
Baekhyun One Shots
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Pairing: Baekhyun x fem!Reader

Genre: Parents AU, tooth rotting fluff

Description: "When was the last time we did something together as a family?" you ask Baekhyun and...it backfires.


Scraping your hair up in a bun, you padded into the living room with an idea floating in your consciousness which fortified upon finding your husband sprawled out on the couch, snoring away a beautiful Saturday afternoon while your two year old’s pony plushie had been merrily galloping along his torso. 


This is what your weekends had come to - Baekhyun would snatch every minute he could find to take a nap and your little one would unwind in the company of her inanimate playthings. Family time was simply...non-existent! The three of you were together all the time but not really.


Plopping down on the box arm of the couch with a pointedly loud sigh, you tried to shake him awake, your ringleted doll enthusiastically following suit. Baekhyun fought the two of you off by curling up like a shrimp, shoving his face into the pillow and letting out a muffled groan thus inviting a flurry of giggles from the bright eyed little lady whose marigold sized fists danced on her appa’s arm as she excitedly bounced on the balls of her feeties.


“Ow!” Feigning injury, Baekhyun’s hand flew up to his shoulder to block another blow from the marigold fisted warrior princess. But she was caught unawares when he suddenly scooped her up in his arm and put her down on his chest, playful fingers wiggling along her protruding tummy.


More giggles from both father and daughter.


“Why did you wake me up?” grumbled Baekhyun. The entirety of his attention seized by his own miniature version, he masked the annoyance in his tone by wearing a wide grin on his face.


Poking your husband in the side with a bamboo needle (a failed attempt at knitting), you whined, “You’re sleeping all! the! time! I’m bored!” You lifted her off of Baekhyun’s chest, allowing him to sit up straight and stretch his back, only for her to go flying back into his arms again. 


“Jagiya, sometimes I wonder who the real two-year-old is!” Baekhyun exclaimed, peppering the high tension baby's face with soft kisses. Their levels of energy had always been directly proportional - you never failed to notice how Baekhyun's effervescence fuelled her tempo. She suddenly seemed like a whole ‘nother person - in complete contrast to the tiny angelic girl who'd been quietly playing with her pony just a couple of minutes ago. 


You protested, "When was the last time we did something together as a family?"


He shot you a look in response that said 'That’s rich coming from you!' but his boxy grin made a revival as soon as he set his eyes on the fluff ball in his hands. 


You’d admittedly been a spoilsport when it came to participating in Baekhyun planned “activities” but they were simply “not your jam”.  A couple of weeks ago, the father daughter duo had decided to dress up as murderous clowns after seeing posters of IT Chapter Two around the city! Murderous! Clowns!! So instead of blatantly refusing their invitation to dress up as one yourself, you volunteered to be their photographer and clean up the mess after. 


It was a lesson learnt. 


So the next time they were ready to play Masterchef with the Sous Chef’s tush parked on the Head Chef’s hip and altered-to-fit toques perched atop their peanut shaped heads, you slyly feigned a work emergency and asked

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Chapter 6: Im emotional-🥲
Chapter 5: My weak and innocent heart-😭✨
Chapter 1: EXCUSE ME!? My heart just 🥺🥺
I swear i loved this so much that im crying because im so happy? It doesn’t make sense I KNOW but this is hella cute and-and OMGIJUSTWANNASAYILOVETHISSOMUCH💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺😭😭😢😢✨✨
Chapter 4: Can anyone explain this chapter ?😅

It's a little confusing for me
Chapter 1: This was “aww”-inspiring 😍
Chapter 7: Daddy Baekhyun with a baby!!!
Rb2012 #7
Chapter 7: Sweet♡♡♡♡♡
Rb2012 #8
Chapter 6: So so so cute
Chapter 6: This whole week has been pretty emotional for those of us devestatingly in love with BBH. What a lovely story and what many of us hope for him. Whomever is his chosen person I hope that they bring him much happiness for many, many years.
I'm going to go cuddle my dog now because I don't even have a stand in.
Chapter 6: ㅠㅜ the part that she was mad is literally me
How could them let this puppy serving the country
The country should serve him