Not A Dream

Crash and Burn
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"Oh." Yoohyeon breathed, eyes locked on the towers of the castle that crested out of the town around it. "Is that where we're going?"

Dumb question, her mind told her immediately - where else would a prince like Eunwoo live? But he didn't laugh at her, instead he simply nodded and cast a smile over her shoulder. "Yes, that's my home."

"Because you're a Prince." Obviously, you already know that, her brain told her, but she had to confirm that once again.

"Yes?" He sounded a little hesitant that time, maybe wondering if she was insane.

"Okay. And where am I?" she asked, trying to calm the voice in her head that was telling her she was nuts. Maybe she was dreaming! Wait. Maybe she literally was dreaming - maybe she had been knocked out and this was all in her head. If so then, "Can you make the horse fly?" she asked before he could answer her first question.

This time he did give her a funny look, his eyes darting to her forehead as if he were unsure if her head injury actually was gone. "Um, no. Horses don't fly."

Yoohyeon nodded sheepishly in return. "Okay. Just checking." But that wasn't proof it wasn't a dream... maybe her mind was too logical to make up something fumb like flying horses. So instead she focused on her outfit, demanding in her mind that it become a pretty dress instead of weird leggings and her bar jersey. She kept that image in her mind for several minutes, her eyes scrunched shut as she tried to make the world as she wanted it to be. If it were a dream, then she was master here... right?

When she opened her eyes again, the leggings and uniform were still there, and they were entered the town about the castle. People in the cobbled streets cast wondering looks, and though she may have been naive enough to think they were looking at the Prince, she could tell the looks were for her. Their eyes lingered on her form, questions practically raising off of their auras, and Yoohyeon turned her face so that she was looking at the Prince's back instead of at their gazes. "I'm sorry," Eunwoo said quietly, though he didn't look back at her and didn't say anything to follow that.

"Um," she began, shifting a bit uncomfortably, "To me?"

"Yes," his response was still quiet, but he did tip his chin onto his shoulder so that he could speak more directly to her. "They're staring, and you're uncomfortable. I wish I had a cloak or something for you."

A tiny smile graced her lips at that thoughtfulness, and she found herself shaking her head. "Thank you, you're sweet. I will be okay though. But I do still want to know where I am, and so much else - I have a lot of questions."

He nodded slowly, his lips pressing together in what she thought was an attempt to stop a smile of his own. "Yes, I am sure you do. As do I. But ladies first, so! Welcome to Kamrasia, my mother's Kingdom. We are an island nation within the continent of Usheau. This is the capital city, Tearmann, and we are going to my mother's palace. My horse's name is Hunter. Did I leave anything out?"

Yoohyeon smiled at that last bit, and thought that Hunter was definitely not a name she would give a horse. So maybe this wasn't a dream... Regardless. "No, I don't think so. Oh wait yes. Your mother is the Queen, so why isn't it called a Queendom?"

Eunwoo turned to look at her, leaning a bit to the side so that he could look directly at her, his eyebrows quirked upward. "My mother is not a Queen, she is a King. This is her Kingdom. A Queen is a secondary ruler, a King is the primary ruler. Therefore she is a King, always has been and always will be. The word King literally means someone who comes from royal blood and who rules, while the word Queen means wife of a King. Well. My mother is married to my father but he is a Prince and she is the King, because he does not come from royal blood while she does."

That was so... weird... but she wasn't about to say so and so just knodded in acceptance. "Okay, understood. Thank you. And I won't call her a Queen and get my head chopped off or something," she added as a joke.

Thankfully he seemed to take it as one and laughed quietly. "I don't think she would do that, anyway," he said, though the word think didn't make Yoohyeon feel confident in that assumption.

Instead of focusing on that, she turned her attention to the city around her. The people were still looking at her curiously as they passed, climbing street by street, but Yoohyeon pushed down the urge to hide her gaze again. She could be curious too! "Are we climbing?" she asked, noticing that they seemed to be going up a slight incline with the way that the shops and buildings they passed seemed to be built with one wall higher up than the other.

Eunwoo nodded and pointed ahead, leaning to the side to ensure that Yoohyeon could see. The road did rise ahead of them, not dramatically but constantly, as they made their way toward the castle at what seemed to be the center of the city. "The city is built around the palace, and the palace sits on the hilltop. Stategically important but also symbolically," he added with a tip of his head.

"Right," she said slowly. She could understand the reasoning - it would make attacking hard if they were constantly pushing uphill. They's why the game King of the Hill

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Chapter 15: Get well soon author.. Wishing you speedy recovery
Chapter 7: She is obvious to what is happening with her
Chapter 6: OMG, she is clueless about what happen to her
Chapter 4: I know colour has meaning attached to it but for dinner, wow that's a lot
Chapter 3: I know everything will be stange to her and what does minji wants with her
Chapter 2: M ooh God, she is going to be confused, hope they can hekp her adjust to the life there
Chapter 1: It is interesting. I'm looking forward to your update. <3