Party at the share house!

Kotoba ni Dekinai.....

Chapter 5 – Party at the share house!
[i] [/i]- thoughts
Hajimemae – nice to meet you


*Ding dong*

Everyone glanced at each other to see if anyone will volunteer to get the door. Takeru glanced at Ruka and then at Michiru. They both stared blankly at him. He rolled his eyes and he finally decided to get the door.

*ding dong* the doorbell went again.

“Hai! I’m coming!” Takeru yelled out as he rushed over to the door. When he opened the door he found Kei and another person behind him.

“Yo Kei! What took you so long? You said you’ll be here soon—” Kei covered his mouth and shut him up.

“Wari wari. Can we come in now?” Kei asked impatiently. Takeru nodded and motioned for them to come in. From behind him, he saw a beautiful girl who bowed and said hi to him. [i] Who’s that? [/i] he thought. [i] That’s weird, Kei never brought anyone home before. [/i] Takeru scratched the back of his head confused.

When they entered the living room all eyes fell on them. Everyone mostly stared at the girl next to Kei. They were all wondering who she was.

Suddenly Eri burst out from the kitchen holding a tray of drinks, diverting the focus to her. “Minna minna! Here’s some more drinks!” Her jaws dropped when he saw a familiar face.

“Ah!” She pointed to Kei, while he pointed back at her.


The two of them rushed to each other and gave each other a huge hug. “Oh my god! Where have you been?! I haven’t seen you in a long time!” Eri wiped the tears forming at the corner of her eyes with the back of her hand. She was so glad to see him again that tears began to fall down on her cheeks. They haven’t seen each other nor have been able to contact each other for a long time. And here they are again getting reunited at the place where they all first met each other, at the share house.

Kei comforted her by gently rubbing her back. “It’s nice to finally see you again Eri.” He said to her. After a minute of hugging, the two of them pulled away from each other.

“are (eh), who’s that girl behind you?” she asked pointing at the Naomi.

“Ah! Gome, gome. I forgot to introduce her to you guys. Everyone, this is Naomi. She’s my friend.” He introduced her to them. Then he introduced each one of them to Naomi.

“Hajimemae. Shizuka Naomi desu.” She said then bowing.

“Hajimemae Naomi-chan. Ah, suwatte. (ah, sit down)” Eri pointed to the couch next to her. Naomi nodded and sat on the couch next to Ruka.

“Ah! Kei can you help me prepare the other dishes in the kitchen?” She asked him.

“Of course.” Kei followed her to the kitchen.

Naomi watched the two of them run around the kitchen laughing as they prepared the dishes. She couldn’t help but notice how much they are having fun with each others company. While observing the two of them, she remembered those fun times when she and Kei would tease each other every time they would work in the kitchen. He would chase her around the kitchen and squirt icing on her, while she splash flour on his face. The kitchen would always end up dirty, but it was always fun cleaning for her because she get’s to clean it together with him. [i] I miss those times. [/i] A smile slowly crept on her face as she remembered those happy times they spent together. When she realized what she’s been thinking, she immediately shook her thought away.

Ruka noticed Naomi intently staring at Eri and Kei. She thought that it was very unusual for her to be staring at them. She could see a hint of sadness in her expression, but she didn’t know why. [i] Now she’s smiling![/i] She thought. A minute ago she looks sad and now she’s smiling??? [i] EH!?[/i]


Throughout the night they sang all sorts of song in their karaoke machine. Eri and Michiru mostly hogged the mike. They fought each other about who’s going to sing next. Takeru and Ruka on the other hand chatted away with each other. Kei and Naomi just remained silent the whole time as they watched Eri and Michiru argue with one another.

Right now, Eri and Michiru were singing a duet. They were singing, ‘Perhaps Love’ by Howl and J (I know it’s a Korean song, but just pretend they know Korean lol XD). Kei ate Doritos while Naomi ate Wise Honey BBQ. He slowly slid to the tip of the chair and was about to grab his cup, when he felt someone’s hand touch his. He looked up and saw Naomi staring at him.

“Ah gome,” Naomi apologized. She retreated back her hand and sat back down on the couch. Kei grabbed the cup and took a sip from it. When he finished drinking it he noticed something weird about his cup. He saw a faded red lipstick at the tip of the cup where he had drank from. [i] EH!!! This isn’t my cup!! [/i] When he glanced back at Naomi, she saw her drinking. When he saw her cup, he was definitely sure it was his. [i] Crap! So this is her cup!? [/i] He began hitting himself lightly on his head for his stupidity.

“Kei are you ok?” Eri asked him curiously. When he got back to reality he found everyone staring at him weirdly.

“umm, I’m fine.” He smiled at them sheepishly. He caught Naomi’s eyes staring at him strangely. [i] Well that was embarrassing. She probably thinks I’m weird =.=” [/i] He sighed and he reclined back onto the armchair.


Ruka saw the whole thing with the cups. Now she wondered even more as to why the two of them are acting weird in front of each other. Takeru noticed something different too.

“Ne, Ruka what’s going on with Kei and Naomi-chan?” He asked her curiously.

“You noticed it too? Well, I’m not sure but they sure are acting pretty suspicious.” she whispered to him.
Suddenly she noticed that his face was so close to hers.

She could feel his breath on her face. This made her heart beat faster. He just stared at her weirdly. She immediately pushed herself back to the chair and away from his face.

“Umm, I think I’m gonna go outside.” She said. She got up from the couch and headed towards the balcony. Takeru watched her exit the room.

[i] What’s up with her? [/i] he thought.


“Waah! That was fun!” Michiru said with delight.

“Eri are you going to stay over for tonight?” Takeru suddenly asked.

“Hmm, I guess so. It’s already late for me to go home now so I guess I’ll stay over. What about you Naomi-chan?” Everyone turned their gazes towards Naomi. Kei was hoping sternly that she would stay over. She checked her watch and saw that it was already midnight.

“I guess I’ll stay over too.” She said shyly. Kei acted really calm in front of them, but in his mind he was silently celebrating and rejoicing. [i] YES!!!! She’s staying!!!![/i] he thought happily

“Ne Naomi-chan, can you help wash the dishes in the kitchen?” Eri asked.

“Sure.” Naomi nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

Eri began dumping the dishes onto the sink while Naomi began washing them. A little later, Eri began helping Naomi wash the dishes.

At the other room Takeru, Michiru and Ruka were fixing the living room they had trashed earlier, while Kei took out all of the trash.

“Ne Naomi-chan,” Eri started out. Naomi looked up at her and waited for her to continue. “Do you like Kei?” Naomi almost dropped the plate she was washing onto the ground. She was shock that she asked her that.

“Eh!? What made you say that?” She asked her curiously.

“Well, you two seems to act strange with each other.” She explained while washing a glass cup.

“Were just friends.” She told her. Well technically they are friends, but somehow she doesn’t feel like they’re just ‘friends.’

“Souka.” Suddenly from the living room, Eri heard Takeru calling for her help. “Ah, gome Naomi-chan I’ll be right back!” She quickly wiped her hand with a paper towel and ran over to the living room. Kei then walked in from the back door carrying a trash black bag. He wondered why Naomi was washing the dishes alone. [i] I thought Eri was helping her. [/i]

“Naomi do you need help washing the dishes?” He asked her shyly.

“Eto……sure.” She finally said. Kei walked over next to her and he slowly dipped his hands into the sink filled with dish soap. He grabbed a plate from below and he began washing it. The two of them washed in silence, while Takeru, Ruka, Michiru and Eri were all watching them from the living room.

“I they like each other!” Eri whispered to them. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Naomi was washing a plate under the dish water while Kei was drying one of the cups he just finished washing. When he was about to grab another plate, he accidentally grabbed her hand. The two stood motionless as he continued to hold her hand.

Both of them looked down at the dish water and then at each other. When he met her gaze he immediately let go of her hand and he began wiping it with a towel.

“Gome” he said before he went out to the backyard. Naomi lifted her hand from under the dish water and she stared at it weirdly. A smile slowly crept on her face as she thought about what just happened. Everyone at the living room giggled in excitement.


Kei woke up first early in the morning. Everyone was still asleep. Naomi slept on the couch, Michiru on the love seat, Ruka on the armchair and Takeru and Eri on the floor. He laughed as he watched them sleep. Then his gaze ended up at Naomi. His smile was replaced with a frown as he thought about what he and Naomi talked about last night at the park. He was disappointed that she only wanted him to be her friend and nothing more.

He grabbed a blanket from the closet and he gently placed it over her body. He got down on his knees and watched her sleep closely. He stared at all of the features of her face, for he knows that this will be the last time he can watch her closely like this. Suddenly, he had an urged to kiss her. He thought that this might be the last time he can kiss her. He slowly moved his face closer to her face. Gently, he planted a soft warm kiss on her lips. After that he slowly pulled his head back and stood up from the floor.

“Sayonara……” He whispered into the air as he continued to gaze at her sleeping figure.


A/N: Sorry for the long chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Stay tune for chapter 6!!! =D

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
pocariporii #2
aww...poor Kei! I hope Naomi will break up with Koji to be with Kei again. She obviously loves Kei more so no point staying with Koji unless there's some reason she's struggling with??<br />
Update soon!
I'll stay tuned! hehe...
oh my... my heartaches when Kei was heartbroken. I feel you, Kei. :'(<br /><br />
update soon! ^^
Shuism #5
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This story is beautiful, seriously! I especially enjoyed the first two chapters...<br />
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I will definitely continue reading this...
I hope you guys enjoy this story!