Chapter 2

By your side, always

Last day of class…


“Hey bruh… Don’t forget this weekend huh?” Junhyung pat him hard at the back.


“Alright loser… Prepare to lose the game.” Joshua smirked.


“So confident,huh? Don’t cry like a baby if you lose.” Junhyung replied then burst into laughter.


The class was a bit noisy than usual as all of them were excited. That was because that day was the last day of class and a few days before christmas. Joshua could not wait for christmas. His birthday would be 5 days after christmas and a day before year end. He could not wait to spend his birthday and new year with his families. His grandpa and grandma will come from Korea this year. He just cannnot wait.


“Alright class… That’s all for today. Enjoy your holiday. Holiday is holiday. But don’t forget to make your revisions as your final exam would be 2 weeks after the holiday. Alright guys. Happy holiday!” Mr. Luke ended up his class and the students cheered up to each other.


“Hey, let’s head to the new cafe. I would like to try their signature mocha tea.” Junhyung suggested.


“Yeah sure…” Joshua agreed and the both of them headed to the new cafe for the new beverages.





During weekend… 5 days before Christmas


As promised, Joshua headed to Junhyung’s house. He brought honey flavored chips and diet cokes for them to enjoy while playing the game. He also did not forget to bring along his beloved ukulele. His ukulele is his everything. Joshua was busy packing his stuffs when his father came into his room.


“Hey buddy… Looking busy right there…” his father greeted.


“Oh appa… Yeah… I’m heading to Junhyung.” he answered while his hand was busy packing.


“Seems like you won’t have the joy with us.” his father said.


“What are you up to?” Joshua asked.


“Nothing much. I’m going to watch The Ellen Show with your mum. And maybe watch the series of Vampire Diaries.” He replied while munching his favorite bagel.


“Oh no… Not the Vampire Diaries.” Joshua sulked.


“Well yeah… If you finish the game quickly, maybe we could watch the videos together.”


“Promise?” Joshua asked.


“Yeah, promise.” his dad replied with a promise. Few minutes later, Joshua headed to Junhyung’s house.


Joshua and Junhyung have been friends since they were kids. Junhyung’s house was just a stone throw away from his house. His house was at the end of the alley. There was a big tree not far from Junhyung’s house. Junhyung and Joshua used to play at the tree since there was a swing at the tree branch. But then they stopped playing there when they heard that the tree was haunted by a little girl. They stopped playing there just because they believe that the ghost of the girl would haunt them and follow them to their houses. Joshua then chuckled by remembering those memories. Why are they so stupid? Ghosts never existed!


Joshua stopped in front of the door. He reached out his hand for the door knob and twisted the door knob and entered the house.




He felt something hit his head very hard.


“You retard!” Joshua cursed. His hair and clothes were fully covered with flour.


“Who asked you to come in without knocking?” Junhyung said while trying very hard to hold his laughter.


“And since when I need to knock before come in?” he replied.


“Just joking. Take this. That’s for you. Christmas gift.” Junhyung threw him a package and headed upstairs like nothing happened.


“You stupid -” Joshua cursed again and he could hear Junhyung laughed really hard from upstairs. He opened the package and found out there were fancy clothes in there. He find out there were a hoodie along with a long pants. He quickly changed himself to the new clothes and headed upstairs.


“Yo~ Thanks for the gift” Joshua thanked him and sat on the sofa.


“You’re welcome. Anything for me?” he asked while his eyes still on the screen. He was busy with his online game.

“Of course I do.” Joshua replied and took out something from his bag.


“Hope you like it.” he said and smacked the gift onto Junhyung’s face.


“Aww! That’s so sweet!” he scowled at him and unboxing his Christmas gift.


“A nintendo? Cool man! Thanks for the gift.” he hugged Joshua and smile sheepishly.


“Swaggg.. You’re welcome.” he replied. As promised, Joshua joined Junhyung for the game battle and they played for hours. After a few deathly rounds, finally they made out to the highest rank.


“Wow. That’s tough man. I don’t think I can continue further.” Joshua sighed and gave up.


“Yeah yeah. I got it. I will handle this by my own.” Junhyung continued with his game.


Joshua went to sit on the sofa and took out his ukulele. Music is a part of his life. Without music, for him his world will turn to dark. Joshua would spent his spare time with his ukulele. Playing his ukulele would give chills over him. That ukulele was a birthday gift from his parents and the ukulele has become really special in his life. He still remembered when the first time he received that ukulele. He was so happy and he even gave it a name. He named it as “Sarang” and he would say that ukulele was his girlfriend. Cute isn’t he? He already learnt how to play guitar and ukulele since he was a kid. He would play his favorite song over and over every day; without even getting bored. Joshua placed his long fingers on the string of the ukulele. At first he was just humming. But then, he was drifted with the melody and he started to sing along with the melody.




Sunday morning, rain is falling

Steal some covers, share some skin

Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable

You twist to fit the mold that I am in

But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do

And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew


That someday it would lead me back to you

That someday it would lead me back to you

That may be all I need

In darkness, she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me


* * *


The surrounding sound a bit quieter than usual. It felt so comfy. He rubbed his eyes and looked around him. He realized that he was not sleeping on the sofa anymore, instead he was on a bed. Maybe Junhyung placed him on the bed when he was fell asleep. But, the room was not familiar to him. Junhyung’s room was quite small and he had a single bed. But, he was on a queen bed! Joshua startled when he realized there was two girls not far from him; sitting in front of dressing table. Where was he?


“Jessicaa… Can I borrow your hair clips? My hair is getting longer.” one of the girl asked another girl.


“No! You’ll ruin my collections.” the another girl replied.


“Just for awhile. I’ll return back to you later.” the one with a red dress said. Joshua stared at the both of them. How the hell he can be inside that room? And why the both of them did not realize his existence in the room?


“You said the same thing last time. But you ended up lost my beloved hair clips! I won’t allow you to use my hair clips anymore.” the girl with a bigger size of body exclaimed. Joshua kept watching them and he realized the both of them were twins. No one would realize that they were twins because of their physical appearance differences. The girl in the red dress was tall and slim. While the other girl in her pink dress had slightly bigger body figure, tan-skinned but with a bigger nose.


Joshua looked around him. It was a very big bedroom for two girls. The room had one queen bed, a very big wardrobe with lots of fancy clothes and he saw a toy house which at first he thought a pet house, but then he thought, who would placed a pet house in a beautiful room. Then he saw a peek of teddy bear from inside the toy house. Joshua gasped when the girl in red dress approached him and ended up sat at the edge of the bed. Wait. She did not see him????


“I’m bored. There’s nothing fun in this house.” she said.


“It would be fun if we could go out along with mum.” she said again.


“Hey… Maybe we can make some fun with that stupid girl.” the girl in pink dress named Jessica said. And then Joshua saw their face lighten up with a smirk on their face.


“Let’s make a good game.” Jessica said.


Jessica went into the bathroom and came up with a big pail. She scoop some of the soil from the plant next to the bathroom door.


“Hey Clare… Do you still have the glues you bought last time? Could you bring them here?”


“How much do you want?” Clare asked.


“All of them…” she grinned.


“But, these glues are for our class projects next week.” Clare protested.


“Ahhh Come on… We can buy it later. Just pour all of it in here.” Jessica ordered. Clare brought all the glues to Jessica and joined her later. There were about 8 big bottles of white glues. The both of them pour all the glues into the pail of soil. He can saw devil eyes within them. What kind of devil plan are they planning?


“It’s about timing ok Clare… When she lost control, we pull this string at the same time. Got it?” Jessica confirmed and Clare nodded.


“Hold on. I have another brilliant idea.” Clare grinned. And he knew that was not a good sign. Clare went out from the room and brought a vase, a beautiful one.


“What are you gonna do with that vase? You know right that is mum’s favorite.” Jessica said worriedly.


“You will know later. All what I can say, she will be in a big trouble this time.” Clare said with a devil smile. She placed the vase next to the bed, a few steps from the door.


“Ready Jessie?” Jessica nodded and gave her signal. To his surprise, suddenly one of them screamed.




Jessica at the side trying hardly holding her laugh. They both were real evil!




A moment after that, Joshua could hear footsteps from afar.


“What’s wrong Clare? Are you alright?!” Hana said from outside the room. She struggled to open the door but it is locked.


“Get ready Jessie… Open NOW!”


Hana entered the room and something fell on her.


BOP! The pail hit her. She was covered with the dirt and glues made by those twins.


“NOW CLARE!” both of them pulled the strings and to her unlucky, Hana fell to the ground and hit the vase. The vase hit the floor hard and broke into pieces. The twins burst into laughter and cheering for their success to prank Hana. This is not good, really not good. Joshua shook his head. What kind of attitude was that? Are they even human? That was bully!


“You guys are evil!” Joshua realized that he was so angry. But seemed like they did not hear him. What was that? Was that a dream? Or movie? Was he in a movie?


“Oh nooo… You broke mum’s favorite vase. You’re dead this time, Hana.” Both of the twin laughed that Joshua wanted to punch them right on the face. Hana was sobbing quietly. Her dress were covered with dirt.


Joshua watched every single evil thing they did to her. It was painful to watch and there was nothing he can do. It seemed like he was in a dream but why he could sensed the pain, he could sensed the sadness of Hana? Why were they treating her that way?


“It hurts mum. It hurts!” Hana cried in pain.


“Mum? Who is your mum? I am not your mum! In your dream! This is what you deserved for destroying my favorite vase! Take this! You deserve this!” the woman with a wavy hair and big black mole on her upper lip just won’t stop beating her over and over.


“P-please…stop…” she sobbed. The woman dragged her out from the room and Joshua followed them. The next thing he knew they were in the store where the first time Joshua met her. The woman slammed the door and left Hana alone in the store. She struggled to open the door but the door is locked.


“Open the door… Please open the door…” she turned the door knob and it is still locked. There was nothing Hana could do. She cried her heart out, letting her tears stream down her face and Joshua could feel her pain. Pains, loneliness, grudge, anger and regrets. Hana collapsed weakly in front of the door.


“I’m hungry…and cold…” she sobbed. And a few moment after that, she fell asleep. That’s the least she could do.

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