Compliment her body!

How to seduce Yoo Jimin
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Winter had another problem. It involved Karina, of course, but it was a different kind of problem this time. She wasn’t sure how to approach the next step in the guide: ‘Compliment her body.’ Sure, there was so much she could say about Karina’s body… Her gorgeous eyes, her soft black hair (Yeah, Karina really did let her run her fingers through Karina’s hair before and she nearly died from a gay overload), her figure… It was better if she didn’t think about that too much because she would honestly DIE from gayness. Was that even possible? If it was, Winter would definitely be the first to die from it because the other day Karina hugged her first . (She still hasn’t recovered.) Karina's warm reception to step two had Winter feeling quite determined to begin step three, but she needed help. And what better place than the Internet?

The opportunity finally presented itself when Yuna put forward the suggestion to have a picnic when the weather was still good. Everyone brought a bit of food with them, but Karina who packed two full baskets of food because ‘I was under the impression we were feeding Winter too, not just us.’ No-one had a retort to this (even Ryujin) since Winter's appetite… well, it was just something else. And oh boy Winter was ecstatic! Platters upon platters of food Karina had prepared just for her!? For a moment she thought she had died and gone to heaven.

She spent the next half an hour inhaling the food, much to the horror of everyone else. (Except Ningning and Ryujin. Ningning, in fact, recorded the whole thing which was very, very annoying.)

After swallowing the last sandwich, Winter shuffled closer to Karina on the picnic blanket. Karina was not talking to anyone at the moment, she was busy eating a slice of apple tart. It was time to put the third part of her plan into action!  

"Pst Karina?” Winter swallowed thickly as Karina looked over at her. "Yes, Winter?" she said a moment later, after swallowing the tart. Winter faltered under the intense gaze. Oh wow maybe she should just compliment Karina’s eyes because she really could just get lost in them… Wait no! She couldn’t get distracted, Reddit had already  helped her come up with a foolproof plan. Winter closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could do this!


Yes, she nailed it! That went so well - Oh. Karina looked really confused.

"I-I beg your pardon?!"  Winter's brows furrowed. Oh okay, maybe not so well. She’d just say it slower this time. "I.. Uh..." She glanced at her hand before speaking. Just in case. "Your is like grass and I wanna mow it."

A deep blush worked its way across Karina's cheeks and down her neck. "Winter! Of all the preposterous-" Karina then stood up and stormed off, furiously muttering under her breath.

Winter’s jaw dropped. What - "What did I say wrong?! It’s a Bob’s Burgers reference - my Reddit friend told me you can’t go wrong with them!”

Her shocked morphed into anger when Ryujin burst in laughter. “I can't believe she actually believed me when I said Reddit is the best place for love advice!”

“Ehhh?! You tricked me Ryujin!” and she lunged at Ryujin. She’d teach her a lesson for messing with her plan!

“Oi! Winterrr!”


“Professor Seulgi! you've gotta help me!” Winter wailed, sprinting into Seulgi's office.

“Winter?” Seulgi questioned, looking up from the papers at her desk. “What's wrong? Are you okay?” she fretted, jumping out of her chair and giving Winter a once over. Her breath hitched in alarm when she noticed how disheveled Winter was. The girl had an angry welt on one cheek, and a plaster on the other. “Winter, what -”

“Karina hates me!” Winter cried out, interrupting her. Seulgi blinked.  “Winter I'm sure Karina doesn't hate you, in fact I'm quite sure she l-”

“I told her that her is like grass and I wanna mow it!”

“You what?!” Seulgi choked.

“I told her her is like-”

Seulgi put up her hands to stop Winter. “No, no, I heard you the first time, I was just shocked Winter. Why would you say something like that to Karina?”

“Well.. I.. Uh.. “ Winter glanced at the floor with a red face, wringing her fingers. “Well, I was talking to GeckoLover on Reddit because I needed to find out how to compliment a girl and they said use a Bob’s Burger quote and I was like ‘Oh, that’s a great idea!’ because who doesn’t love Bob’s Burgers and then I said it to Karina but she hated it and now she hates meeee, ” Winter whined.

Oh dear. This really didn’t answer how Winter got hurt, but Seulgi would sort out this… dilemma before asking about it. Not that it was really her place to talk about love… After all she never… Never… No, now was not the time to dwell on the past; she had a student who needed her assistance right now. “Winter,” she sighed, ruffling Winter's hair fondly. A smile grew on her lips when Winter leaned into the touch and sniffled dramatically. “Listening to random people on the Internet is not the right way to tell Karina that you like her.”

Winter looked up at her with teary eyes. “H-How do you do it so, Prof. Seulgi?” Winter cried.

“You tell her something that you believe with all your heart. So, what do you like about Karina?”

Winter’s face lit up with a beaming smile. “Everything! She’s so beautiful and smart and kind, and it’s so cute when she does that little cough when she’s embarrassed - Oh! And -”

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Breezy #1
Chapter 3: Winter is really such a dunce but adorable
aglaonema #2
Chapter 7: Update please :(
rosenneg #3
Chapter 7: This story is so funny. i hope the author will still continue this.
Chapter 7: Wow the last updated was dated on June. Idk if authornim will still continue this but I am here to let you know that this fic made me laugh all night! Winter oh my god don't get me started lmao she's just too funny and I love it.
AlphanumeriC9 #5
Chapter 7: One last step...😅 kajja Winter~ah..
Chapter 7: help i miss innocent minjeong 🥺
Team8nanami_01111 #7
Chapter 7: Oh one more step left? Let's have a little fun and let them be confused, maybe add a little Yuna x winter moment to give Karina courage to finally confess to this dense puppy 😂😂
290 streak #8
Chapter 7: Why winter is this funny 😂 can't help but to side with ning and soobin. Too cute and innocent 😩😂💕
Chapter 7: ohhh. Giselle and Yeji ruined their moment. 😌😌😌
curseurheart #10
Chapter 7: So close yet so far!