To Funny To Handle.

I Love You Even Though You Are Gay!!


Alyssa and Leah was earlie to their class so alyssa took her iPhone out and plugged it into her portable speaker and blasted her music.

Alyssa and Leah was just sitting on there desks when jesz, alyssa's cousin came in the class and started dancing to the music while singing to the song. (p.s the song they were listening to was hands up by 2pm.)  Leah then got off her desk and started dancing and singing with jesz.

A: omo! you guys are so wierd!

J: oh really now!

jesz and leah then went up to alyssa and dragged her off of her desk and made her start dancing and singing with them.

Just then B2ST came into the class to see all the girls smilling and dancing and singing.

Y(yoseob): is'nt that the quiet girl that was meditating in the dance room the other day?

HS(hyunseung): it is ! and is'nt that the other girl who kinda snapped at us for asking questions?

DJ(doojoon): yeah that is!

the boys then began to dance and sing along to the music.

Alyssa and the other girls were having so much fun that they did not notice the guys were there. Until alyssa twirled her body in a circle and saw the boys smilling,dancing, and watching them.

Alyssa stopped dancing, singing,and smilling and just froze. She then walked back very slowly staring at the guys infront of her. She walked back to her desk and then grabbed her bag, leaving her phone,and speakers behind. She quickly ran out of the class room dodging the boys and forgeting about jesz and leah.

Once she was out of the class room leah and jesz stopped what they were doing and saw the boys looking at them with confused faces.

J: haha sorry, but did you see any of that just now?

JH(junhyung): um..yeah sorry to bother you guys.

J: no it's okay.

Leah then bursted into a huge pile of laughter.

DJ: whats so funny?

L; you*laugh* walked into us dancing *laugh* and singing hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B2ST,Jesz,and leah then began to laugh very hard.

Once they got themselfs together yoseob began to talk.

Y: um...i think i'll go take alyssa's phone and speakeers to her.

L:how do you know her name?

Y: i can see it on her speakers.

L:oh... no it's okay we will take it to her. so...we should get going now.

Y: its okay. I wil take it to her. She left running so she should be pretty far by now.

jesz was about to argue back when leah stopped her.

J: actually...

L: it's okay you can bring it to her we are to tried to go running around the school to go find her.


L: you should get going like, now.

Y: okay.

yoseob then grabbed alyssa's phone and speakers and ran out the door.

J: why did you let him take it to alyssa? he might not be able to find her.

L: hello!!! can you not see??!!! Alyssa has a CRUSH on him!

DJ: what!! um.. this is kinda awkward...

L:oh sh** !!! You guys were still here?

B2ST:yes ma'am.

J: oh damn...Wait isnt he gay!?

L: yes but she said she does not care because she has fallen to much for him.

JH: wow! not 1 fan girl of his has ever kept there crushes for him ever since they found out he was gay,

J:can you guys keep this a seceret please?

B2ST: sure!

L: by the way im leah.

J: and im jesz.

B2ST: you should already know who we are...right?

J: yes we do.

L: you guys are the kingkas of the school,

KK(kikwang): bleck!! do not call us that!! we hate that tittle !! Just  because we are really nice,handsome,and smart does not mean we have to be the kingkas of the school!!

J:okay then..*mumbling* weirdos..



DJ: do you guys wanna know a seceret ?


KK:yoseob is not really gay.

J: are you seriouse!!!!

B2ST: yes mama.

J: im not your mama! So dont call me that!!


J: thank you. *smiles*


sorry for the y chapter!

i'll update you what happened with alyssa and yoseob in the next chapter so...stay tuned!!!


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