confession turning into a confession?

Love Is SOOOOO Unpredictable

Normal pov. (following day) 


The next day at school cho-hee had no choice but to bring changmin with her, and her bags. Once nichkhun saw cho-hee and changmin and her bags, he quickly ran to help her carry some objects so she wouldnt drop her objects

N: yah, why do you have so many things with you? and a kid? are you a mom or something?

CH: yah!!! i am only so young and you think i have a kid! are you crazy?! do you want to die? she then hit his arm slightly. 

after a few minutes of yelling about how innocent she was and that she would not have a kid at her age because she knows better, she slowly and calmly explained her situation of the project and changmin. 

CM: who are you and what business do you have with my yeobo?! he glared at nichkhun as if he was about to bite him.

N: i am her friend! chingu! chingu! nichkhun imnida ! please dont hurt me..

CM: good. you better be, but get this through your head nitromun, she is my yeobo and if you do anything to her, i will get you! 

N: my name is nichkhun changmin sir. and im very nice to your sister, i promise not to do anything hectic.

nichkhun then turned to cho-hee with pleading eyes for help, while cho-hee acted as if she was busy looking for an object that she lost while laughing her head off. 

CH: arasso, arasso, i am your yeobo, now leave my chingu alone before i tell are your fan girls that you still wear spider-man undies! she warned changmin with a serious face

N: yah!!! how did you know i still wear spider man underwear? do you stalk me? its not funny, they are very comfortable and its only a design, i mean its spiderman, lots of people like him. he is very famous right?

CH: omo!! i was talking to changmin but its nice to know that you wear them also ahahhahahahahahahhahahahhaha 

for about 5 minutes of laughing, teasing and complaining the bell then rung to notify that class has begun. cho-hee, nichkhun, and changmin all entered the class while cho-hee went and explained to the teacher why changmin is with her and surprisingly the teacher did not mind due to the fact that she thought changmin was adorible to the maximum. 

After class was over, it was recess and changmin was excited, all he would do was cling to cho-hee's leg, while so many girls in the school would fond over how adorible and cute he was. until junhyung came around, then all eyes were on him, he approached cho-hee and changmin smiling.

JH: good job! we got an A on the project, nice work partner

CH: are you okay junhyung? did you take any meds ? you seem... not mean to me. is this really you? where is the real junhyung?! what have you done to him?! she said pulling and pinching him to see if he was real.

JH: yah!! that hurts!! and yes its really me! aish.. he said rubbing his throbbing in pain skin. 

changmin then winked at junhyung and gave him a sly and mysterious looking smile. 

CM: cho-hee, i want to play with nichkhun hyung! 

CH: okay okay, just dont get lost! 

changmin hugged cho-hee tightly and then ran off chasing after nichkhun and screaming while nichkhun ran away screaming for his life. 

JH: yah! why do you like nichkhun so much? what does he have thats so like-able?

CH: well he is actually nice, friendly, and kind. he is very soft, and full of sincereity. taecyeon is lucky that nichkhun actually has a crush on him.. she then sighed not noticing what she had said while junhyung tried his very best to keep a straight face, but on the inside he was doing back flips and screaming his lungs out.

JH: well... i need to tell you something, its very important and i thought it would be best if you got to know it. 

cho-hee stared at him confused but nodded her head allowing him to tell her whatever he wanted to say. 

Junhyungs POV

yes!!! omg i knew he was gay!! it was so obvious!!! shes mine! all mine! i have her to myself and she doesnt like him! woooohoooooo, okay now is the time, im gonna confess. im gonna do it. but what if she doesnt like me ? what if i tell her and she laughs in my face and then walks away and tell the world. this will ruin my reputation, but then again i am leaving soon. it wont matter, i'll just tell her and leave. but what if she likes me back? it will hurt her and then i will hurt her feelings. but i love her, but i dont want to be embaressed. but she makes me happy, but then she might not feel the same way. why is this so hard?! im just gonna do it. im just gonna do it, okay 1...2...3.. NOW! i cant. i cant. im gonna die. this is killing me.

End of POV. (back to normal POV)

JH: i like you okay? i really have a crush on you and i like you! i didnt mean to be rude, i just get so nervous and if im nice to you, i get scared that you will get used to it and leave but if im mean to you then you always give me attention by being mean back. its not the kind of attention that i would want, but its still attention and i just really have a crush on you. you are just my type and i cant get you out of my head okay?! i think i love you but i dont know if you feel the same way?! 

just then a screaming and jumping taecyeon comes running to cho-hee and blushing very clearly

T: i just confessed cho-hee and he accepted!! he said yes!!! hes mine now! im so happy! i never knew this was gonna happen! he said acting as if he won a million dollars, he then grabbed cho-hee twords the direction of a blushing nichkhun and a changmin with a disgusted face, while junhyung sighed and walked away. not even a minute later, a lady announces that school is exscused early due to almost all teachers having stomach flue.  

Taecyeon then ran away with nichkhun saying something about having a chance to go on their very first date. while changmin and cho-hee went to go look for junhyung, they found him leaving with all of his belonging from in his locker, and then a car with his parents, sister, and a bunch of bags that seemed to be suitcases. 

CH: junhyung! junhyung! dont go yet! i need to talk to you! junhyung! yah ! junhyung!

cho-hee called after him as he made his way to the car, but since she was at a distance she did not see that he had his earphones in and obviously the rest of his family didnt pay attention at all. 

CH: junhyung! yah! junhyung! i need to tell you something!!! junhyung!!

he was almost to the car, just less the 5 steps away and with each step cho-hee screamed louder and louder.

CH: junhyung!! i need to talk to you!! please wait!!! i love you!!!!!! 

junhyung had already enterd the car, unknown of her confession and unknown of her presence. but his little sister seen and heard everything, she didnt know what to say, she thought her older brother saw and heard everything that was said but like cho-hee she was unaware of junhyungs head phones which loudly played sad songs. 

junhyung left that day, left cho-hee, left the school, left home, and left korea. he was gone now and wasnt going to be back for a long time. cho-hee didnt know that he was moving and was determind to tell him another day. but it just let her self down when she noticed he was really gone.



wow.. i havent updated in a while. im sorry! i was really busy, and i guess i had writers block. i hoped you like it, and i wonder myself what will happen next. seriously, i have no clue. let me go think aha. bye bye! please be my subbies and please comment, i dont mind if its negative comments also! i just use the comments to persist myself on writting and practicing to get better at it. jal gayo!

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iloveftisland #1
Chapter 8: Awww, please update soon!
Changmin:3 update soon please!
AbbyYoYo #3
Nichkhun shock me =_= !! Changmin is so lovely !!
yuxuan #4
Update soon
AbbyYoYo #5
ONG !! Changmin is adorable. I can't wait for next chappie.