Moving Picnic

Precious Slave


Please note that I have swapped the role of Jaeyeon's father from Lee Hongki to Lee Dongwook because I think the vibe feels more right. (See the chapter "Arranged Marriage") Lee Hongki is a Colonel and task force leader in this and the next chapter while he will have an interesting conversation with Sakura (like when Hongki was a guest in Everyone's Kitchen). I am sorry for changing the details from time to time but this is the process of creative writings. I know I cannot compare, but J. K. Rowling has spent 7 years writing the synopsis of Harry Porter, and she has still revised the first chapter 15 times. Therefore here I really want to show my deepest thanks to you all who are still reading this fic and willing to walk this journey with me.


Autumn is the best season in Tokkiz for an outing when summer is always too hot and winter normally too cold. Sunshine becomes brighter with less humidity but it still gives humans enough warmth to travel in the dry cool breeze. Sceneries of fallen leaves dancing around the golden grain fields and the running rivers all look stunning like masterpieces in the galleries.

The royal expedition team becomes more relaxed as the journey progress. Eunbi sounds like a bird that is just released from its cage and talks so much that Sakura soon learns that this is already the 10th trip since the Princess was 8 years old. For this reason, the expedition itself has developed a sophisticated routine to safeguards the Princess and her guardian. The expert task force is specially trained for the annual tours for both the infante and the monarch, so they basically have grasped all information available, from the geography to astrology, to weather forecast and even animal inhabits around the areas the tours will pass by.

To avoid the horses from overworking, the team let the animals rest every 3 hours. With the embedded timepiece in their mind, the task force can be pretty precise with their schedule. These breaks are also used for time adjustment. The task force will avoid risking the Princess's safety to let her camp out in a less safe place at night. On the other hand, with the task force keeping the time, the Princess and her acquaintances can enjoy these breaks without any worries. Now every time the team stops, Nako and Sakura will spread out a big cloth in no time and serve everyone with nice food and cold brew tea. After participating in the expedition for 6 years, Nako now knows exactly where to get the best spring water for tea. Eunbi and Chaewon drop the etiquette and sit down on the floor with the others. Not only Jaeyeon but also the task force leader Colonel Lee Hongki, and even Nako and Sakura are allowed to sit down and join the picnic. They sit in a circle and play riddle or card games, and chat casually.

Card games are something Sakura grew up with. Workers and slaves used to play that a lot during their rest time, but they played that mainly to gamble, there were lots of swearing words and dirty jokes flying around that made her feeling intimidating, some might even bully her when they lost money. However, what Sakura is experiencing now is totally the opposite. Not only the Princess and the Lady and the Lord but even the Colonel and the maid play the game gracefully. When they win the game, they will pour tea for everyone, and when they lose a game, they will sing a song, perform some magic, or do some sparring.

"Saku, do you enjoy the moving picnic?" Jaeyeon who sits across Sakura, asks.

Sakura quickly swallows the cake in and nods, "Yes, my Lord. It's a very luxurious tour."

"Saku-chan, call him hyeong!" Eunbi breaks out a laugh, "wait until you see the King's tour. Comparatively, we are just a special mission squad."

Chaewon frowns a bit, "Eunbi, Saku is too young to judge when he should or should not be formal. You let Jaeyeon and Saku decide if they should cut the formality, alright?"

Eunbi pouts and looks at Jaeyeon.

"Oh, Saku-chan sounds nice!" Jaeyeon smiles and looks at Sakura, "how do you like this name?"

"Yuri seonsaengnim called me as such, my Lo...hyeong," Sakura says gingerly.

Eunbi giggles and claps.

Chaewon rolls her eyes.

"Yuri seonsaengnim likes Saku a lot, she even promised to personally tutor him," Eunbi leans to Chaewon's side and tries to act cute to the senior mage to make up for her mischief.

"About what?" Jaeyeon asks.

"Arukas," Eunbi says. "I guess Saku-chan may have an Arukas origin – I just guess. And seonsaengnim is the last Arukas noble who has survived. She used to be closely related to the Arukas Royal family before they fled the country and disappeared."

"Did Yuri tell you about this?" Chaewon asks.

"No, I read it from the library." Eunbi says, "Seonsaengnim prefers to keep a low profile, and it can be quite embarrassing to discuss this issue with me because of the part Tokkiz has played in the war."

"But the King has done his best." Jaeyeon tries to assure Eunbi.

"It's a shame that even with the help of the greatest mage of the time, we still couldn't save Arukas." Chaewon sighs.

Jaeyeon shakes his head. "My father once told me that even though Tokkiz is not a small country per se, we have no chance of winning if we are at war with Cistumon. He said no word on earth can describe how sinister the CCP is."

Nako whispers next to Sakura's ear, "the Cistumonion Crown Prince."

Jaeyeon looks at Sakura, "my father was the Tokkizan ambassador to Cistumon."

Sakura nods.

Chaewon adds, "CCP is an evil sorcerer who uses black magic, but what's more terrifying is the mysterious power behind him. It is totally unknown to the Continent or even the Planet. The source of his power might have come from another Dimension."

"Dimension?" Sakura is intrigued. The Lady's tone and expression when saying the word ring a bell in her mind.

"Saku, you are really a curious baby, aren't you?" Chaewon says jokingly but Sakura immediately flinches.


"Unnie," Eunbi quickly intervenes, "don't you think it is a good chance for him to learn cosmology?"

Chaewon grins tiredly, "Maybe. You have no idea how his brain works like a black hole that in any knowledge and nothing can escape."

Sakura lowers her head in embarrassment.

But Chaewon looks and Sakura and continues. "You know, I am not from this Earth."

Sakura widens her eyes.

Chaewon chuckles. "Many people still have the perception that there is only one Earth in the universe, and that is the one we are living on. But as a matter of fact, many Earths co-exist at the same time in the same universe and some are even overlapping in the same space or time – that's why sometimes we will see ghosts. These Earths may have different names or codes, but all are essentially the same, just the pace and direction of development are different. This is what some people call a 'parallel universe'. For example, in some rare cases, individuals would wake up one morning and found that although everything around them looks the same, all the details and relationships or even their own identities have changed – for some mysterious reasons, they have crossed the threshold between the dimensions and became another person on another Earth."

Sakura's eyes sparkle. "So my Lady, did you cross the threshold and come to our Earth when you waked up one day?"

"No." Chaewon shakes her head. "My story is very simple. Great Yoonjung brought me here when I was barely older than you, Saku."

" does it mean mages really can fly?" Sakura feels very excited.

"What do you mean?" Chaewon raises an eyebrow.

Sakura turns her head to Jaeyeon and Jaeyeon gives her a gesture of encouragement.

"Mama used to tell me stories about mages, she said they are skywalkers, means they can fly like angles. But..." Sakura turns her head to Jaeyeon and then back to Chaewon again with an intense puppy look, "but if mages can fly...then why..."

Chaewon instantly gets Sakura's question and laughs delightfully. She turns to Eunbi and Eunbi also seems to get the point after a few seconds.

"Saku, this is a very complicated question," Chaewon says. "First you have to understand what is the nature of a mage and what does it mean by magic in this world. And you also have to understand what is skywalkers."

As expected, Sakura immediately attempts to ask the questions but was stopped by Jaeyeon.

"Saku-chan, we will have plenty of time when the noonas are having lessons. I can take you around the town near the castle and you can find out the answer by yourself."

Sakura nods obediently. Nako quickly signals her to start to pack.


The team becomes less talkative as the trip proceeds. It is only natural that the body gets tried easily before it can adjust to a new routine. The good news is, the team arrived at the intended destination a bit earlier when the sun is still setting, so they can more time for rest. Hongki orders the task force to prepare for camping when they hear the sound of a horse approaching. Everyone got anxiously cautious instantly. Chaewon quickly takes Eunbi by the arm and hide at the side of the prairie schooner. All adult males immediately spread out in a formation and prepare their weapons. Nako also pulls Sakura for shelter.

The rider looks a bit familiar, but since he is backing the sun, no one can see his face clearly. Cannot afford any mistake, Hongki mounts his crossbow and yells, "stop or we will shoot!"

The rider immediately put the running horse to a halt and yell back, "Kang Kwangbae, Third Knight of the Royal Guard Team, Sir!"

Everybody leads out a sigh of relief. Jaeyeon mouths a curse word and jumps on Mandu's and gallops towards the intruder.

"Dude, why are you here? Did you find the woman?" Jaeyeon yells in a suppressed voice when he sees Kwangbae.

"I've found something useful, Sir." Kwangbae draws a file of paper out from his bag and hands it to Jaeyeon. "But I am very confused. I went to the General Registry to check Sa Kura. I found that Sa Kura does exist, and she is officially a girl. I think I am investigating the horse whisperer boy, right? Or is he is indeed the slave girl who was sold together with the horse, and her real name is Sa Kura? The document has remarked that Sa Kura's mother registered her at the Aru-To border when she was 5 years old. Her mother's name was Jung Yerin. She came from a nearby Southern county. I haven't met her family yet but from the information I got, she was the youngest daughter of a rich family.

Jaeyeon is stunned by Kwangbae's observation, but he is not prepared to respond to his question. "Will there be a chance that Yena is the older sister, a step-sister, or an illegitimate child?"

"Possible. I will visit the Jung family to find out."

"Good job." Jaeyeon smirks, "and I am sure you don't come all the way to report this to me."

A grin splits Kwangbae's face into two halves, "nothing can escape your eyes."

Jaeyeon laughs and smacks the papers on Kwangbae's arm. "Go ahead and meet your sweetheart, but don't you dare to spill one word."

Kwangbae apologizes to Hongki and his team once he gets off at the campsite, he then walks straight to greet the Princess. When he passed by Saku who is tending the horses, he pays extra attention to detect any trace of evidence of him as a girl. Saku remembers him and bows to him politely.

"Kang Kwangbae apologize to have disturbed Your Highness," Kwangbae bows deeply and then turn to Chaewon, "and also my Lady."

"Now we are not in the Palace and you can be more relaxed." Chaewon nods lightly.

"Yes, thank you." Kwangbae says and hands Chaewon a filled leather bag, "noona, this is the best wine from the South."

"Kwangbae oppa, you scared us all." The three of them turn their heads to the voice and see Nako climbing out of the wagon with a basket that looks heavy. Kwangbae quickly excuses himself and runs to the petite girl.

"Hey, tiny bean, Let me." Kwangbae takes the basket from Nako's hands and helps her out of the wagon. Nako turns her head and found that both Eunbi and Chaewon are looking at them with a suppressed smile.

"Don't call me that!" Nako whispers loudly in embarrassment.

Chaewon chuckles and pulls Eunbi away.

"I am just..." Kwangbae tries to explain but found a lump in his throat. He clears his throat and regains his composure, "I have an assignment in the nearby county, so...I deliberately come to see you."

Nako laughs, "you are contradicting yourself, oppa."

Kwangbae startles a bit. Nako can always catch his silly mistakes and she looks so adorable when doing that.

"I...I' working in the nearby county, but...but...but I also come all the way to see you. There's no contradiction..." Kwangbae blushes and stammers.

Nako rolls her eyes but can't stop her grin, "what are you going to do here?"

"Um...maybe go hunt some rabbits?"

"Good idea!" Nako exclaims and turns back to the wagon, "come help me take the dogs."

"Yes, ma'am," Kwangbae immediately helps Nako to unlock the dog cages.

When Kwangbae is ready to go, Nako suddenly gets worried. "Oppa?"

"Yes, tiny bean?"

"Don't go too far, come back before it gets dark. And be careful."

Kwangbae stops, "why? I am not going alone, the expert team knows this place well."

Nako presses her lips and shakes her head, "nothing special."

One side of Kwangbae's lips curls up, "are you worried about me?"

"NO!" Nako squeals and hits Kwangbae on the arm, "get going, now!"


With the help of Jaeyeon and Kwangbae, the task force hunted half a dozen rabbits and collected a bit more than enough woods. Now they can set up more pits of campfires around the campsite and smoke to preserve some rabbit meat so they will have more food tomorrow when they cross the forest. They then sprinkle some magic powder to make sure animals do not want to enter the area during their stay.

The weather becomes chilly after sunset. The group, together with Jaeyeon's 2 dogs, sits around one of the campfires, roasting rabbits while drinking and chatting.

Sakura looks puzzled when she sees the Princess doesn't touch the rabbit meat at all. She looks content with her simple dinner of dry meat in vegetable soup.

"Saku, do you want to ask something?" Eunbi smiles.

"Noo...noona, you don't eat rabbit meat?"

"No, I don't. Rabbits are the symbol of the Tokkiz Kingdom, thus, the future Queen should not eat rabbits." Eunbi chuckles, "but I am glad to watch all of you eat. We don't always have a chance like this."

Sakura nods.

Nako decided to add some more information, "when the Princess is on tour, she will only eat the food that is prepared under Chaewon unnie's strict supervision."

Eunbi nods, "that is the safety measure taken after one disastrous tour when I was young. I didn't listen to unnie and ate some wild strawberries; then I got sick – it was a very painful experience. From then on, I never dare to ignore unnie's instruction, and that also became the reason I choose to study medicine so I can as least save myself."

Chaewon looks at Eunbi quietly and suddenly speaks, "you are the only person I have ever met who has such great self-control, except, of course, when you want to rescue unwanted animals."

Eunbi returns the look in disbelief.

Chaewon then turns to the others, "I mean what I said. Eunbi possesses all the necessary qualities of an ideal mage, as well as a great monarch. She is the cleverest and the most well behaved young person I have ever known. And she has a heart of gold."

Eunbi is taken by surprise by Chaewon's words of appreciation, "t...that's only because of unnie's mentoring."

Chaewon shakes her head.

"Why? What happened?" Eunbi feels uncomfortable with Chaewon's lenient. "Did I do anything wrong or you know something that I don't?"

Everyone got silent. Only the sound of woods cracking in the fire can be heard.

Chaewon leads out a long sigh before her face blooms into a smile, "so, it has been 12 years. Eunbi, you are growing up so fast, I think it should be the time for me to let go."

"What? Why so sudden, unnie?" Eunbi can't help feeling flustered.

Chaewon chuckles, "maybe the wine? Kwangbae, what have you done to the wine?"

Kwangbae shakes his head and waves his hands vigorously.

"Well, I think now is the best time to announce this." Chaewon changes back to her serious self, "you will probably hear this soon: His Majesty has decided that Eunbi and Jaeyeon will engage before his winter tour and the wedding will probably be held next year. Late spring or early summer."

Before anyone can respond, Chaewon turns to Kwangbae and Nako and throws a second bomb, "tell me. When are the two of you going to get married?"

"We..." Kwangbae utters a word and Nako quickly jumps up and covers his mouth with her hands.

"What is your plan, unnie?" Nako asks.

Chaewon just looks at Nako, and Nako suddenly nods, "I got it."

All the men stare at Nako, but Nako is not prepared to spill one word.

"You can tell Kwangbae later." Chaewon nods with approval.

Everyone then stands up, raises their cup of wine to congratulate the young pairs. Sakura immediately stands up, but when the adults are hugging and shaking hands, the child has no idea what she should do.

"Hey, Saku boy, do you have a second opinion on the marriages?" Hongki notices Saku's silence and decided to .

"Sir?" Saku looks surprised, "no. Why?"

"You look sullen." Hongki puts his arm around the boy's shoulder. "Is Nako your secret crush?"

Saku doesn't know what Hongki is trying to say so he shakes his head vigorously.

Hongki laughs, "or you are a secret admirer of the Princess?"

Saku widens his eyes widen in fear.


"Hongki," Eunbi overhears the conversation and quickly raises her voice, "leave him alone, he is just a child."

"Yes, yes Your Highness!" Hongki quickly apologizes and pats Saku's head to hide his embarrassment. "So my boy, go say 'congratulations', to the hyeongs and noonas?"

"Congratulations..." The boy walks ahead and says softly to the older. Eunbi can catch a glimpse of sadness in the corner of his eyes.



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Thank you for waiting until the end. This story is approaching its end and will be updated soon.


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jupiterupsky #1
Chapter 33: for me Im a new kkubi shipper for only four months.Thanks for your great works as Im now really attracted by the doubtless chemistry between the two girls.Im so happy to have the chance to being fed by new kkubi works(there's nothing newly updated in chinese fanfic websites.Sooo sad)
Chapter 33: As sad as it is that this story has come to an end, the open ending makes me relieved that Saku's journey is still ongoing.

I said a few months back that as a shipper I'd like them to end up together. But story-wise the ending is just perfect. Throughout their lifetimes they cross paths but don't end up together in a romantic sense. But sometimes there is something much more than being lovers and that is being each other's pillars, as what they have done in the blood pact. It further emphasizes the responsibility they carry and the sacrifices they must give to fulfill their life's purpose. It's still fine since they're still "together." Though now only in heart and thought since Saku's gone to the Northern Prairie.

And I agree regarding your sentiments on the kkubi ship and writing fanfics for them. I also have a lot of stories in store for them but somehow I don't know where to take the motivation to write them. I miss the feeling of writing about them but there's also this feeling that it's fine to let it be and leave it only as a memory. Oh, and should you decide to write a sequel featuring Le Sserafim members, I'm here waiting to read about it. Thank you for the update Gumgum-nim, great job as always! ^_^
Chapter 32: Oh my god, you're back. Sorry for being late 😅 but holy , I'm so glad and happy about this update.
Chapter 12: OMG WOW
yeonier #5
Chapter 32: You're back! Thank you for writing this!

Is Chaewon gonna be the first to know about Eunbi's feeling for Saku? Or is it gonna be Jjaeyeon? It is quite interesting how Eunbi felt jealous at Anna tho 😂

I hope Jjaeyeon doesn't change into violent tho, I feel like this is gonna be the first to many

Will be waiting for the updates!!
Chapter 32: Gumgum-nim! You're finally back! 😭💕

Damn... the prince and princess... Jjaeyeon might discover Eunbi's growing feelings for Saku... and might confront him about it. If that happens I hope Jjaeyeon won't feel strong animosity against Saku. But seeing how Jjaeyeon is becoming... he's gotten quite unpredictable now.

Eunbi and Saku ahhhh. As a shipper I want them to end up together but considering all that happened in the previous chapters and this one as well... Oh and Saku saying Anna has Eunbi's scent. Kinda like a foreshadowing of what will happen later that night. It could be that Saku's conversation with Jjaeyeon triggered the potion to lose effect.

Anyways, looking forward to Le Sserafim's appearance in the sequel. Thank you for the update authornim! ^_^
Chapter 31: I know it's been a while, but take all the time you need till you're ready, author-nim. Wishing you a great holiday season!
Chapter 31: I've been lurking for a while now, and I'm truly sad yet at the same time hopeful for this story's conclusion. I read this in the middle of my high school years and now I'm graduating soon.

Been a blast! I look forward to whatever project you do next, author-nim.
Chapter 31: Awwww we're near the end 🤧 I really enjoy reading this fic but i wonder about Jaeyeon's pov. Surely he must have felt that something weird happened since Eunbi barely shows him any affection
reigngrey #10
Chapter 31: I am a bit sad that it will end soon but i am looking forward the conclusion of this story