Old Incounters

An iLL Fated Girl

..... where... do i live... exactly..?... *lost n confused.. she stops by a near convenience shop*.. annyeong! *bends down and greets... starts looking around..*... OH! *bumps into an old man* mian e yo! i wasnt looking I'm sorry.

*GASP*.. g...ge....g!.. get away from me!

....EH?..!?!? Wait! Did i do someth

get AWAY! *and without looking where he was going, the man trips and falls face down*

OMO!!! *Rein ah shrieks as she runs to pick him up! The man refuses her help and pushes her away*


*the man gets up.. and with out looking at her with his back turned says, " You are an ill fated girl"

W..what?.. *laughs* gwen cha na ahjussi?? (You okay old man?.. in a polite way.. ofcourse)

You carry with you a bad destiny! 1 must.. stay away from you! One must.. not CATCH!.. this bad luck of yours!

..w....why?.. .. what? *and with that!.. the old man turns to the other aisle.. and leaves*

b.. but!... ... what was that?... going through..man peroid?.... maybe..? *she pulls out a pokoro box from 1 of the shelves n pays up at the cash register* kam sa ham ni da!.. dehh *she bows as she leaves out the door.. the night sky starts to take over slowly.. comsuming the brightness.. when she notices!.. a familiar setting....

{flashback: " ha ha ha.. WAAAA HAHAHAHA!" + a fallen chair} * sssst!....... this place... seems rather... familiar.... ?.... have i... been here b4?... n whos laughter was that...?... is it ..also.. somebody i know..?? *takes 1 last look b4 walking away from the scene*

ahhhhh ip pu dahhh! *exclaims while continously turning around n staring at the night scene* AAAHH!! *She yells falling down on her stomach*

..tricked ya! {Flashback}

O.O...*she then becomes furious as she realizes what some girl had just said to her* YAAAAAAAA!!! *as she turns her head around to see! "..O.o!.. eh?... hello!?

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FIIINALLY FINISHED PPL!! 'An iLL Fated Girl' JONG MAL SOZ PPL!! but i did finish it!.. naw? hope ya DIG!


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YouDunnoMe #1
Keep it up author!!
SA_StudentMinzy #2
im startin to like ur stories :)
@SHINeeSHAWOL501 EEEEEEEK!! I hope not!.. LMAO! da pic.. I know I know .. Except.. idk if it REAL!.. Cuz.. Iz VERY popular n it dun.. Look fake..?? im guessin u haven't seen it b4?.. but it matched PERFECTLY wit da .. Hmmmmm chapter! ;)
I'll update SOOOOON! .. I'm aimin fo today or Tom!! Since I'm HOOCKED on some fanfics at da moment MMMM dey gettin to me.. Fanfics.. I HATE readin but FANFICS!.. alwas an exception!.. Atleast!.. from here on forth! Cuz I NVR read em b4 n found em dumb BUT!.. That completely changed now!
AnyWAYZ!.. THX HELLA MUCH fo still supportin meh EVEN after da LOOONG. Awaited wait!
The picture~~~~~ HO MAI MY FEELS OUO

She isn't dead right? Tell meeeeee~ /faints
Janigirl #6
Yeeeeaaahh ma rohiiiii babys fanfic :D I love it ma little stalker xDD but keep updating!