Chapter 8 – The decision

Kotoba ni Dekinai.....

 Chapter 8 –  The decision


[i] [/i]- thoughts


Kei’s POV

After she had calmed down, I slowly pulled away from her with my hands still holding onto her shoulders. “Naomi,” I said almost in whisper. She didn’t look at me. Instead she kept her head down. I lifted her chin up so that she is now looking at me. Her eyes were red and glassy and her cheeks were flushed from her sobbing. I took both my thumb and I wiped away the remnant of her tears on her cheeks. “Don’t cry anymore.” I said with a gentle smile. “I won’t leave you alone ever again.” I said reassuringly. Her eyes were becoming watery again. “Hey, I told you not to cry anymore.” I said while laughing. With that she finally cracked a smile. “See. You look more beautiful smiling than crying.” I caressed her pink cheeks with my thumb. She closed her eyes and touched my hand that was caressing her cheeks and said in a soft tone, “Don’t ever let go of me ever again.” She took the back of my hand and gave it a warm kiss. “I missed you so much.” She said with so much longing. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and said in gentle tone, “I missed you too.” She rested her head on my chest, while I caressed her soft hair.


No one’s POV

Inside Jeonghoon was speaking to some of the guests when he suddenly saw Koji’s girlfriend burst in from the veranda. A couple of seconds later, he saw Kei run in after her. [i] What’s going on? [/i] He wondered. He excused himself from the guests and followed after them. When he reached the outside all he saw were two men having a smoke. He scratched the back of his head and wondered where they went. He walked down the steps and turned right towards the parking lot. He was about to turn when he saw Kei hugging someone. He squinted his eyes to get a better view of who he was hugging. To his surprise it was Naomi. [i] Now I’m really confuse. Why in the world are they hugging? Isn’t she Koji’s girlfriend? [/i] He moved closer towards them and hid behind a car. He was eavesdropping on their conversation.

“…..please forgive me. I love you Naomi….” He heard Kei said in such passion. Jeonghoon’s eyes widen in shock. He peeked through the rims of the car and saw Naomi’s face buried in Kei’s chest. He could hear her sobbing really loud. [i] What in the world is going on? [/i] His thoughts were disrupted when he heard them laughing softly.

“…..don’t ever let go of me ever again…..I missed you so much…..” He heard Naomi say. “I missed you too.” He heard Kei said. He peeked again from behind the car and he saw Kei planting a kiss on Naomi’s forehead. He was in total shock. [i] Are they having an a affair ?? [/i] He shook his head vigorously, shaking away that thought. [i] Oh my god. I’ve got to get away from here. [/i] He got up and silently left. On his way up the steps he accidentally bumped on to someone. He looked up and to his surprise he sees Koji.

“Oh, forgive me.” Koji apologized. Jeonghoon’s jaw dropped when he saw him. “Are you alright?” Koji asked him nervously. “I—I---umm—” He stuttered to come up with an answer. “By any chance, have you seen the lady I was with this evening?” Jeonghoon’s forehead began to sweat. He wiped them away with the sleeve of his jacket. Koji grew more worried at the way he was acting. “Are you sure you’re al---” Jeonghoon interrupted him and said, “Erm….I think I saw her outside at the veranda.” He lied. “Oh… that I think of it I haven’t checked there yet. Thank you.” Koji said with a smile. Jeonghoon awkwardly smiled back. He watched as Koji disappeared into the ballroom.

He let out a sigh of relief. Just as he thought he could finally be relaxed someone tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around he saw Kei grinning happily at him. He looked behind Kei and he found no one behind him. He wondered where Naomi went. “What’s wrong?” Kei asked curiously. Jeonghoon shook his. “Come on lets go inside.” Kei said as he led him inside the ballroom. On the other side of the room he saw Koji still searching for Naomi. Then suddenly she appeared right behind him. She tapped Koji on the shoulder just like what Kei did to him. Naomi smiled cheerfully at Koji. [i] Weren’t she was just crying a moment agao? [/i] He wondered. Kei and jeonghoon walked over to where the couple was. Before they could reach them, Koji took out a ring and handed it to Naomi.

“Oh, you found it.” Naomi said unenthusiastically. He slid the ring into Naomi’s ring finger and smiled. Jeonghoon turned to see Kei’s reaction. He saw indifference in his expression but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. “Congratulations.” Kei suddenly blurted out. The two couple turned their heads towards his direction. “Oh, why thank you.” Koji said smiling at him. Naomi just nodded and gave him a weak smile.

For the rest of the evening, Naomi and Kei kept their distance from each other. They didn’t talk nor did they make eye contact with each other. It was like nothing happened between them.

On the way home, Kei sat silently on the passenger seat staring blankly outside the window while Jeonghoon drove him home. Jeonghoon was still contemplating what happened that night; the hugging, the kissing and the awkwardness between them. He glanced over the passenger seat and saw Kei still staring outside.

After a while, Jeonghoon decided to finally speak up. “Kei,” He started out. Kei turned his attention to him. “What’s your relation with that girl?” he asked him. Kei just stared at him like he doesn’t know what he was talking about. “What girl?” he asked back.

“That Naomi girl.” Jeonghoon replied back.

“We’re just friends.” Kei answered coolly. Jeonghoon knew there was something more to their relationship than just friends. “You’re lying.” He said accusingly. Kei raised his eyebrow at him suspiciously. “If you two were just friends, then….” Jeonghoon trailed off. He was afraid of accusing him of committing adultery when he has not proof to present. For all he know they could just be a close friend.

Kei waited attentively for what he had to say next. “Then what?” He asked impatiently. “then........what I’m trying to say is, no friends would hug intimately like that nor will they kiss each others forehead.” He released a sigh of relief after being able to finally let it out. He glanced at him to see his reaction. He didn’t seemed surprise. “What are you talking about?” he asked like he has no clue what he’s talking about. Jeonghoon stared at him wide eyed. He couldn’t believe he just denied it. “Don’t lie to me. You know what I’m talking about.” He said firmly. “Besides……I saw it with my own two eyes.” he added. Kei’s eyes slightly widen in surprise, but Jeonghoon didn’t notice it.

“If you really don’t want to tell me, then fine. I just hope you don’t get yourself in too deep.” He advised him. Kei remained silent. He gazed out the window thinking about the events that occurred that night.

[Flashback] Kei’s POV

“I missed you too.” I caressed her hair. She gently pulled away from our hug. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. She looked at me with worried eyes. “I’m really sorry Kei,” she started out. “I can’t be with you.” I looked at her with confusion. “What are you talking about?” I asked her. “Even though part of me is still in love with you, the other part of me also has feelings for Koji. I just can’t just disregard everything Koji had done for me. I’m sorry, but I can’t leave him.” I stood there speechless. After what just happened I was confident that she’d come running back to me. I didn’t expect this at all.

I don’t understand why she’s doing this. She loves me and I love her. Isn’t that a perfect reason why we should both be together? We should be celebrating right now not mourning. But this……I don’t understand this at all.

I looked up at her when I felt her touch my hand. Although she was looking at me with sincerity, all I could see was pity. I looked away from her. I don’t want to see those pitiful eyes. I don’t want her to feel sorry for me. I don’t want her to make me look more like a fool than I already am. I feel stupid enough.

 “Kei,” I didn’t respond. “Kei,” I kept my head down. I heard her call my name a few more times, but I ignored her. My legs began retreating and I could feel my whole body turn itself around. I walked away. I didn’t dare look back. I just can’t take it anymore. I can’t look at those eyes anymore.

[End of flashback] No one’s POV

Jeonghoon glanced at Kei. He could tell he was upset. Everything back there was just an act. He wasn’t happy at all. This is what he really felt. [i] Damn. He’s already in way too deep. [/i] He thought shaking his head.


A/N: Hi! I hope you enjoyed the new update! In the next chapter I will expose some of Ruka’s secrets. Just like how she had a secret in last friends. But it’s not going to be the same secret. I’m gonna change it up a little bit. And of course there’s gonna be more Kei x Naomi in the next chapter!

So stay tune for chapter 9!!! =D

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
pocariporii #2
aww...poor Kei! I hope Naomi will break up with Koji to be with Kei again. She obviously loves Kei more so no point staying with Koji unless there's some reason she's struggling with??<br />
Update soon!
I'll stay tuned! hehe...
oh my... my heartaches when Kei was heartbroken. I feel you, Kei. :'(<br /><br />
update soon! ^^
Shuism #5
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This story is beautiful, seriously! I especially enjoyed the first two chapters...<br />
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I will definitely continue reading this...
I hope you guys enjoy this story!