Other Part Of The Project. (part 1)

Love Is SOOOOO Unpredictable

Normal pov.

the next day junhyung and cho-hee got there things and headed to junhyungs house. They were now proceeding to the other half of the project at junhyungs house. This time the travel there was not as hectic as there travel to cho-hee's house because cho-hees family dropped them off to junhyungs house.

J: anyeong mr. and mrs. kim, kansamnida!

Once cho-hee's family left they both silently headed to junhyungs house.

CH: are you very mad at me?

JH: no, why do you ask?

CH: because usually by now we would be arguing.

JH:so, you enjoy it when we fight?

CH: aniyo, its just I am very used to it.

JH: oh.. ok.

once junhyung opened the door a small pink thing came speeding out of no where and hugged junhyung.

CH: omo, is this your dongsaeng?

JH: ne, she is my little pink princess,


SG (songhee): oppa, is this the girl you always talk about in your sleep?

JH: *covers songhee's mouth* aniyo, that girl is... megan fox the american y lady.

SG: oh.. ok.. who is this then?

CH: anyeong, jeoneun cho-hee ieyo,

SG: songhee imnida. songhee said happily.

JH: i will be right back, songie can you please direct cho-hee to the living room?

SG; ne oppa.

once junhyung was out of sight songhee's emotion changed from sweet to fierce.

SG: stay away from my oppa, he does not need a freak pesent like you. NOw take your big but to the living room. its that way *points to straight down the hall*

CH: *thinking: this will be a loonngg sleep over*


im very sorry for the late update! Please forgive me!!

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iloveftisland #1
Chapter 8: Awww, please update soon!
Changmin:3 update soon please!
AbbyYoYo #3
Nichkhun shock me =_= !! Changmin is so lovely !!
yuxuan #4
Update soon
AbbyYoYo #5
ONG !! Changmin is adorable. I can't wait for next chappie.