Other part of the project (part 2)

Love Is SOOOOO Unpredictable

Normal pov

as cho-hee waited in the living room for junhyung to come back she could feel songhee staring into her soul with a death glare. junhyung walked into the living room with some snacks and movies, quickly songhee shot up and started giggling while rolling around on the ground.

JH: whats so funny songie?? he said while putting down all the snacks and drinks and then fixing him self to sit next to songhee.

SG: cho-hee was tickling me earlier and now i cant stop laughing! she said while giggling and fixing her hair.

CH: mwo?!?! i i didnt do that! i was just sitting here! she said while stopping her self when she saw songhee giving her a look that said "you better play a long or i will get you".

JH: you can tell the truth, i dont mind if you play around a little with my sister. As long as you dont hurt her, she is fragile. he said while grooming songhees hair

CH: oh, ne.. mianhe for lying. i thought you would be mad if i touched your sister, she seems very important to you. she said hoping he would not see through his act.

JH: hahaha, she is very important to me. She is the best little sister a brother can ask for!

CH: awwww, i have never seen this side of you. now i miss my little changmin...she said lowering her head a little

just as cho-hee said that she heared a rummaging noise coming from her bag. she slow walked up to her bag with wide eyes, as she opened the bag slowly changmin popped out and clung onto cho-hee. cho-hee screamed a little and and then relaxed as she saw changmin

CH: aigoo!!! omo!!! why are you here changmin?!?!?! how did you get into my bag?!?!  aishhh.. you gave me a heart attack!!!

CM: hehehehe sowwy yeobo but i couldnt leave you alone with that thing!! he said pointing at junhyung.

SG: who are you calling a thing?!?! my junnie is the best person in the worrrlllddd!!! songhee said before walking up to changmin. once she saw changmin she looked at him like she was going to hit him

CM: aniyo, my cho-hee is the best person!!!!

once cho-hee and junhyung saw them fighting like the way they did cho- hee pointed to junhyung and said " i think she learns that from you"

JH: mwo?!?! i did not teach her that!!! its probably just in our blood.

as time went by both of the children fell a sleep from the bickering and cho-hee also fell a sleep sitting next to junhyung on the couch. since junhyung could not sleep he watched a movie, in the middle of the movie he felt something heavy lean onto his shoulder. it was cho-hee. he could see she was a sleep and very cold. quickly junhyung took the blanket he had on him self and wrapped it also onto cho-hee.


junhyung's pov


she looks so adorable a sleep. i seriously think im falling for her. what if she doesnt like me back?? what if im just waisting my time?? maybe she does like nichkhun.. maybe i am jjust being stupid.. maybe.. just maybe she likes me back. but im leaving soon.. should i tell her how i feel?? should i confess??


i think i will confess,i need to tell her how i feel before i leave. i'll do it. i'll confess to her. i think... i think i love her..






please, please, oh please comment!!!!! i know i am very late, i am very sorry about being late!! please do not hate me since i was late. i am very sorry.... but please comment!!! i really love to hear how you guya feel about my story!!!


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iloveftisland #1
Chapter 8: Awww, please update soon!
Changmin:3 update soon please!
AbbyYoYo #3
Nichkhun shock me =_= !! Changmin is so lovely !!
yuxuan #4
Update soon
AbbyYoYo #5
ONG !! Changmin is adorable. I can't wait for next chappie.