The Daisy Oracle

Baekhyun One Shots
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You always had a hard time keeping up with Byun Baekhyun. 


On a typical Thursday evening, when you, everyone you knew, and their families, zombified by the obstinate demands of the week, trudged towards the promise of an invigorating weekend, Baekhyun looked and acted like one of those puppies in one of those picture perfect 'family is everything' movies. Always eager. Always happy.


That is not to say that the weight of living eluded him. He'd have his moments where everything seemed rather dull and tedious but Baekhyun always bounced back quicker than most. 


In the month leading up to his enlistment, when you'd hoped for your own sake and his, that he'd mellow under the soul crushing burden of an impending temporary separation, his puppy quotient shot through the roof instead. But you didn't have the heart to utter a single word that bore the abominable might to dull his sparkle. 


Instead, you revved up your own. Or at least...tried.


He booped your nose and said to you over dinner one evening, "You don't have to pretend, you know?" causing you to flip the switch on him, "What would you rather have me do? Cry?"


You were mad! 


Mad at the world. Mad at the laws of conscription, most of all. How could they take this...this...stupidly adorable, angelic, happiness shaped man with a divine voice, endearingly droopy eyes, jelly lips, plump cheeks, and the most delectable nose away from you for such an agonizingly long stretch of time?


"It would be nice," he quipped, looking into the distance as if lost in a deep thought, the faintly heavy texture of his tone nudging you out of your rueful reverie.


Head tilted to the side, you blinked at him mouthing a confused, "What?" 


"Hello! Earth to --! I said, If you cried a little...every now and then….it would make me feel - it would make you feel - "


These callous utterances of his would not only exasperate you endlessly but also shove you back into the despairing hurricane of emotions you’d been trying to quash for his sake and yours.


You glowered at him in response and he quietly went back to his soup. 


Blinkering your attention to the sumptuous spread before you, you wondered why you struggled to push something that appetizing down your throat. Everything tasted either a little too bland, or a little too spicy, a little...unusual and not quite right. Which was strange considering the only reason you loved this restaurant was because they hadn’t changed their menu or their recipes in decades. 


You craved the comfort of the known especially on days when the world felt bizarre - inside and out.


“This fillet is too dry,” you whined, washing down your last bite of the salmon with cider.


Brows furrowed, Baekhyun drew his “No ~” out in a question.


“And overly seasoned,” you winced, persistent in your constant complaining while pushing around the food.


“Here, try the Gyeran Mari,” said Baekhyun, lovingly placing two neat rolls of your favourite banchan into your rice bowl.


Eyes locked with his, a smile teasing at the corners of your mouth, you quipped nonchalantly, "You know what? I cannot cry even if I wanted to."


"Really? Why's that?" He inquired with a quirked brow, cheeks puffed with silken tofu. 


Waving your phone at him, you replied, "All these airpod head comments online - "


"Yah yah yah!!!" Breaking into a fit of roaring laughter, he lunged at you and pinned you to the floor. Cupping your face in his hands, he kissed every inch of the exposed skin of your face and neck, making your giggles fizzle into a soft moan the moment his lips met yours. 








"Leave the laundry to me. Go get your things in order for next week," you said to a dumbstruck Baekhyun as he felt the jute laundry basket that you'd picked out together over two years ago, swiftly changing hands from his to yours. 


When you heard neither a word tumble out of his mouth, nor the sound of his feet padding down the hallway, you stopped dead in your tracks, turned around to face him and spluttered a mortified, "What?"


"No, no, it’s nothing," he mumbled, lips forming a toothsome pout.


Resting the laundry basket against your hip, you groused, "Just say it." 


Soft pink lips stretched into a wide, gremlin-like grin, he teased, "If I knew enlistment would make your lazy pick up some of my chores, I would've enlisted a lot earlier!"


You rolled your eyes in response and your heels to rush to the washer dryer.


In a week’s worth pile of unwashed cl

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Chapter 6: Im emotional-🥲
Chapter 5: My weak and innocent heart-😭✨
Chapter 1: EXCUSE ME!? My heart just 🥺🥺
I swear i loved this so much that im crying because im so happy? It doesn’t make sense I KNOW but this is hella cute and-and OMGIJUSTWANNASAYILOVETHISSOMUCH💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺😭😭😢😢✨✨
Chapter 4: Can anyone explain this chapter ?😅

It's a little confusing for me
Chapter 1: This was “aww”-inspiring 😍
Chapter 7: Daddy Baekhyun with a baby!!!
Rb2012 #7
Chapter 7: Sweet♡♡♡♡♡
Rb2012 #8
Chapter 6: So so so cute
Chapter 6: This whole week has been pretty emotional for those of us devestatingly in love with BBH. What a lovely story and what many of us hope for him. Whomever is his chosen person I hope that they bring him much happiness for many, many years.
I'm going to go cuddle my dog now because I don't even have a stand in.
Chapter 6: ㅠㅜ the part that she was mad is literally me
How could them let this puppy serving the country
The country should serve him