” Giselle gasped. Karina's eyes widened. She had, hadn’t she?

“It was not intentional!” Puns were such a lowly form of humour, they were something that brute Ryujin enjoyed and - And then Karina was wrapped in a crushing hug. “Oh my god Karina made a pun! Gi, Yeji, did you hear that?! I’m so proud of you Karina~”

Never in her life had Karina felt such mortification. Over a pun, no less. “Winter, release me this instant!” To her relief, Winter let her go. But Winter proceeded to wipe an imaginary tear from her eye and sighed wistfully. “They grow up so fast…”

Giselle patted Winter on the shoulder. “It’s true,” she said sagely. “Her first pun. Then what?”

“She’ll have her own stand-up routine before we know it,” Yeji added, staring off into the distance. And then they all sighed in unison. Karina felt her ears burn with embarrassment.

A strangled noise escaped . “Of all the -”

“Winter, we’re gonna leave you with our dearest Karina. Maybe you can teach her some new puns?” Giselle made an atrociously exaggerated wink at Winter, and then ran off. Yeji giggled and followed her immediately.

“No running in the corridors!” Karina huffed, and then let out a sigh. She didn’t even know how to react when they like this. And Winter! Usually Winter did not . She narrowed her eyes at the brunette. What was she up to?!

“Ah, please don’t look at me like that Karina!” Winter squeaked. “I was only messing, I swear!”

Karina narrowed her eyes even further, causing Winter to shift awkwardly. After what she deemed enough time to make Winter sweat, Karina stopped glaring. Winter let out a sigh of relief, and Karina rolled her eyes. Hopefully that would dissuade Winter from teasing her in the future.

“What is it you were trying to say to me earlier, Winter?”

“Oh um, I was gonna ask if you were okay… But I think you’ve cheered up now!”

Karina’s eyes widened. Oh it had all been a distraction. The girls had to make her feel something other than the doubt that had been plaguing her recently. She smiled softly. They were all so silly, but she did feel a little better.

“Yes, it seems I have. Thank you, Winter”

“No problem!” Winter chirped. Then she frowned thoughtfully. “Oh will you come with me, Karina? There’s something I want to show you. I promise you’ll like it!”

“Hmm. As long as it does not involve puns.”

Winter chuckled at that. “It doesn’t! I swear!"

Karina’s lips quirked at that promise. “Let us depart so. I assume you’ll lead the way?”

“Yeah! Come with me!”

Karina felt her cheeks warm at the blinding grin Winter sent her way, and she swore her heart skipped a beat when Winter took her hand. So much for controlling these feelings. Karina soon found herself outside in the courtyard. It was empty besides herself and Winter; the other students were currently in the cafeteria for lunch.

“Winter, why have you brought me here?” she asked, breaking the comfortable silence that

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Breezy #1
Chapter 3: Winter is really such a dunce but adorable
aglaonema #2
Chapter 7: Update please :(
rosenneg #3
Chapter 7: This story is so funny. i hope the author will still continue this.
Chapter 7: Wow the last updated was dated on June. Idk if authornim will still continue this but I am here to let you know that this fic made me laugh all night! Winter oh my god don't get me started lmao she's just too funny and I love it.
AlphanumeriC9 #5
Chapter 7: One last step...😅 kajja Winter~ah..
Chapter 7: help i miss innocent minjeong 🥺
Team8nanami_01111 #7
Chapter 7: Oh one more step left? Let's have a little fun and let them be confused, maybe add a little Yuna x winter moment to give Karina courage to finally confess to this dense puppy 😂😂
287 streak #8
Chapter 7: Why winter is this funny 😂 can't help but to side with ning and soobin. Too cute and innocent 😩😂💕
Chapter 7: ohhh. Giselle and Yeji ruined their moment. 😌😌😌
curseurheart #10
Chapter 7: So close yet so far!