I Was Almost Caught!!!

I Love You Even Though You Are Gay!!

Alyssa was heading to school in wearing=

she could hear people mumbling,whispering, and talking under their breath, also she could feel people staring at her with disapproving looks so, she took out her headphones,plugged them in her iPhone, and put her music on blast.

Once she reached the school she saw the schools kingkas. She saw the group called B2ST waiting for one of their members,She looked through the group and noticed that yoseob was not there.

A:*thinking* oh,yoseob-oppa is the one they are waiting for.

alyssa was heading to the dance studio in the school but noticed that B2ST was standing right in front of the door to the studio.

Alyssa then took all her courage and walked up to B2ST.

B2ST: hi!

alyssa stayed quiet.

JUNHYUNG: Do. You. Speak. Korean.

alyssa then nodded.

KIKWANG: are you a mute?

alyssa then shook her head.

HYUNSEUNG: why are you not talking?

alyssa was lost in her thought trying to think of a way to tell them to move without talking. She then motioned her hands for them to move to the side.

DOOJOON: are you deaf?

alyssa then shook her head.

DONGWOON: oh my gosh use your words!

kikwang then smacked dongwoon on the back of his head.

DONGWOON: sorry..

alyssa then put up an okay sighn with her hands.

Lucky for alyssa, her best friend leah saw the part where dongwoon yelled at her and so on. Leah then approached the group and helped alyssa out.

L: whats going on here?

alyssa then whispered to leah " help me tell them to move so i can practice my dancing please."

L: can you guys move please.

B2ST: sure...

alyssa then entered the dance room, while leah blocked the door.

JUNHYUNG: was that it?

L: yes.

KIKWANG: does she dancez/


KIKWANG: then why is she in there?

L; she likes to....meditate...in there.

DOOJON: really, can i join her.

L: NO!

DOOJOON: ok then...

music then began to boom from the dance room.

DONGWOON: if she is meditating, why is she playing music?

L:so..she does not be bothered by people.

DONGWOON.: oh...smart.

HYUNSEUNG: why does she not talk?

L: she is not comfortable with talking to people besides me, and her cousin ever since her... accident...

HYUNSEUNG: what happen to her?

L:: whats up with the 20 questions?

DOOJOON: nevermind...

just then yoseob arrived near the group.

YOSEOB: whats going on guys?

B2ST: nothing.

Y:okay then...?

yoseob was about to  enter the dance room when leah stopped him.

L: sorry but my friend is meditating.

Y:it's okay. She wont be a bother.

L: but you will be bothering him.

Y: sorry but i HAVE to practice, its my daily routine.

yoseob was opening the door very slowly, so leah pushed him out of the way and yelled into the room.


 alyssa was confused for a few seconds befor she caught on. She then hurriedly got into a crissed-crossed leg position,made "okay" sighns with her hands, and closed her eyes.

Once she heard the door open, she opened her eyes.

Y:sorry, but is it okay if i practice my dancing?

alyssa then became more shy because she was talking to THE yoseob, the one she had a huge crush on, but he was also the one that was "gay"

alyssa then shook her head,and then she pointed to herself, and then pointed to the door signalling that she was going to leave.

Y: what?

L: she is trying to tell you that she will leave.


alyssa then left the dance room with leah, and once she was far enough she let out a huge sigh.

A: *sigh* thanks for the help.

L: no problem.

A: omg!! that was so awkward.

L: why ?

A: well i'll tell you a seceret.

L: what is it?!?!

A: well you know the yoseob guy?

L: yeah..

A: i kinda have a crush on him.

L: ewww alyssa!! he is gay!

A:i dont care! he is different from other guys or other kingkas.

L: good luck..


sorry for the y chapter!

feel free to follow me on twitter @alyssababeyy (Alyssa D. Santiago)

ALSO feel free to add me as a friend!!


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