Chapter 3



   As I walked into my first period class, I thought about how wrong I was about missing class last week during my suspension. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was glaring at me. I actually, wished I could be as far away from this place as I could be... I was never this hated before, it felt weird.
   I was getting nervous, what if Jiyoung told everyone to bully me? There’s no way I’d be able to just let it slide... But what about my father? If I did defend myself, I’d most definitely be the one to get into trouble... But there’s no way Jiyoung would be that pathetic... maybe I was just over thinking this? Maybe he was already satisfied knowing I got suspended because of him. Maybe that was enough...?
   Once the teacher turned towards the board, things started to happen. Something was thrown at my head. No, several things were thrown. I turned around, but everyone was looking at the board, acting oblivious, my face was starting to heat up. I turned back around and could here a couple students start giggling. Was this really happening? I was never actually bullied before, so this was a shock to me.
   Someone threw a paper ball at me, it had something written in it, so I opened it,
Trash like you need to learn your place
   I clenched my fist in anger, the only person I could truly be mad at was him. That bastard. I swear, I’d murder him if I could... This was all because of him. My life was in hell because of him. The mere sight of his face made me want to puke in utter disgust. I couldn’t bow down to him. There was just no way I could. I couldn’t lose to someone like him. If I react in any way I’d lose. No matter how hard it’d be I couldn’t react, because if I did, it’d be over. I’d be moving soon anyways... so, if i just endured this bullying crap, I’d be fine right? Right. I am a strong, independent female. I could do this.
Jiyoung POV
   It was finally time for English class and I was first in for once. There was a substitute today, and I couldn’t see Chaerin anywhere. When she finally appeared I almost laughed. She looked a mess. Her hair was all frizzled out and looked out of place. I couldn’t stop smirking... until she looked over at me. She stared with cold, unwavering eyes. As if she weren’t scared. As if she didn’t care. I almost laughed in disgust, it was as if she were fearless. I hated people like her... because they made me feel... powerless. Which made me feel angry. Pissed. I wanted to destroy that confidence in her eyes. I wanted her to feel the pain of being used, betrayed, and heartbroken. Now I smiled a real smile at her. I knew what I would do. I’d make her feel like a complete idiot in front of the whole school. I almost laughed out loud, this would be... entertaining. I kept smiling at her and she then looked a little confused.
   “No way. I refuse.” I said sternly, “There’s no way I’ll do that.”
   “Sorry Chaerin, but your father already agreed to this... Just think, if you do this you’ll be able wipe away that punch off your record... Between you and me, I know how Jiyoung can be... But this is the only way your record will be wiped clean... And who knows, you might even stop getting bullied! Trust me, I’ll help you in any way I can!” Mr. Johnson smiled.
   I tried smiling back, but I just couldn’t. Being Jiyoung’s tutor was just... my WORST nightmare. It really was. But what I really couldn’t understand, was that he initiated this himself. Something was up. I just didn’t know what... Did my father really agree to this? If I really thought about it, how could he refuse... My record would be wiped clean, which meant I’d have a better chance to get into a good college... I guess, for my father, I’d really have to do this... but that didn’t mean I had to like it. I sighed loudly, “I guess I have no choice...”
   “Chaerin!” Mr. Johnson yelled after me as I walked away, I looked back, “Fighting!”
   “Erm... yeah...” I said awkwardly and walked away.
   What would the girls think? I hadn’t really talked to them since that time at my house... Maybe this was a good opportunity to talk to them.
   School was over and I had no idea where to look for them so I just went to where I saw them last time I was at school, which was at the fountain by the cafeteria. I found them there, Minzy giggling at something, Bom reading a magazine, and Dara studying.
   “Chaerin!!” Minzy grinned. Bom and Dara looked up then smiled at me.
   “Hi...” I said, it was almost a whisper.
   “Hey, how was your first day back?” Bom asked.
   “Bullied right?” Dara asked.
   “You guys have no idea! People in class were being so cruel!” Minzy cried.
   “That’s not even the worst part...” I added, they all stared at me with pleading eyes, “...Starting in an hour... I have to start going to Jiyoung’s house... to tutor him for English class... nd I can’t refuse because my father already agreed... Oh, and Jiyoung’s the one that initiated all of this...”
   They were all quiet for what seemed forever.
   “You... are screwed.” Bom stated.
   “Poor Chaerin! You really do have the worst luck!” Minzy pouted.
   “Wait-” Dara interjected... “We can totally use this!”
   “Huh?” I asked, confused.
   “We can totally use this situation for revenge.” Dara’s eyes lit up and so did the other girls’.
   “W-wait... I... I don’t know...”
   “Minzy. She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to...” Bom said, then focused her attention back to her magazine.
   Dara smiled sadly before looking back at her notes for class.
   I finally caved, “What do you want me to do?”
   Suddenly they were all grinning.
- - -
   “No freaking way...” was all I could say when I saw Jiyoung’s house. It took me an hour to get here and it was in the middle of freaking nowhere. Well it was still in the city, but just away from EVERYTHING... It’d probably be creepy if the house weren’t so beautiful. Which, it really was, and it was huge! Way bigger than my apartment, which was pretty big.
   I knocked on the door and waited for about ten minutes before the door was actually opened.
   Someone dressed in maid clothes opened the door, “Hi... I’m here to see Jiyoung... I’m his new tutor.”
   She didn’t say anything, just left the door open and walked away, I assumed that meant I had to follow her so I did, she led to me to a room on the far left, which felt like forever to get to. She then knocked on the door before opening, when I saw what was inside I was disgusted. It was completely empty. There was a bed, a desk, a closet and that was pretty much it. There was SO much space it was crazy.
   “You’re here.” he said as I walked in.
   The lady who led me here quickly left the room and closed the door leaving us alone. My heart started to beat. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was actually a little nervous. We were alone in a room together, in a huge house that was in the middle of nowhere. He could do anything to me... and probably get away with it! I took a deep breath, I needed to calm down. I wouldn’t LET anything happen. I was strong! I could definitely defend myself against- “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come sit.” he asked, he sounded a little annoyed.
   He tried smiling but it just looked evil and idiotic, “So... I think we got off to a bad start don’t you?”
   I just sat there. Something was definitely up. Why was he being so civil towards me now? Didn’t he realize he sounded so forced?
Jiyoung POV
   Why wasn’t she saying anything. It was getting me really annoyed. Very annoyed.
   “Um... We should start our tutor session... Do you have your English textbook... and english translation dictionary?”
   Study? I smiled(as hard as I could), “How bout’ we just- what are you doing?” I said in disgust, forgetting that I was trying  to charm her.
   “Huh? Oh... I thought I should bring a snack... You know... sort of as a fresh start...?”
   “Are you an idiot!? Can’t you seen that everything in this room is WHITE!? Those are cheesy puffs! No matter how you eat those they always end up everywhere! You must be stupid! Seriously. Put that crap back in your bag!” I yelled.
   She glared before obeying me, “Jeez, are you always like this? You’re such a-...”
   “Please do finish.” I said.
   “An . An arrogant jerk who-... Um... We should just start this lesson before... yeah um anyways, we should really have a snack! It helps the brain!” she insisted.
   “Tsk. Did you poison it? What other reason would you have to be offer me food.”
   Her face went a little and I could feel my temper rising, “You did didn’t you... You stupid little b*tch-”
   “Says the guy that doesn’t know english.” she said angrily and looked inside her bag.
   “Yah! Are you crazy! Don’t say crap I don’t know! It just pisses me off! You just-” suddenly I realized my plan was breaking. If I let her get to me I’d surely loose, “Heh,” I tried to smile it off, “Y-you know... y-your k-k-kind of c-c-cute when you speak english...” I smiled.
   “Are you trying to be funny? You look like an idiot. Look, I brought the textbook, I knew you probably wouldn’t have one so...”
   I clenched my fist in anger, an IDIOT? I looked like an IDIOT? Hasn’t she looked in the mirror lately? Her face just SCREAMS idiocy! I breathed out air, hoping my anger would go with it, it didn‘t work, “You’re pretty cocky for someone with a face like yours.”
   “Excuse me? What’s wrong with my face?”
   “Well, for one thing it’s way too plain. I’d pass you by a billion times before looking back. You need makeup ASAP.”
   “Makeup doesn’t make a person beautiful.”
   “It might if someone wasn’t as ugly as you.” I stated truthfully.
   She was quiet for a second and her face was red, her fists were clenched and she looked pissed. Truthfully, I was surprised she was even still here to begin with.
   Suddenly she started moving again. She open her textbook to some random page and started reading it aloud. If I was supposed to be listening she didn’t tell me, she just kept reading and kept reading, making it hard for me to say anything.
   “Done.” she said and shut the book, put it in her bag, and got up, ready to leave.
   “What do you mean done? We haven’t even gone over anything.”
   “I just went over chapter 10, I don’t what you’re having a hard time on and I doubt you’d tell me anything, so I’m not even going to bother. I have to teach  lesson a day, but who’s fault is it that you don’t listen? Not mine. You want to insult me, whatever, do what you want. I’m here to tutor and nothing else. Have a good rest of the day, PS I don’t mean that, I hope you end up having the worst rest of the day, because you know what? You deserve it. You really do. Bye.”
   Speechless... I was literally speechless.
(A/N: Had a really hard time with this chapter, so sorry if it’s not that great:/... I made Jiyoung pretty immature, I know, but he’s in high school, and LOTS of guys in high school are unfortunately immature. its true, i know. LOL. hope you keep reading. I’ll try and get the next chapter out sooner this time and maybe longer, don’t know why but i have a hrd time writing long chapters:o... Bye:D)
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babyda #1
Chapter 7: Bestt storyyy here!..Please make complete. Update soonnnnnnn~~~
Chapter 7: Plz update more
ra21ah #3
Hey!!!!where are you?it's been nearly three months since your last update :c
Please update soon ^^
Zuzu-Chan #4
:o I love it soso much >,< I hope you get over your writing's block soon and continue :D and we are always here to inspire you if you need any help yh ;) Hwaiting~
amama13 #5
Love the story :) good luck overcomin yr writers block. FIGHTING!
queenchaerin #6
Awww i miss ur story! I'm wishing ur writer's block away! Fighting!
Skydragon soooooo :)))
ra21ah #7
That jerk is falling for fiesty chae!
Update soon!It's cuuuuute!
skysyagon #8
ahhh really good ^^ greatjob!!!
I've missed this story
Aaaa,, LC-roo yahh. I love you for made this awesome chapter, hehehe xD
I feel like throwing a big stone to jiyong's head for him to realize and stop denying his feeling. Tsk,, they were complicated -,-