lapslock minji: unlocked

pizza your heart
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pikayooh: i don’t know how many times bora has volunteered me to be her dance partner for her class. i’m your girl has been in my head for the last week ✨


applejiuce: oooooh! that’s a great song! also, you dance?


pikayooh: @applejiuce heh just a little 🤩


kimbong: @applejiuce she’s really good at it! you should drop by and watch one day 😎


applejiuce: @kimbong i would love to!




@pikayooh: BORA 🔪🔪🔪


@gothgirl: what did my girlfriend do this time? i don’t have the money to replace any monetary losses....


@kimbong: i invited minji to watch us dance someday!


@gothgirl: wow the woman of my dreams is a big-brained genius 🥰🥰




“You’re a er, you know that?”


Scoffing in disbelief where she sits on the floor stretching out her calves, Bora gestures towards her class, “You try saying no to twenty pairs of eyes pouting at you!”


Folding over and bending to reach her toes, a low groan leaves her lips at the stretch, “It’s not my fault you can’t say no but I get pulled in every single time!”


“I can’t help that my kids have taste! And, I can’t help that they like to watch us dance!”


Letting out a little whine, a heavy sigh follows.


(Bora did make a point).


“At this rate, I should be working here.”


Bora smirks and her eyebrows quirk mischievously, “Quit your job. I can put a good word in; the owner likes me.” 


Rolling her eyes, Yoohyeon lightly shoves Bora’s shoulders, “ You’re the owner, you .”


Bora winks and it’s so cheesy it sends shivers down Yoohyeon’s back, “I know!”


Even if Yoohyeon rolls her eyes again, a humored smile tugs at her lips, “Thanks for your offer but I love my job.”


A weepy pout sits on Bora’s lips, her eyes pleading, “What does Rake have that I don’t?”


While Yoohyeon laughs incredulously, Bora doesn’t offer the chance to respond, “I know I’m not some fancy, well-respected, and highly-anticipated music publication, but, what about our friendship?! Doesn’t it mean something to you?! Do I mean something to you?!”


Nearly guffawing at her dramatics now, Yoohyeon allows herself to get pulled into the desperate hug Bora tangles her in. “I willingly agreed to learn I’m Your Girl knowing that I’d use all my off days practicing it just so that you can please your class and I’d still say yes to whatever dance you ask me to do. You know what you mean to me, Bboya!”


Bora clicks her tongue, a confident and knowing smirk on her lips, “Who’s the er now?”


Standing up and offering a helping hand for Bora, Yoohyeon’s glare has the anger of a disgruntled puppy as she helps pull her friend up, “I hate you.”


Just to rub it in even more, Bora pinches the softness of Yoohyeon’s cheek, a coo in her voice, “You love me.”


Sighing heavily, Yoohyeon’s arm slings around Bora’s shoulder as they walk to the front of the class. “Unfortunately.”


Even if Bora playfully pushes Yoohyeon away, the warmth of her fondness glimmers in her eyes. (It’s a look that has gotten Yoohyeon through horrible nights of homesickness and broken hearts). 


And even if dancing isn’t her passion, somehow, Bora makes it feel like it is when she dances with her. Her intensity—the absolute passion she has—radiates, sticks to Yoohyeon like a mold that demands her utmost determination. Bora’s care and respect for her craft beckons the best out of Yoohyeon because disappointing her would be devastating. So, it’s not surprising that their performance is met with a thunderous roar of cheer and a pool of one-paired shoes at their feet.


(If there were mistakes, Bora doesn’t seem to care because she beams back at her class with pride shining in her eyes. To Bora, even if she normally expects perfection of herself, dancing with Yoohyeon isn’t about perfection—it’s about celebrating their relationship.


So, sure, even if Bora noticed minute seconds of asynchronization, it blew by like a gentle breeze. Because Yoohyeon is better than perfection when she works to her best—her determination, her care, and her perseverance shines brighter than any spotless performance).


As the class carries on, Yoohyeon is content to sit comfortably on the couch at the side of the room, fiddling with her phone every now and then. 


During one of the breaks, Jihan bounds over, the same infectious grin on her lips. “Miss Yoohyeon! Guess what!”


Slipping her phone into her pocket, Yoohyeon hums, “Can I get a hint?”


Jihan’s excitement seems to get the best of her when she beams at Yoohyeon, “I auditioned for a music video and they accepted me!”


As if Yoohyeon feels the younger girl’s enthusiasm and happiness too, pride shines in her eyes, “That’s awesome, Jihan! I’m so proud of you!”


Rambling now about her experience, Minji is the last person Yoohyeon expected to hear of. 


“I auditioned at Kim Industries and, oh my God, Miss Kim was even there, she’s the COO if you didn’t know, watching and I was so nervous. And I think she knew because she started smiling and talking to me so nicely. She’s so pretty in person, Miss Yoohyeon!”


Yoohyeon does know that Minji is the COO of her entertainment business. 


She also knows how unbelievably gorgeous Minji is—she has spent many hours of her dates with her just blinking in awe at her breathtaking allure.


Some part of her feels reluctant to divulge the information to Jihan, chooses not to mention Minji’s blissful presence in her life.


Mostly because, as much as Minji shares her affection with her in public, Yoohyeon has noticed that Minji seems to flinch away at any mention of work. 


During one of their lunch meet-ups, Yoohyeon offered to walk Minji back to work. Minji had denied the offer, proposed walking Yoohyeon to her work instead. And Minji is a perceptive person. She immediately noticed when Yoohyeon started fiddling with her fingers in anxiousness. 


“Are you- What’s on your mind?”


Coming out of her bubble, Yoohyeon takes a moment to gather her thoughts, “Work seems to be...a rough topic for you. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to but…”


Minji sighs heavily like she always does when it comes to work, as if she’s tired of carrying the weight that comes with being Kim Minji, COO of Kim Industries.


To reassure Yoohyeon that the sigh wasn’t directed at her, Minji pulls Yoohyeon closer and rests her head on her shoulder as they wait for the pedestrian sign to flash. 


“You shining light away from my work. I like what I do but management is making my life difficult. And the public likes to know everything about me. Which is fine; I don’t have much to hide.”


Minji loops her arm through Yoohyeon’s as they cross the street, pulls her even closer to avoid any passerby’s even if it ends up with her getting the brunt of shoulders rubbing against her. “I the thought of having you to myself. And the thought of my work being anywhere near you makes me feel like my world is going to pull you under.”


Feeling like Minji needs someone to talk to instead of advice or opinions, Yoohyeon chooses to listen to her instead, extends the floor for Minji to speak as she articulates her thoughts in silence.


Minji sighs again but she looks relieved to be sharing this part of her with Yoohyeon, “It’s irrational, I know. And I know I’m letting my anxiety get to me. But, I don’t know, I find so much comfort being with you that I’m not willing to let my personal life blend with my professional life yet.”


It’s not like Yoohyeon doesn’t believe her already, but the sincerity in Minji’s eyes shines and with the fondness that Minji treats her with, Yoohyeon doesn’t feel like a secret to hide away—she feels like a sanctuary, Minji’s safe spot. 


And who is she to ruin it? So, when Minji drops Yoohyeon off at the front of Rake’s building, the kiss she presses against Minji’s cold cheek lingers, her nose grazing across the softness of her cheek when she pulls away. Texting Minji before she settles in at her desk, Yoohyeon’s heart thrums in her chest with silent determination to be whatever Minji wants or needs her t

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wenrene012 #1
You write SO. DAMN. GOOD. that i want more jiyoo from you 😭😭😭👉👈
Chapter 8: OK THIS IS SOFT
SwoonedbyJess #3
Chapter 8: Read through everything damn my heart goes soft <3
Chapter 8: Omg. Im supposed to sleep. Its 2am where I am but I just binged this thing. Freaking ending with yoohyeon being a snack line was hilarious. Laughed so loud.

Anyway, this was a pleasure to read and one of the best JiYoo fics Ive gone through. I needed some fluff in my life and this was fluffy to the yoohyeon max. (Im incapable of writing fluff for some weird reason lol.) Your characterizations were perfect. I really liked the Sua here. It captures her high energy/aggressive affection so well. And Dami too. Her "meh" attitude but still cares was fun to read. But your yoohyeon is really good. Manic, energetic, social media . The works! Her free spirit mentality really shines here and Im amazed how well you captured that.

And the tweets/instagram posts! Those group chat things were amazing and surprisingly easy to follow for me. Which, again, speaks to how well your characters are fleshed out. Honestly, i could have just read pages and pages of these dorks social media chats with the way you wrote it. It was great. And yes I clicked on every single link you had on there. Haha!

Thanks for the entertaining read. Its been fun for me coming back to the site and exploring ideas for JiYoo stuff. I hope that when its said and done, i can make some half as good as yours! See you around!
Chapter 1: Decided to stop by while doing JiYoo research. Really well done so far! (Only the first chapter) Excited to see where this goes.
Chapter 8: My heart wasn't prepared for this FLUFF! I almost expected angst from when Minji's parents showed up
_DreamChoco #8
Chapter 8: Such a good story. I especially liked how u describes how each character felt in certain situations. Looking forward to reading your other work.
Chapter 8: Gaaaahh they’re the cutest! Uwu
_DreamChoco #10
Chapter 7: this is so cute, can't wait for more!