Hands Where I Can See Them - Fluff

Baekhyun One Shots
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To be called in for an interview at a prestigious university for your doctorate program, “IS A GOOD THING”, you cried at your reflection in the mirror, not realising what your hands were – cupping. It was something you did inattentively and for some strange reason, it always seemed to calm your nerves.

Baekhyun dashed into the bedroom, frantic with worry, activating his ability to only speak in shrieks, “WHAT’S WRONG?”

“I AM PRACTISING POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS.” The very thought of the interview brought you out in a cold sweat.





A mischievous grin spread across his face as his eyes landed a couple of inches below your neck. He slowly inched closer, putting his arms around your waist. “Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll do well, etcetera. Now let me help. Let me hold them for you”, he whispered in your ear as his hands crawled upwards. Pulling away from him, you broke into a fit of giggles but that did nothing to deter him. You recognized the feral look on his face as he chased you across the length and breadth of the room. Intentionally allowing you to slip out of his grasp until he had you exactly where he wanted you to be. 

You were at Minseok’s house, in Minseok’s bedroom, on Minseok’s bed and Baekhyun lay flat on top of you, tickling until your ribs hurt, his moist lips imprinted on your neck.


The patriarch’s unmistakable thunderous roar reverberated through his pristine palace. In one swift movement, Baekhyun stood before him - chin-up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in. It made you wonder which one of the two was actually the conscripted soldier on a duly authorized vacation. Still flat on your stomach, you buried your face in the soft sheets, playing ostrich.

“Aegiya”, Minseok’s low timbre now a few shades gentle, “I’ll see byuntae and you in the living room in five.”

You let out a weary groan, still playing ostrich.

At the sound of Minseok exiting the room, you dragged yourself out of bed and grabbed your statue of a boyfriend in a bear hug. Resting your face on his back, you sighed, “At ease, soldier.”

“Wha- what what just happened?” Baekhyun stuttered, freeing himse

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Chapter 6: Im emotional-🥲
Chapter 5: My weak and innocent heart-😭✨
Chapter 1: EXCUSE ME!? My heart just 🥺🥺
I swear i loved this so much that im crying because im so happy? It doesn’t make sense I KNOW but this is hella cute and-and OMGIJUSTWANNASAYILOVETHISSOMUCH💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺😭😭😢😢✨✨
Chapter 4: Can anyone explain this chapter ?😅

It's a little confusing for me
Chapter 1: This was “aww”-inspiring 😍
Chapter 7: Daddy Baekhyun with a baby!!!
Rb2012 #7
Chapter 7: Sweet♡♡♡♡♡
Rb2012 #8
Chapter 6: So so so cute
Chapter 6: This whole week has been pretty emotional for those of us devestatingly in love with BBH. What a lovely story and what many of us hope for him. Whomever is his chosen person I hope that they bring him much happiness for many, many years.
I'm going to go cuddle my dog now because I don't even have a stand in.
Chapter 6: ㅠㅜ the part that she was mad is literally me
How could them let this puppy serving the country
The country should serve him