Nothing's Over




Most everyone on your team was already at the fountain waiting after school as you wandered your way over there.
“Gotcha!” Woohyun ran up behind you and jabbed you in the ribs before running off toward the fountain. You flinched and held your sides, glaring at him as he rounded around and laughed before he started to greet people.
You were greeted warmly by Sungjong, who was a little bit too excited that you were on the team. He shocked you, making you yelp and pull you hand away from him.
“Sorry! I’m just so excited. I haven’t gotten to spend this much time with you in  a long time.” Hoya yawned, face showing some irritation. Dongwoo walked up to you and introduced himself. The two of you hadn’t formally met before, but you knew he was in cahoots with Sungyeol and Myungsoo.
“Hi! I’m Sungyeol. It’s nice to meet you,” he said with a grin on his face. “And this is Myungsoo.” He tried to drag Myungsoo up by his hand, but Myungsoo phased through it, taking a step forward.
“We’ve met. Council meetings are a drag unless you have someone to draw with.” Sungyeol looked curiously between you two before frowning.
“Relax,” you said, “I’m not here to steal your man.” Sungyeol stared at you with wide eyes before narrowing them.
“She’s got us figured out. Oh no,” Myungsoo said as sarcastically as he could, shoving at Sungyeol. Sungyeol stumbled and glared at him before getting up and shoving him back. You stared at them apprehensively, until Dongwoo laughed behind you.
“Don’t worry, they’re always like that. So, I’ve heard of you, but I don’t actually know what your powers are...” Sunggyu came jogging up to the group, last and out of breath.
“Sorry I’m late.”
“And here is our mighty team leader!” Woohyun said, starting to clap. Everyone followed except you and Hoya, making Sunggyu smile sheepishly.
“Let’s start with introductions then. Name and power and stuff,” Sunggyu said as everyone arranged themselves into a circle. Sunggyu sidestepped Hoya and took a spot next to you with a smile.
“I’m Sunggyu. I can freeze and blow stuff up.”
“Hoya. You should already know what I do by now.” You rolled your eyes at his introduction. Class A’s powers were well known around the school, all except for yours.
“I’m Dongwoo. Shape shifter extraordinaire.” He pounded his chest and threw up a peace sign.
“Myungsoo. Phaser.”
“I’m Sungyeol! Freerunner!”
“You mean bane of the school’s existence,” Woohyun said beside him, laughing as Sungyeol bowed.
“I’m Woohyun. And I know all of your deepest, darkest secrets.” Woohyun opened his mouth again to say something else, but Sunggyu interrupted him.
“Yeah, yeah, mind reader. Sungjong?”
“I’m Sungjong! Electricity manipulator!” He sent a spark from his finger for emphasis. All eyes were on you when it was your turn to introduce yourself. There were looks of confusion around the group when you said you power.
“I can pulls objects from the words on the page,” you explained. Why did your power have to be so virtually unknown?
“Oh. That’s pretty cool!” Sungyeol said with his eyes wide. “Isn’t that cool, Myungsoo?” He elbowed him in the ribs, making the other boy scowl and punch him back.
“We can start training sessions after school after we get comfortable with each other... Though, we all know that Sunggyu is already comfortable with a certain someone,” Woohyun said, eyeing his arm around your waist.
Sungjong reached over and shocked him again, making Woohyun flinch away and hurry to another side of the circle, only to be shoved back by Dongwoo.
“We’re going to get along just fine,” you said, as you watched Sungjong shock Woohyun so hard his hair stood on end.
“Sungjong! You’re going to freaking electrocute me to death!”
You were sitting on your bed after grabbing a shower and changing into comfortable clothes. The small jewelry case Junho gave you earlier caught your attention from your bag, making you pad over to it and pull it out before settling back on your bed again.
You opened up the box and examined the earrings and the necklace. The chain was white gold, white something. You couldn’t tell, but it was pretty nonetheless. The strawberry pendant was made of glass. You didn’t know if it was hand made or not, but it was really cute nonetheless.
You walked over to the mirror and changed out your necklace. You took off the one Junhyung made for you when you were eight (it was a poorly shaped metal strawberry, but you loved it anyway), and after putting the new one on, you admired it in the mirror.
Suddenly, something came back to you, but it was only a voice.
‘You like strawberries, right? They’re your favorite, aren’t they?’ You blinked a few times as you remembered the echo of your laughter. Who was talking to you?
You were still lost in your thoughts when Sunggyu came back to get you for your morning jog. He stared at you while you were spaced out. His eyebrows furrowed as he started to get worried.
“You’re awfully quiet this morning,” he said, “are you tired?”
“No, I’m starting to get used to getting up this early with you. It makes the day longer and makes me feel like I’m getting stuff done,” you said, turning to him with a smile.
“Then... is something wrong?” Your thoughts wandered back to your memories for a moment before you shook your head.
“I’m fine. Just thinking about some things, that’s all. Not bad things,” you added hastily after seeing the look on Sunggyu’s face. Relief washed over his features.
“You haven’t done anything wrong. If anything, you’ve been absolutely wonderful.” You leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Junhyung eyed the new strawberry pendant you were wearing. You stood there, watching him as he stared at it with a weird look on his face. You were waiting for him to say something about it, to ask you where you got it. But instead, he just grabbed your book bag and headed towards the door without another word.
You blinked after him a few times before jamming your feet into your shoes and hurrying after him.
“What? No question about where I got this necklace? And the matching earrings?” You wore your hair clipped up in the back just so you could show them off.
“No. I know where you got them.”
“They’re not from Sunggyu.”
“I know. I said I know where you got them,” Junhyung snapped at you. You stopped walking for a moment and watched him take a few more steps before stopping and turning to look at you.
“Junhyung, is something wrong?” you asked, worried expression on your face. Junhyung rarely ever got angry with you. And it was rare that you actually got mad at him too. Your anger and his over protectiveness were just how you two showed affection for each other.
“I... No. I just miss the good old days when it was just me and you.” You frowned. Had you been neglecting your friendship with Junhyung? There was Sunggyu and his group of friends, but you still spent time with Junhyung, maybe not as often as you used to before when you were being antisocial but...
“Well. How about after practice today after school, we go and hang out? Just us,” you said, taking a few steps forward until you were next to him. He turned around and started walking towards the school.
“Just us? No Sunggyu?”
“No Sunggyu,” you promised, holding up your pinky. He bit his lip before reaching out to grab yours with his with a smile on his face.
“I’ll see you later.” Junhyung kissed his fingers and pressed them to your forehead again before heading inside. Sunggyu stared after him with a frown on his face as you rolled your eyes and hit him in the shoulder.
“Ow, what?”
“Nothing,” you said before turning back to the group. You missed the look Sunggyu gave Woohyun before flicking his eyes towards you. Woohyun shook his head before a grin appeared on his face.
You heard Woohyun call your name, making you look over to him. He caught your eyes for a second before you looked past him.
“Oh? Looking past me now? Smart girl,” Woohyun said with a laugh. “Unfortunately, all I have to do is look at your eyes now, and I can read you. Power advancement,” he said proudly. People around the circle congratulated him as you sighed.
“Now I can’t look at you at all? Well, that saves me a lot of trouble.” You turned to face Sunggyu with a smirk on his face.
“What? No. Don’t do that. I like it when people look at me. No, stop. Turn. Look at me!” Woohyun yelled, waving his arms like a mad man. Sunggyu laughed and wrapped his arms around you as you buried your face in his chest. Woohyun gave him a look and furrowed his eyebrows as he gestured to you.
Sunggyu raised an eyebrow before turning down to look at you with a smile.
“Oh, I’ll be hanging out with Junhyung today after school,” you said as you turned up to look at him.
“Oh. Okay.”
“I also kinda promised him that it would be just us since I’ve been neglecting him lately.” Sunggyu nodded again. He wasn’t happy, but it’s not like he didn’t trust you or anything. It was Junhyung he didn’t trust, no matter how long he’d been your friend.
“Yeah, sure. That’s fine. I’ve got a lot of training and homework to catch up on anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, it’s fine,” Sunggyu said, kissing you on the forehead right where Junhyung pressed his fingers.
As soon as you went off to class and training, Woohyun caught up with Sunggyu with a concerned look on his face.
“Why did you want me to read her?” he asked as they two of them walked.
“She’s been acting weird lately. Staring off into space and looking like she’s thinking about something unpleasant. She won’t tell me anything,” Sunggyu said with a sigh.
“Well. What I could get was that she’s worried about Junhyung. Apparently, Junhyung’s been acting weird, and she’s afraid that he’s mad at her for neglecting him to spend so much time with you.” Sunggyu sighed. That wasn’t too bad. You’d been spending as much time with him as your could since you two started dating.
“But there was something else... It was kinda weird. Usually, I see flashes of thoughts along with what they’re thinking. But when I read her, there was this blank memory, meaning there weren’t any pictures, just words. She’s been thinking about that a lot lately too since she got a present from her SS.”
“What? She got something from her SS?”
“Yeah. I think his name is Junho or something. She keeps thinking there’s something familiar about him.” Sunggyu blinked a few times.
“What did she get?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow at him.
“You didn’t notice? She was even wearing her hair up so she could show them off. What kind of boyfriend are you?” Woohyun shook his head.
“Seriously. You’re going to have to be more observant or something. Or Junhyung is going to steal her away from you.”
“But she doesn’t like him that way,” Sunggyu said as they stood outside of Woohyun’s class.
“Yeah, that’s true, for now. But he does.” Woohyun shook his finger at Sunggyu before disappearing into the class, leaving Sunggyu with a frown on his face. He turned towards the training room and sighed.
When you were dressed out and heading towards the usual training area, you could hear Junho and Junhyung arguing with each other. Well, it was more like Junhyung doing the arguing, and Junho shushing him before giving him a hurried reply.
“...do you think you’re doing? She’s not ready for this!” you heard Junhyung say as you got closer.
“I believe in her. It’s not like she’s a kid anymore, Junhyung. You can’t protect her like this forever,” Junho said. Junhyung opened his mouth to say something before he noticed you and shut his mouth.
“Hi. Am I missing something?” you asked, looking between them. “Do you two... know each other?”
“No, we’re just acquaintances. Junhyung seems displeased that I gave you a gift,” Junho said, gesturing towards the jewelry you were wearing. You rolled your eyes at Junhyung as he turned to glare at Junho.
“I’ll be going back to training then. Sorry to bother you,” he said through gritted teeth before stalking off.
You stared after Junhyung for a  moment, clearly confused.
“Anyway. Let’s get right down to it then!” Junho said with a cheery smile.
“It’s an obstacle course,” Hoya said as your team sat down in a circle in the corner of the training gym. “There’s a dummy course set up outside as a basic outline of what to expect, but the real survival course is longer and full of traps and ambushes.”
Hoya stood up and dragged over a white board before you pulled a marker out for him from your paper. “Thanks,” he said to you with a grin. Woohyun turned to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“He smiled.”
“I did. Now shut up and listen,” he said before turning back to the white board.
“Myungsoo and Sungyeol will be at the front since they’re basically joined at the hip. You two will scout out for any imminent danger since projectile will pass through you, and it’s pretty much impossible to catch Sungyeol.” Hoya drew a few symbols and arrows.
“Right after them will be Woohyun and Sungjong. Sungjong, how’s that electrical barrier you’ve been working on going?” Hoya asked, pointing the marker at him. Woohyun whined as he rocked back and forth.
“I’m going to get killed by him instead of enemies! Isn’t there a rule against friendly fire?” Woohyun expected the shock when it came, shaking slightly and grinned at Sungjong as he shook it off.
“It’s fine,” Sungjong said, “I’m still trying to include other people without electrocuting them.”
“See? See?”
“You’re expendable, Woohyun,” Hoya said before turning back to the board. Everyone laughed as Woohyun sputtered, giving Hoya a dirty look. You furrowed your eyebrows in thought before turning to Sungjong.
“Why don’t you pass the current through their body and follow their energy channels? If anything, it would give him a power boost, and as long as you don’t crank up the juice, he should be okay?” Sungjong tilted his head in thought before nodding slowly.
“It’s worth a try. I’ll bring it up with my SS tomorrow.”
“Oh. I see. Sunggyu. Your girlfriend is trying to kill me too.”
“Oh well,” Sunggyu said, shrugging his shoulders.
“What? What happened to bros before h-”
“Do you really want to finish that?” you said, turning to Woohyun with deadly intent in your eyes.
“No. No. It’s okay,” he said, turning away from you and bringing his knees up to his chest. Sunggyu laughed before squeezing your waist.
“Anyway,” Hoya said, slightly louder and slightly more annoyed. 
“In the middle, we’ll have these lovebird right here,” he pointed his marker at you and Sunggyu. “You two will watch the middle since both of your powers could be needed at either end. Which leaves me and Dongwoo to watch the rear.” Dongwoo nodded, shifting to a gigantic lion and roaring before switching back.
The other inhabitants of the training room turned to stare at them. Woohyun took the opportunity to look through the room to check out their competition before everyone went back to minding their own business.
“No one’s been listening in on our business. They’re all too busy WTF-ing about their teams,” Woohyun said with some laughter in his voice. Hoya caught everyone’s attention again before wrapping up some battle strategies.
“We can take a look at the course tomorrow since it’s getting late today.” Hoya handed you the marker and you put it back into the page before stuffing it into your bag. Junho was adding more and more words to the page, making it more and more difficult for you to pull a single item out as fast, but you were getting the hang of it slowly.
“Alright guys. We’re trusting each other with our lives out there,” Woohyun said, suddenly serious. Everyone looked around at each other.
“Which means, we’ll have to do team bonding exercises. Team bonding at Hoya’s house this weekend!” Woohyun wobbled unsteadily on his feet as the ground shook beneath him. Hoya glared at him.
“Why would you invite people over to my house without asking me first?”
“Anyone object?”
“Uh... I’m only okay with it if Hoya is,” Sungyeol said. “I know I have a reputation for being uncatchable, but only if the ground isn’t splitting beneath me.”
“Come on Hoya, it’ll be fun!” Dongwoo said as he grabbed Hoya’s shoulders and massaging them slightly. Hoya sighed before massaging his temples.
“Fine. Whatever.”
“I’ll see you in the morning,” you said as Sunggyu stood there at the gates with you.
“Okay. Don’t let him do anything to you!” Sunggyu said as you walked out of the gates. You smiled and waved to him before he ran out and grabbed you for a kiss. You laughed into the kiss as he helped you upright again.
You walked off in sort of a daze as Sunggyu watched you go. Sunggyu felt someone brush by him and saw Junhyung staring him down before running towards you and sweeping you up off of your feet while you screamed at him.
“Junhyung! Put me down, I can walk! My skirt! JUNHYUNG!” Sunggyu sighed as he heard your laughter ring out as you two disappeared around the corner.
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Chapter 23: Wow! It was an unexpected twist in the story.
Here I was hoping she'll somehow end up with Woohyun and yet something came up.
But anyway, I liked it. Great job!
marshimaru #2
im not gonna spoiler anything in case there's a new reader. YOU JUST COMPLETELY RUINED MY MOOD /SOBS
Chapter 23: I want to cry. Why?! They were....that! And just...why?!
Chapter 9: See if Junhyung is making s say lies in their thoughts, then Woohyun can make lies to! Like find something that the members have a grudge about and lie and say he heard that this person did that! Like it's not nice but...it's kinda smart. A team only works when they all work together...
Chapter 23: Biggest mind blown ever.. Oh gosh i will never ever forget this fanfic.
Chapter 23: mind blown. I was not expecting that and oh god I shipped her with woohyun so bad but asdfghjkl he's not real /sobbing
faweezah #7
Chapter 23: But the part where woohyun and her connected were such a bliss too!! Damn that were all made up..
faweezah #8
Chapter 23: Totally mind ed by this story! Great job i was literally thrown over by everything that gappened in the story. Aishh was really shipping her and sunggyu though. But wow just wow! Great job author-nim!!^^
Rosethederp #9
Chapter 23: MIND BLOWN! Oh my god... Amazing...
grrryou #10
this goes right up my list of most favorite fics EVURR. and you, pikagyu-nim, goes right up my list of most favorite fic writers EVURR. :) *throws greasy hearts ala namu at ya*...nope scratch that...*throws the real namu at ya instead*