
pizza your heart
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Yoohyeon: wanna watch me play fall guys while i ignore a deadline for work?


apple of my eye 🍎 : yooh…


Yoohyeon: ehhhh i’ll get it done before it’s due don’t worry 🤩


apple of my eye 🍎 : only if you promise to cuddle me after


Yoohyeon: i’m a beast at the game AND a good multitasker we can cuddle as i play 😎


Yoohyeon: i’ll even hold your hand 😙


apple of my eye 🍎: omw puppy 😘


Yoohyeon: ARF ARF 🐶



@orangejiuce 🔒 : yoohyeon: i’m a beast at this game


also yoohyeon: *high-pitched screaming as she falls off the course over and over again*


@orangejiuce 🔒 : she is very good at cuddling and holding my hand tho 100/10 🥰


@orangejiuce 🔒 : heh rewarding her with kisses magically makes her better at the game 😚


@orangejiuce 🔒 : yoohyeon sounds so cute when she’s panicking 😭😭😭


@orangejiuce 🔒 : i can’t even see her face but i know she’s pouting about losing 😭😭


@orangejiuce 🔒 : brb gonna kiss her all over while the game loads and she can focus on ✨ me ✨


@orangejiuce 🔒 : yoohyeon is more entertaining than the game itself i really do have the funniest gf ever 🥰





applejiuce: 🥰🥰



@handongie: yoohyeon said she and minji are gonna have a date. the date in question [ PICTURE INSERTED ]


@yubinos: she really got dressed up just to play games….


@pikayooh: @yubinos that’s false i got dressed up for minji >:(


@pikayooh: we’re also going out for dinner later so HA 





pikayooh: is this the third time i’m having malatang this week because minji keeps wanting it? perhaps.


gothgirl: it’s so sick that if minji told you she wanted a star you’d probably find a way to catch one


pikayooh: @gothgirl yea and what about it?


applejiuce: @pikayooh oooooooo i’d like a star yoohyeonnie!!


pikayooh: @applejiuce ⭐️🏃🏻‍♀️💨





how do i catch a star

is catching stars possible

where do falling stars go

next meteor shower

next meteor shower new york

Meteor Shower Calendar

how to get a star




Watching Minji eat just might be one of Yoohyeon’s favorite things.


It’s not that Minji is a pretty eater or anything (well, Minji is pretty doing anything so, she kinda is a pretty eater), but it’s the sight of her smiling at her food, dancing excitedly as she eats, the happy hums that leave her lips that Yoohyeon loves. 


(It’s a simple joy, watching Minji enjoy herself. Mostly because Yoohyeon knows that food makes her happy. And Yoohyeon likes when Minji is happy).


It takes Minji a while for her to notice that Yoohyeon has yet to pick up her chopsticks to eat, her focus too preoccupied with picking out some fish cakes in their pot of soup. It is only when she glances up and finds the tender affection in Yoohyeon’s gaze fanning over her like a warm light does she take note of how Yoohyeon sits comfortably across from her watching her eat with a fond smile on her lips.


Under the glow of yellow lights, Minji’s small smile is slightly bashful when she reaches over to gently squeeze the hand that rests atop their table.


“I promise you can choose what we eat next time.”


Breathing out a laugh, Yoohyeon just loosely tangles their fingers together in a reassuring hold, “I don’t mind eating malatang again if it makes you this happy, babe.”


Minji smiles gratefully but insists, “No really, Yooh! What have you been craving?”


Briefly looking away and humming, Yoohyeon’s attention strays away to their hands, Minji’s fingers absentmindedly playing with hers, turning the ring on her pointer finger.


“Um...I was scrolling on my Instagram feed the other day and I saw ton-”




Within a quick moment, the warm happiness emanating from Minji’s eyes freezes into one of shock, a ghost of panic in how they slightly widen. Slowly turning towards the low voice that called her girlfriend’s name, Yoohyeon finds it difficult to drag her eyes away from Minji, too concerned about the fear simmering in her eyes to look behind her.


“ Appa, eomma ...”


(Between the two of them, Korean usually flows spontaneously, randomly broken up by sparse English words. For no particular reason, they’ll slip into English and back into Korean and it’s refreshing speaking her native language with someone so well-versed and witty, so familiar with her language. Usually, Yoohyeon speaks in Korean with her friends when they’re out and don’t want strangers to understand their conversation, but Yoohyeon finds comfort in sharing this with Minji, finds joy in submerging herself in their culture together in a place so white-washed.


Being with her, talking to her in Korean, feels a little bit like home—her home before she flew across the world to grow up and become her own person a whole continent away.


There’s something so wonderful about finding home in Minji).


Like a metal ruler, Minji’s posture straightens, the serene peace radiating from her shattering to the floor, her shoulders tight.


By her body language alone, Yoohyeon knows that this is the part of her that Minji was reluctant to show—the part of her world that hides away from the sun. 


And if it weren’t for Minji opening up to her a few weeks ago, Yoohyeon would feel completely and hopelessly lost under the critical stare of Minji’s parents.


It’s really hard to focus on whatever movie Minji chose when her fingers are mindlessly tracing circles on her thighs. Looking behind her, Yoohyeon expects to see a playful smirk on her lips, mischievous eyes gazing back at her, but Minji’s eyes stare emptily at her TV screen, lost in thought. 


Normally, Minji likes teasing Yoohyeon and working her up until the only thoughts in her mind are consumed with Minji’s body, her taste and smell, the way she sounds. But, with the lost look in her eyes, Yoohyeon knows that Minji is subconsciously finding comfort in her warmth and touch, her body silently clinging to her for reprieve from her mind.


Reaching over for the remote and pausing the movie, it’s like Minji is in another world because she doesn’t even flinch at the movement. Running a hand down to her girlfriend’s lower thigh, softly squeezing, and quietly speaking so as to not startle her, Yoohyeon watches as Minji’s attention comes back in a shock.




Instinctively, a small smile is fixed on Minji’s lips.


Yoohyeon knows better than to believe in it.


“What’s on your mind, baby?”


Minji’s mouth opens and closes, as if debating with herself and fighting the cowardice pulling at her legs, begging her to keep shut, to keep her skeletons to herself because someone so lovely like Yoohyeon doesn’t deserve to hear about what keeps her up at night.


But, something greater in Minji reassures her differently, holds her hand and urges her to open her heart to the wonderful woman beside her—to reveal herself to someone so kind and caring, so understanding and sweet. No, Yoohyeon deserves to know, to see the skeletons in her closet, to shine her light on the darkest corners of her mind. 


“You don’t have to tell me if you wouldn’t like to; I understand. I can wait.”


Trailing her hand down Yoohyeon’s arm and interlocking her fingers with the one resting on her leg, Minji smiles again—genuinely, softly, tenderly.


“I want to. patient with me? It’s...a lot for me to let go of.”


Yoohyeon grasps the hand in hers steadily, envelopes the back of Minji’s hand in her other hand as if trying to protect Minji from the world from hurting her in how she holds her hand securely between hers. “Always. Whatever you need from me, Ji.”


Yoohyeon sounds so devout, so steadfast and honest, about her willingness to be there. It makes Minji’s heart stutter in her chest, makes her feel so overwhelmed with love—love that isn’t hers, Yoohyeon’s love. 


(Maybe it isn’t love that her heart feels, Minji isn’t sure. But, it’s undeniable that Yoohyeon has become some kind of haven for her to run away to, that she has shown to Minji that she will take care of her heart—that she’ll protect her and keep her safe when she needs it. 


But, Minji’s starting to believe in her heart as it sings love whenever Yoohyeon is close. Or whenever she thinks of Yoohyeon. Which is nearly all the time because everything reminds her of Yoohyeon.


Maybe it isn’t love. Not yet.


But, Minji’s confident that she’s falling in love—so deeply, so reverently). 


With how Yoohyeon is looking at her, her gaze laden with affection and care, the only thing Minji wants to do in that moment is to show Yoohyeon that she feels it too—that she cares for her, trusts her even with the things that scare her. So, she presses a soft and thankful kiss on her lips, feels safe in how Yoohyeon sighs into it and subconsciously leans in closer to her.


Leaning her forehead on Yoohyeon’s, Minji counts the stars in her eyes when her lashes flutter open.  


(Yoohyeon looks at Minji like she’s holding the universe in her hands and it makes her feel strong, makes her feel like the skeletons in her closet are nothing in comparison to the heart and soul making a home out of her body).


“Remember when I told you about my parents arranging a marriage for me?”


Yoohyeon silently nods.


“Turns out my parents were only giving me peace to vet out another guy.”


Yoohyeon’s eyebrows furrow in contention, Minji eases them by softly caressing her thumb over. “I told them I wasn’t interested in him. Or men in general.”


Minji laughs sardonically, “I don’t know why I ever came out to them when I was younger. It’s like they choose to ignore it, like I wasn’t scared out of my ing mind telling them something so important to me.” Sighing deeply, Minji continues, “Regardless, I told them it doesn’t matter who they choose for me because I’ve already chosen someone.”


(Yoohyeon’s heart thumps a little harder at that, feels proud to be the one that Minji chooses).


“And they got ecstatic because they thought it was some successful businessman in my stupid entertainment industry world. As soon as I told them about you, they just…sighed and hung up.” 


(Yoohyeon wishes her heart didn’t ache at that, wishes that she didn’t feel a wave of insecurity wash over her—as if the wave pulled away her accomplishments and success. Because it’s not like she thinks she isn’t good enough for Minji; Minji takes good care of reassuring that whenever Yoohyeon needs it. 


But, she can’t help but want for her girlfriend’s parents to like her—to approve of her). 


A raging headache pounds at Minji’s temple, like the memory of the conversation makes her feel uneasy with disgust. “You are my treasure away from all the bull I have to deal with and it made me so upset that they…”


Minji pauses, overcome with frustration, and heavily exhales. Yoohyeon just comfortingly squeezes the hand in hers, unsure if Minji is open to anything more. Not when she seems to be so deep in her mind and her troubles.


In Minji’s voice, terse irritation saturates it, “I hate that they didn’t give you a chance. That they won’t give me a chance. It’s like...I am only convenient to them when I am their success. And I hate...that I’ve spent so many nights trying to justify how they treat me just so that I don’t feel worthless.”


Minji shakes her head, resentfully, “I hate that I get it. I hate that I get that they’re living their success through me and pinning their own disappointments on me.” With her heart in how she sounds, Minji laments, “I know what I’m worth. I know what I’m capable of. I’m proud of myself: the things I’ve done, the struggles I’ve been through that made me a better and stronger person.”


Like when glass breaks, the formidable walls Minji has splinters into millions of unrecoverable fragments, her vulnerability showing itself so bravely, so heartbreakingly crestfallen, “But it only takes silence for my parents to take it all away. Like I’m nothing. Like I’m only valuable to them when I’m making them proud.”


Minji’s voice cracks, broken and weak, from the burdensome weight bearing down on her heart, “I want to make them proud; I love them, Yooh. I’m alive because of them—they showed me what love feels like first. I...I want to be good enough for them.” 


(Yoohyeon’s heart wrenches in her chest, the helpless plea in Minji’s voice squeezing her torso so tight that breathing becomes difficult. Like every thump of her heart labors, like everything hurts in empathy for the torment haunting Minji’s heart, Yoohyeon wishes she could take it all away, wishes she could make all her pain disappear, wishes that she could shoulder the grief in Minji’s heart just so that she can feel peace, feel free from the oppressive need to make the people undeserving of her happy with her).


Looking so small and powerless, Minji seems to curl further into herself, her shoulders hunched. In her eyes, disappointment and despondency shrouds the light that normally beams from them—like she is ashamed of herself. Minji’s voice is quiet as it surrenders to the incessant nagging of her skeletons begging to be heard, “I want them to listen to me, trust me.” Swallowing heavily like the gulp of air she takes lodges itself in , Minji feels her stomach twisting in horrible knots, “Love me. Put me first. Put my happiness first.”


(The sharp teeth of agony in Minji’s eyes sink painstakingly deep and they recklessly tear through Yoohyeon’s heart. She feels her hopeless desperation, understands all to

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wenrene012 #1
You write SO. DAMN. GOOD. that i want more jiyoo from you 😭😭😭👉👈
Chapter 8: OK THIS IS SOFT
SwoonedbyJess #3
Chapter 8: Read through everything damn my heart goes soft <3
Chapter 8: Omg. Im supposed to sleep. Its 2am where I am but I just binged this thing. Freaking ending with yoohyeon being a snack line was hilarious. Laughed so loud.

Anyway, this was a pleasure to read and one of the best JiYoo fics Ive gone through. I needed some fluff in my life and this was fluffy to the yoohyeon max. (Im incapable of writing fluff for some weird reason lol.) Your characterizations were perfect. I really liked the Sua here. It captures her high energy/aggressive affection so well. And Dami too. Her "meh" attitude but still cares was fun to read. But your yoohyeon is really good. Manic, energetic, social media . The works! Her free spirit mentality really shines here and Im amazed how well you captured that.

And the tweets/instagram posts! Those group chat things were amazing and surprisingly easy to follow for me. Which, again, speaks to how well your characters are fleshed out. Honestly, i could have just read pages and pages of these dorks social media chats with the way you wrote it. It was great. And yes I clicked on every single link you had on there. Haha!

Thanks for the entertaining read. Its been fun for me coming back to the site and exploring ideas for JiYoo stuff. I hope that when its said and done, i can make some half as good as yours! See you around!
Chapter 1: Decided to stop by while doing JiYoo research. Really well done so far! (Only the first chapter) Excited to see where this goes.
Chapter 8: My heart wasn't prepared for this FLUFF! I almost expected angst from when Minji's parents showed up
_DreamChoco #8
Chapter 8: Such a good story. I especially liked how u describes how each character felt in certain situations. Looking forward to reading your other work.
Chapter 8: Gaaaahh they’re the cutest! Uwu
_DreamChoco #10
Chapter 7: this is so cute, can't wait for more!