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An iLL Fated Girl

``Im hooooo oooome``..... ! Im dead!!

``Noo na!!``

``AHH! Do ae yur!! What`s going on!?``

``Yu rein ah! ...Is that you!?!``,mum remarks from the far away kitchen 

``Crap!.. ya ya ya Do ae! ..Can you do me a favor!``

``Mwo e-yeo?``

``Here.. take this milk to ummoni and tell her a very kind man dropped it off! I dont want her knowing i came by so late so if she finds out it was the milk man.. she'll think he was late in bringing so!... Aras seo?

``Ye noona``

``Ah this is why your the bestest sister in the world :)`` She smiled as she messed with her hair. ``Bye Do ae ah``

``Ye`` *DAP* *door closes*

"Who was that?"



"Noona tol me to tell you to take this milk to you and tell you the milk man drop it here" "Hmmm ..jin jah?"

"Ye umma i don lie. Im very good girl"

"Theres no milk man coming today tho. That's why i asked her!..Hmm.. how about we take out the very antique and classic kitchen utencils I keep for when the guests come and teach her a few lessons with them.. uh? ^^ "

"Ye umma! Then teach me a lesson after too" Do ae exclaimed as she happily ran off thinking it had something to do with cooking.

 "Ye. ill make sure i teach her a lesson... one that shell never forget! devil"


                                                                                     *That evening closing to dawn*

"Ugh sooooo tired"

"See you tomorrow at work" "You too Gang in"

She could barely feel her limbs. Her back was aching, feet were sore... ahhh.. if only some1 would have given her a massage.

"sssstt...aaaaaaaaah" ...eh!?... "ahhh.. that " ...WA.."i worked my off all day for that woman"

Who was that??Were they talking to me!?? I don't think anyone has worked their off for me before.. im always working mine off for people.. Rein ah thought.

"And  all she did was complain and be ungrateful..... tsk!"

...Its HIM!! She had turned around to see who it is and it was that jerk from the supermarket ....except... he wasn't as jerk-ish as she had rememebered.... *thunk* OH ! "...ha ha ha.. WAAHAHAHAHA!" .... O.O

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FIIINALLY FINISHED PPL!! 'An iLL Fated Girl' JONG MAL SOZ PPL!! but i did finish it!.. naw? hope ya DIG!


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YouDunnoMe #1
Keep it up author!!
SA_StudentMinzy #2
im startin to like ur stories :)
@SHINeeSHAWOL501 EEEEEEEK!! I hope not!.. LMAO! da pic.. I know I know .. Except.. idk if it REAL!.. Cuz.. Iz VERY popular n it dun.. Look fake..?? im guessin u haven't seen it b4?.. but it matched PERFECTLY wit da .. Hmmmmm chapter! ;)
I'll update SOOOOON! .. I'm aimin fo today or Tom!! Since I'm HOOCKED on some fanfics at da moment MMMM dey gettin to me.. Fanfics.. I HATE readin but FANFICS!.. alwas an exception!.. Atleast!.. from here on forth! Cuz I NVR read em b4 n found em dumb BUT!.. That completely changed now!
AnyWAYZ!.. THX HELLA MUCH fo still supportin meh EVEN after da LOOONG. Awaited wait!
The picture~~~~~ HO MAI MY FEELS OUO

She isn't dead right? Tell meeeeee~ /faints
Janigirl #6
Yeeeeaaahh ma rohiiiii babys fanfic :D I love it ma little stalker xDD but keep updating!