Who's brother is this?

I Love You Even Though You Are Gay!!


alyssa has just gotten through a day of ignoring yoseeob. Just as she was wlaking through the schools field she saw a little boy crying under a tree. She then went up to the little boy not making a sound.

A:um.. Little boy, are you okay?

??: I...I lost my... My hyung...

A: aww come on, lets go look for your hyung..

??: really? You will help me?

A:ne. What is your name?

??: Jeoneun Dae-ho ieyo.

A: jeoneun alyssa ieyo.

The 2 went every where, asking random people if they knew who's little brother he is. They spent about 2 hours looking for dae-ho's older brother untill alyssa gave up. Alyssa then brang dae-ho to a bench located in there school.

A:are you hungry dae-ho?

D-H(dae-ho): yes..

A: okay, you stay here while i go get us some ice cream. What flaveor do you want?

D-H: chocolate please.

A: okay, stay here and dont talk to strangers. I will only be 10 feet away from you so if something bad happens to you just scream, okay?

D-H: okay!

alyssa then came back with the ice creams. She handed  dae-ho's ice cream and then began to eat hers. By the time they were done they both had ice cream on there faces. Once they looked at each other and saw that they had ice cream on there faces they both giggled snd laughed very loudly.

A: dae-ho, lets take a picture of our ice cream faces..

D-H: okay!

alyssa then took multiple pictures of each other.

Once they were done dae-ho looked a little bored so she took dae-ho to the dance studio and plugged in her iphone into her speakers, and put on the song sherlock (clue+note) on.

A: dae-ho, follow me i will teach you how to dance to this song. okay?

D-H: omo! you know how to dance?!

A: ne. But lets keep it our little seceret okay?

D-H: okay! dae-ho then saluted.

alyssa then taught dae-ho the danc but re-arranged the moves a little so that it was easier for dae-ho to learn. But to alyssa's surprise dae-ho caught on very fast and was a very good dancer. Once she was done teaching dae-ho, dae-ho and alyssa went through the dance one more time. By the time they were done there was a bunch of clapping and alyssa then froze when she saw ALL of B2ST and leah + jesz standing behind them. Alyssa then felll to the ground almost about to cry. But she did not cry cause once she fell to the ground dae-ho hugged alyssa.

D-H: thank you! I have found my hyung and i had a bunch of fun!

A: wait.. who is your brother?

D-H: his name is yang yoseob and i am yang dae-ho !

A: y-y-yoseob is your brother?

D-H: yes ma'am!

Y: thank you for finding my brother 


Alyssa then exited the room and when every body looked at yoseob they saw him looking very pissed. After a few seconds yoseob stormed out of the room runnning after alyssa. He was sprinting after her and she must have new that he was following her because she tryed to run faster but she had no avail, yoseob caught her and pinned her against the wall. Just as he pinned her he began to cry.

Y: why do you hate me so much? Do you know that i have fallen in love with you, but yet you still keep hurting me...

A: I...I...I dont mean to hurt you, im just afraid..

Y: afraid of what? Afraid of me loving you..

A: no, im just afraid that i will get hurt..

yoseob then stopped crying and looked alyssa in the eyes.

Y: I promise that I will never hurt you.

A: I...I...I dont know.

Y; please... Just give me a chance...

A: okay, but you only get one chance.

Y: so.... that means yes?!

A: *sigh* yes.

yoseob's face then lightened up and he started dancing and screaming and running around everywhere but just as he was the rest of B2ST,leah,jesz, and dae-ho where watching the whole thing.

KK(kikwang): this is so touching. Kikwang then hugged dongwoon.

DW(dongwoon): get the hell of me man.

KK: no, im lonely. I need someone to hug..

DW: go hug junhyung!

KK: fine!

kikwang then walked up to junhyung and hugged him.

JH(junhyung): what the man!


okay sorry for the y chapter but at least i updated.


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