Nothing's Over




You didn’t wake up for dinner that night. Your mom watched you sleep fondly, wondering why you grew up so fast. You frowned in your sleep and batted at something invisible before muttering something that sounded like, “Stupid Junhyung,” and rolling over.
You mom laughed slightly. Still thinking of Junhyung, even in your sleep. Your mom watched the two of you grow up together, Junhyung enduring your abuse, and you enduring Junhyung’s meddling and over protectiveness. In a way, she thought the two of you were perfect together.
“Mom?” she heard you croak out from your bed as you sat up, rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah, honey?”
“What time is it?”
“One in the morning.” You rubbed at your face and fell over onto the bed, groaning.
“What’re you still doing up?”
“What moms do this late at night. Are you hungry? I can heat up some food for you.” You rolled out of bed, still rubbing at your eyes as you brushed past your mom.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just make a sandwich or something.” You padded downstairs while your mom smiled at you. She turned and headed into her bedroom.
You searched around the fridge for some things to put into a sandwich. You grabbed the peanut butter and strawberry jam before looking for the bread. Suddenly, you remembered your homework and cursed under your breath.
You made the sandwich in a hurry and ran upstairs to grab it before settling down at the kitchen table, phone under your arm. You checked your messages and saw that you had a few from Junhyung.
From: Junhyung Almighty
where r u?
A few minutes later, it was followed by another text.
From: Junhyung Almighty
mom jst told me u went out wit sunggyu again. where r u?
You rolled your eyes as your scrolled to the next text.
From: Junhyung Almighty
y rnt u answering me? he better not be doing smth 2 u.
You checked the time on the texts and noted that they were sent after you fell asleep. You deleted them and threw your phone onto the table before starting on your homework, munching on your sandwich.
By the time you were done, it was three in the morning. You sighed, staring at the glowing screen of your phone. Sunggyu would be by in three hours to get you up for your jog. You decided to save your shower for after the jog.
Yawning, you packed up your things and dragged yourself upstairs and back into bed.
Sunggyu knocked on your door at six in the morning. Your mom answered it with a cup of coffee in her hands and a smile on her face.
“She’s asleep in her room.”
“Did... she get enough sleep?” he asked apprehensively. He didn’t want to wake you up if you were sleep deprived, despite how much he wanted to see you in the mornings.
“Yep. She slept straight through dinner, woke up and had something to eat, then went back to sleep again. You can go wake her up, but watch out, she has a mean left hook.”
Sunggyu gulped before making his way up to your room. He knocked on your door and gently pushed it open to see you fast asleep in your bed.
He couldn’t help but smile as walked over to your bed and sat down beside you, watching your sleeping face. He almost didn’t want to wake you up.
“Hey. Time to get up,” he whispered as he leaned over you. When you didn’t move, he brought his face closer to yours, admiring your pale, smooth skin.
“Hey. Get up.” You groaned in your sleep, turning your body. But when you turned, your lips met with his, making his eyes widen as yours snapped open.
He pulled away abruptly and stood up, staring at his feet and stammering.
“I-I- Your mom sent me in. To wake you up. So. Wake up.” He tugged at your blankets before hurrying out of your room. You squinted after him in confusion before blinking rapidly a few times.
“That’s an interesting way to wake up,” you said to yourself before dragging yourself out of bed again.
Sunggyu didn’t mean to kiss you that morning. It was an accident. He was not prepared for it at all and started to panic as he waited for you outside. It took him ages to work up the courage to kiss you yesterday.
“Oh my god, she probably thinks I’m a ert now, and she going to come out here and hit me, and tell me to get lost.” He was snapped out of his thoughts as you closed the door and walked towards him.
“Ready to go?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do it, and if you never want to see me again, I totally understand!” he said quickly, bowing to you. You raised your eyebrow at him before bending over to look at his face.
“I’m sorry. My brain doesn’t process any language that fast in the morning. And I didn’t mind. Just let me brush my teeth next time, will you?” You started to do some quick stretches as Sunggyu stood up suddenly, looking at you with wide eyes.
“I- What? You’re not mad?”
“But... kissing is what couples do.”
“You don’t wanna be my boyfriend?” you asked him innocently, pushing your glasses up onto your face with a slight smirk.
“Ah, well, yeah, I mean, of course I do, but-”
“Then you can kiss me all you want.” You winked at him and opened the gates.
“Coming?” You were halfway down the sidewalk before Sunggyu snapped out of his daze.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to seeing you awake by the time I get here- Are you wearing makeup?!” Junhyung asked incredulously as you walked by him to go get your book bag.
“Just some eyeliner and a little mascara,” you said as you came back down the stairs.
“Hurry up or we’re going to be late.” You put your shoes on and stood at the door to wait for Junhyung. You rolled your eyes at him as he stood there with his jaw dropped before walking over to him and dragging him to the door.
“I’m not putting your shoes on for you. Hurry up!” You punched him in the arm, snapping him out of it.
“Guys, please don’t say anything about it yet. We haven’t really talked about it, and most of all, Junhyung doesn’t know,” Sunggyu said to his group of friends in the courtyard.
“Oh? I thought you said you weren’t scared of Junhyung,” Dongwoo said, smirk on his face. He laughed and punched Hoya next to him, who rolled his eyes and rubbed his head.
“Junhyung isn’t even that scary. You have a strong power. Just freeze him or something,” Hoya said, shoving Dongwoo away from him.
“He’s bound to find out. I mean, you’ve already kissed her twice-” Cat calls and hoots went up around the circles as Sunggyu buried his face into his hands.
“Just, please! If you care about me at all, with any molecule in your body, don’t say anything,” he said with pleading eyes towards Woohyun. Woohyun pursed his lips and crossed his arms over his chest.
“What’s in it for me?” Sunggyu gave him a look of disbelief.
“I don’t blow up your arm in a fit of rage.”
“Good enough. Oh look! Here they come. HEY!” Woohyun waved you over as Sunggyu glared at him and smacked him in the chest.
“What? Just act natural.” You turned and saw them, waving before smiling and heading over there. Sunggyu could tell you looked a little bit different. He couldn’t tell what it was, but his heart beat a little bit faster until he saw Junhyung looming behind you.
“Hey!” Sungjong said as soon as you made it to the circle. He leaned over and gave you a quick peck on the cheek, just like he used to do when you were younger. Woohyun caught his eyes for a moment before turning to Sunggyu. Sunggyu didn’t look too happy.
Woohyun turned his eyes toward Junhyung, who just raised an eyebrow at Sungjong.
“Haven’t seen you do that in a while,” he said, handing you your book bag.
“Well, last time I did it, you threatened to trap me in a cage. Which is scary when you’re eight,” Sungjong said as he checked for dirt under his nails. Junhyung laughed at the memory and ruffled Sungjong’s hair.
“I’ll see you later,” Junhyung said, looking suspiciously from you to Sunggyu. Woohyun caught his eyes for a second and tried not to burst out laughing with what he read. Junhyung kissed his fingers and pressed them against your forehead before leaving.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Woohyun burst into laughter. He had to squat down and wipe tears away from his eyes. You tilted your head and furrowed your eyes at him as Sunggyu tried to subtly make his way beside you.
“Oh god. I think I’m gonna die, this is so hilarious. Ah.” Woohyun finally stopped laughing and stood back up, dusting off his uniform.
“What’s so funny?” you asked.
“Well. Junhyung thinks you and Sunggyu are having an affair or something. And Sunggyu wants to blow people up that keep touching you. I never thought you were the possessive type,” Woohyun mused.
“Aww, how sweet,” you said turning to Sunggyu. “Morbid, but sweet.”
Sunggyu buried his face in his hands again.
“Woohyun, would it kill you to, I don’t know, not screw me over?”
“I think it would,” Sungjong said, reaching over and shocking Woohyun. He let out a yell and flinched away from Sungjong.
“What was that for?!”
“I don’t want you to mess it up either! Look at them, they’re so cute together! They’re holding pinkies!” The two of you were having a whispered conversation and didn’t notice when their eyes all zoomed in on your hands.
“Hey, Sunggyu. Did you tell her how you thought her sleeping face was absolutely beautiful, and that she looks amazing when she jogs?” Sunggyu sighed as he let his head hang.
“Aww, really? Thanks.” You stood up on your tip toes and planted a small kiss on his lips.
“Hey! I’m the one who told you. Don’t I get some of that?”
“Sungjong,” Sunggyu said tiredly. Sungjong reached over and grabbed onto Woohyun’s arm this time, making him jump and yank his arm away.
“I’d do it myself, but things would get to messy to clean up.”
“You certainly look happy today.” Junho noticed an extra bounce in your step today.
“I’m just in a good mood today. I fell asleep around five yesterday,” you said as you stretched again. Junho did some quick calculations in his head.
“Wow, really? You lasted that long? Hold still for a second.” He reached his hands out and felt around your neck before moving to your temples.
“Holy-” He took a step back and whistled.
“It’s been what? Three days? You energy channel output’s multiplied by at least ten.” You blinked at Junho as he looked at you expectantly.
“Is that... a lot?”
“Yes, that’s a lot,” he said, rolling his eyes. “And not to mention, that’s with them still blocked. You have some sort of mental block that keeps them from working properly. I can only imagine what you were like as a kid.”
“Teams, guys, teams,” Woohyun said as he sat down in front of you. You and Sunggyu were drawing pictures on one of your sheets of paper, completely ignoring him.
“Okay, fine, ignore me. Hoya! Teams!” Hoya waved his finger around half-heartedly.
“When are they assigning teams?”
“Next week.”
“You didn’t sign up right?” Sunggyu asked you quietly as you drew a dinosaur eating his name.
“No. Did you?”
“It’s mandatory participation for Class A.” You sighed and put your pen down.
“There are rumors that Sunggyu is leading a team, and Junhyung is leading a team,” Woohyun said.
“At least you guys aren’t on the same team,” you said, pushing the pen forward.
“I can imagine them arguing over you. I feel sorry for the team members,” Hoya said with a slight smirk.
You started to fall into a routine. You’d wake up in the morning for jogs with Sunggyu, then walk to school with Junhyung. You’d train with Junho most of the morning, then go to class. Spend lunch with Sunggyu and his friends thinking of ways to kill Woohyun.
Then it was back to class until the end of school. Sometimes, Sunggyu would stay over after he walked you home, and you two would work on your homework together until Junhyung stopped by. Then they would stare at each other until Sunggyu started to leave, and you’d protest.
Other days when the homework load was light, you and Sunggyu would go to the park and hang out. He’d borrow your guitar that you hadn’t touched since last summer and sing songs to you that would make you melt. And sometimes the two of you played tag or hide and seek until it got dark, and he carried you home.
The listing of the teams was delayed for a few days, which made many of the students nervous. You were busy trying to figure out how to pull a specific word from a page with more than one thing written on it. Junho said he’d give you a prize if you could figure it out without him telling you.
The students were crowded around the announcement board as one of the Admins pinned separate sheets of paper to the board. As soon as he was done, the students shoved their way in to take a look.
“Looks like they divided up Class A evenly... Sunggyu! There’s your name! Yes! We’re on the same team,” Woohyun said turning to high five his best friend.
“Let’s see... Hoya and Sungjong. Myungsoo and Sungyeol. They’ll definitely come in handy. Dongwoo and...”
“Dongwoo and who?” Sunggyu squinted his eyes so he could read the last name. His heart stopped.
It was you.
“What? But she said she didn’t sign up!” Sunggyu said, double checking the list just to make sure it was really your name. He whipped around and pushed his way through the crowd back to where you were struggling to pull the pen and not the pencil from the paper.
“You didn’t sign up right?” Sunggyu asked as he sat down, eyes wide. He seemed a little bit frantic to you, making you give him a weird look.
“I didn’t. I don’t think they allowed Class C to sign up.” Woohyun stared at you for a moment.
“She’s not lying. She really has no idea.” They two of them frowned at each other.
“No idea about what?” you asked. “What’s going on?”
“YOU!” You heard Junhyung yell at you before he marched towards you.
“What are you thinking? What’s wrong with you? You’re going to get yourself killed!” You stared at him bewildered.
“What? What’s going on?”
“You’re on the teams list for The Games, on Sunggyu’s team,” he said, jabbing his finger at Sunggyu’s chest.
“Don’t blame me for this! I’m not stupid enough to sign her up!” Sunggyu said, jabbing his finger back at Junhyung.
“The funny thing is, next to your name, it says you’re Class A,” Woohyun said slowly. Everyone stared at you before you looked down at your chest to the yellow badge.
“Uh. I’ve been Class C since I was thirteen.” Junhyung took a few deep breaths before whipping around and leaving without another word.
“This has to be a mistake! The Commander demoted me himself!” you practically yelled at the Admin in the office. He searched through the computer for your records and saw that you were indeed demoted to Class C, but-
“There’s a recent change here in the computer, also signed by the Commander. It seems he’s given Class A back to you after hearing of your recent improvement.”
“Hearing of my recent improvement?”
“All the SS are required to report to the Commander after training every day. He specifically searched for an SS to train you.” You blinked a few times. 
Why in the world would he do that?
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Chapter 23: Wow! It was an unexpected twist in the story.
Here I was hoping she'll somehow end up with Woohyun and yet something came up.
But anyway, I liked it. Great job!
marshimaru #2
im not gonna spoiler anything in case there's a new reader. YOU JUST COMPLETELY RUINED MY MOOD /SOBS
Chapter 23: I want to cry. Why?! They were....that! And just...why?!
Chapter 9: See if Junhyung is making s say lies in their thoughts, then Woohyun can make lies to! Like find something that the members have a grudge about and lie and say he heard that this person did that! Like it's not nice but...it's kinda smart. A team only works when they all work together...
Chapter 23: Biggest mind blown ever.. Oh gosh i will never ever forget this fanfic.
Chapter 23: mind blown. I was not expecting that and oh god I shipped her with woohyun so bad but asdfghjkl he's not real /sobbing
faweezah #7
Chapter 23: But the part where woohyun and her connected were such a bliss too!! Damn that were all made up..
faweezah #8
Chapter 23: Totally mind ed by this story! Great job i was literally thrown over by everything that gappened in the story. Aishh was really shipping her and sunggyu though. But wow just wow! Great job author-nim!!^^
Rosethederp #9
Chapter 23: MIND BLOWN! Oh my god... Amazing...
grrryou #10
this goes right up my list of most favorite fics EVURR. and you, pikagyu-nim, goes right up my list of most favorite fic writers EVURR. :) *throws greasy hearts ala namu at ya*...nope scratch that...*throws the real namu at ya instead*