Chapter 7 – Please forgive me…..

Kotoba ni Dekinai.....

  Chapter 7 –  Please forgive me…..


“Tadaima!” Kei said as he gently closed the door behind him.

“Yo! Okaeri!” Ruka welcomed him. She was watching a baseball game on tv again. Her team was winning this time. I plopped on the couch next to her and we both lifted up our feet on the coffee table.

“What’s the score?” He asked her.

“3 to 1, Swallow.” She told him.

Suddenly from upstairs they heard Takeu coming down.

“Hey! No feet on the coffee table!” he warned them, but the two just ignored him.

Takeru made a few rules in the share house. First, they have rotate their chores every week so that no one will complain that they got stuck with the chore they hate; second, clean up the house after every party; third, no violence unless necessary; and lastly, no feet on the coffee table.

Although the two of them appreciate the fact that he created these ‘rules’ for their sake, none of them really acknowledge it. The first three they understand, but the last one they just don’t feel necessary.

“You know Takeru, I think you should just cross out that last rule. We never followed it and we never will!” Ruka glared at Takeru who was also glaring back at her. It seems like their going to start another war. The last war they had ended with just bruises.

“I think we should cross out the third rule as well.” Kei mumbled to himself.

The two of them began pushing each other. And when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did. When Takeru pushed Ruka, she accidentally spilled the cup of soda she was holding all onto their new flat screen tv.

“NOOOO!!!!” They both exclaimed.

“MY TV!!!!” Takeru yelled out.

“MY SODA!!!!” Ruka yelled out.

The two of them turned to each other both shocked at what just happened. The two of them began to tussle. And before it turned into a full out brawl, Kei decided to step in and stop the fight.

“ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!” Kei raised his voice at them. The two looked at him with surprised expressions. “If you two don’t stop your fight, more things will get ruined. So just drop it ok.” In this kind of situation he’s always the one that acts as the referee to stop their fights. It’s really getting on his nerves, especially when they fight about the smallest things ever.

*Daite, daite, daite senoria.....* Kei fished out his cell phone from his pocket and answered it. “Moshi moshi (hello)? Oh! Jeonghoon. What’s up?”

“Did you hear about the upcoming party?” Jeonghoon asked on the other line.

“What party?” Kei asked curiously. Both Ruka and Takeru jumped up from their seats and went closer to him, but he just shooed them away.

“Our company is hosting a party this coming Saturday and all of the other companies are invited.” He explained.

“Other companies? Is Wing Corp. invited too?” he asked him curiously.

“Yea. Ruantha Corp is coming too, and so are—”

“Who’s coming to represent Wing Corp.?”

“Umm—” Jeonghoon was about to tell him, but he suddenly stopped. “Wait, why are you so curious about who’s coming anyway?” He asked raising his eyebrow.

Kei didn’t know what to explain to him. It was weird for him to be asking all of these questions for no reason. Should he just tell him his true motive? Nah! “Umm, I just want to learn more about the other companies, that’s all.” Kei hoped that Jeonghoon would just leave it that. But he didn’t.

“You’re up to something aren’t you?” He said suspiciously. “There’s no way you’d be interested in the other companies considering you hate your job and all.” He said smirking on the other line.

Crap! He knew well enough that Jeonghoon would suspect something, and he was right. *sigh* “Forget it then.” When Kei was about to hang up on him, Jeonghoon called out to him.

“Hey, hey! I’m just kidding ok? Here are the names………”After Jeonghoon gave him the list of names, an evil smile formed at the corner of his mouth.


[Saturday] Kei's POV

I waited impatiently with Jeonghoon inside the ballroom. I paced back and forth, while Jeonghoon just watched me pathetically. “Kei, calm down. They’ll be here soon.” He said reassuringly. I took deep a breath to calm myself down.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Jeonghoon finally spotted them at the entrance. “Oh they’re here” he announced. I looked over to the entrance and soon enough I spotted them. There she is, I said inside his mind. Mr. Ahn, our boss, began walking towards them. Jeonghoon and I followed from behind.

When we reached the couple, our eyes met. I smiled at her but she just stared at me with a surprised face. After Mr. Ahn finished welcoming the two guests he excused himself and proceeded to welcome the other guests.

Koji lifted his hand for a handshake. “We meet again.” He said as I took his hand and shook it. “Yea, what a coincidence.” I said to him. Naomi just stood quietly at the side still shocked to see me. “Erm, I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name during our last meeting.” He said.

“My name is Kei. Yoshida Kei.” I introduced myself as I continued to shake his hand. Jeonghoon nudged me at the side. “What?” I hissed at him. “Let go of his hand.” Jeonghoon whispered back. When I realized that I was shaking his hand for too long I immediately let go of his hand and apologized. I turned towards Naomi and smiled. “Shizuka-san we meet again as well.” I said raising my hand towards her for a handshake. “Oh.” Was all she could utter. She took my hand and shook it gently. I stared at her intently with passion and longing. She stared back at me with guilt and discomfort in her eyes. Koji and Jeonghoon watched curiously at the side as the two of us shook each others hands.

“Do you two know each other?” Koji asked breaking the moment between me and Naomi. “ Yes we do.” I answered still shaking her hand. When Naomi realized what she was doing, she immediately let go my hand and grabbed onto Koji’s arm. I felt a small twitch in my heart as I watched Naomi hold on to Koji’s arm. “Ah, I see.” Koji replied. “Well, then. It was nice meeting you again Mr. Yoshida.” He said nodding at me and Jeonghoon. I watched pathetically as they walked away.


I watched the two lovebirds from the corner of the room as they danced intimately in the middle of the dance floor. I pouted when Koji pulled Naomi closer to his body and Naomi wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.

“Wow, you look pathetic.” Jeonghoon commented. I flashed him with one of my death glares. “What? You really do look pathetic. Why don’t you ask her to dance instead of moping around by yourself?” I ignored him. But he was right. I do look pathetic. If I’m going to get her back I have to be assertive. I need to make her fall in love with me again.

When the song finished Koji whispered something to Naomi and he left. I watched Naomi make her way towards the veranda. I followed her out. Outside, I saw her leaning on the railing of the veranda. I casually walked over to where she was and leaned on the railing along with her. She gave me a surprised look, but I just stared ahead. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “Oh nothing. I’m just getting some fresh air. It’s too drafty inside.” I said giving her a smile. I laughed when I saw her cheeks turn pink. “Hey don’t laugh.” She said pouting and giving me a playful punch on the arm.

“You’re blushing!” I said pointing at her cheeks. She turned her head away to the other side so that I can’t see her pink cheeks. “Hey, don’t try to hide it! Let me see it.” I began poking her cheeks but she resisted. “Don’t do that! It tickles!” She said between giggles. “I’m not going to stop until you let me see your face.” She tried to cover head face with her hands but I pulled them away. “Hey! Don’t cover your face!” I said while gently pulling her hands away from her face and turning her body so that she is now facing me. We were laughing hysterically, and we didn’t even notice how close our faces were now. Before we knew it we were drowned in each others eyes. My heart was beating fast and I could feel my head moving closer and closer to her face. I barely touched her lips when she suddenly pushed me away.

“What are you doing?” She asked me shocked at what I just did. I stuttered to come up with an explanation. Honestly I didn’t know what I was doing myself. “I—I don’t know.” I said. “I’m sorry but I can’t do this.” She said before running back into the ballroom. Without thinking, I ran after her. I saw her running towards the other side of the room and over to the exit. I dodged the people blocking my way as I ran towards the exit. When I got outside I saw her turn right towards the parking lot. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to her. I got closer and closer to her. My finger tips were only three inches away from her arm. I stretched my arm even further. Finally I grabbed hold of her arm. I swung her back to my arms and into a tight hug. She began hitting my chest and pleading me to let her go, but I didn’t. I just hold on to her.

“Let go!” She cried out. I shook my head vigorously. I could feel my chest become wet from her tears. “Please! Let me go!” She pleaded again. I shook my head again. “No!” I exclaimed. “I’ll never let you go again! I need you by my side. Please Naomi.” I pleaded her. Tears were beginning to form in my eyes, but I held it in. “I’m sorry for leaving you. What I did was a mistake. Please forgive me. I love you Naomi.” I said to her. She stopped hitting my chest. She just stood still and I felt her grab onto my jacket. I hold on to her even tighter as her sobs became louder. Soon, the tears that I tried to hold in began falling down my cheeks. I’m really sorry Naomi. Please forgive me…….


A/N: Hey guys, I’m really sorry for the late update. I’ve gotten real busy with school and I barely had time to write anymore. I know my excuse might sound lame, but it’s the truth. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though. Your comments are very much appreciated, so please leave a comment. Thank you!

Stay tune for chapter 8!!! =D

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
pocariporii #2
aww...poor Kei! I hope Naomi will break up with Koji to be with Kei again. She obviously loves Kei more so no point staying with Koji unless there's some reason she's struggling with??<br />
Update soon!
I'll stay tuned! hehe...
oh my... my heartaches when Kei was heartbroken. I feel you, Kei. :'(<br /><br />
update soon! ^^
Shuism #5
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This story is beautiful, seriously! I especially enjoyed the first two chapters...<br />
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I will definitely continue reading this...
I hope you guys enjoy this story!