Chapter 1 – The Reunion

Kotoba ni Dekinai.....


[i] [/i]- thoughts


“uwaah!! (yawning) ugh, itai my head hurts.” Kei stretched his arms as he got up from his bed and out of the room and towards the kitchen. In the kitchen he took out a white mug from the cupboard and he poured black coffee into it.

“Mmm……” The refreshing aroma of the coffee tickled his nose as he took a sip put of the mug.

[i]Wait a second! Who made this coffee? No one is even awake yet?[/i]

Suddenly a pair of slender arms was wrapped around his waist. When he turned around he found a half woman wearing Takeru’s bathrobe smiling creepily at him. Not knowing what to do, he immediately pushed her away and ran towards the living room. A few seconds later the woman followed him into the living room holding his coffee mug as she leaned on the archway that separated the living room and the kitchen

“What’s wrong honey?” The half woman asked as she sniff of the coffee.

“Honey? I don’t even know you!” he exclaimed.

“So you don’t remember what happened last night?” She said raising her eyebrows.

“La—last night?” he asked himself. [i]What the hell happened last night? The only thing I remember was me, Takeru, and Ruka in a club partying. Then we went back home and I was feeling very drunk at that time and-----[/i] Suddenly she interrupted his thoughts.

“You really don’t remember?” She asked earnestly. “But we had so much fun last night.” She said pouting. Suddenly the clothing covering her shoulder dropped down her arm revealing the red strap of her bra. His face started to turn pink and he quickly looked away from her. [i]! Don’t tell me we had last night!? Inhale exhale, inhale exhale, inhale exhale……..[/i]

“Ne, did we---did we have last night?” he asked her, well to be more exact he whispered it to her. Suddenly he heard her snort a little bit. Then she broke down laughing her head off.

“What the hell is so funny?” he asked her.

“Oh my god *snort* I was just kidding! Hahaha nothing happened; besides I came here with Takeru last night not you. Hahaha! You should have seen your face. You were so scared and worried! What? Don’t tell me you’re still a ?” She asked jokingly.

Kei's face began to change from pink to red from embarrassment. He bit his lower lip and he turned his head away so that she wouldn’t notice his blushed cheeks. Suddenly she noticed him blushing and her face became serious.

“Holy crap you’re still a !” She yelled out loud causing everyone in the share house to wake up. Takeru came out first from his room upstairs. When he came down he wore a smirk on his face, unfortunately overhearing what she just yelled out.

“Ne, you’re still a ?” Takeru asked. Kei kept quiet as his cheeks turned even redder.

“Of course not!” he retorted back.

Suddenly Ruka came out of her room; she too had a smirk on her face. “Heee, you’re still a huh?” She said teasingly. He didn’t respond to them, instead he stayed quiet taking in all of their remarks.

However in reality he was no longer a . He had already lost his ity to his high school sweet heart

[i]It was a long time ago but I can still remember it clearly. It was the day before my family and I moved to Fukuoka, during prom night. We promised our parents we would go to prom together and that we would come back home together. However instead of going to prom we had other plans; went to a motel instead. The receptionist didn’t question us too much since we were paying, so we got room pretty easily. When we finally did it, we didn’t actually know what we were doing. We were only eighteen at that time and it was our first time too, but we were smart enough to use a though. Waah! Reminiscing that night makes my heart flutter. Anyway back to reality;[/i]

“Who’s this girl anyway?” Kei asked trying to change the topic.

“Oh, this is Michiru, my new girlfriend.” Takeru said as he walked behind her, placing his arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder.

“Wow, you bounce back fast.” Ruka commented as she pours coffee into her mug. Takeru just gave her an annoyed face.

“Well, I got to go get ready for work now. Oh by the way, don’t bother waiting up for me, I’ll be home late. I have a reunion to go to this afternoon.” Kei explained to them.

“Ok, well have fun on your reunion!” Ruka said sarcastically as if it was a bad thing.


“Shoot! I’m late for my reunion!” Kei panted down the stairs and into the platform of the train station. He gasped for air as he got to the bottom of the staircase. He checked his watch once more to see what time it was; it read ‘5:45.’ [i]! [/i]

When he glanced back up a figure caught his eye, but then a crowd of people began blocking his way. He jerked his head around trying to look for her amongst the crowd of people, but she was nowhere in sight. And then from afar he saw her again; she was entering the train. Kei tried to make a run for it so that he could catch up to her before the door closes. But his efforts weren’t enough. The door closed shut right in front of his face. He called out to the conductor to open the doors, but the conductor couldn’t hear him. When the train began moving, his legs began moving as well. He ran along the ledge of the platform like a maniac trying to catch up to the train. As he ran alongside the train he saw a clear view of her. [i]There’s no mistake, it was definitely her![/i]


When Kei got to the reunion he was forty-five minutes late. He was sternly hoping to see her there since he did saw her on the train that stops here. Inside he was welcomed by his old friends and classmates from high school. Although Kei wanted to stay and chat with them, he wanted to hang out with someone else. He looked and looked everywhere, but he just couldn’t find her.

[i] Where is she?[/i] He kept asking himself. When the song ended, a bunch of people began leaving the dance floor. And behind the crowd that left was her. She was at the food counter getting some punch for herself. His legs began moving involuntarily towards her direction, dodging and pushing aside the people dancing on his way.

[i] There she is………Oh how I’ve been wishing to see her. All of these years I keep asking myself, ‘when will I ever see her again?’ Oh how I longed for this moment to come. And how I longed to hug her, hold her, kiss her………..and say to her how much I love her.[/i] Kei stopped just a few feet away from her.

“Naomi……” he said softly. Naomi turned her head and saw him.

“Kei…….” she said surprisingly. Her eyes widened at the sight of her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t quite know how to react to the situation. There was both happiness and sadness inside her heart. Back in high school she was crazily in love with him, and his departure has left a scar inside her heart.

Kei moved closer to her and he gently smiled at her. “How have you been?” he asked.

“I……….I’ve been great.” She said to him. “And you?”

“Oh, I’m doing great too.” There was silence between them for a moment. Although there was loud music in the background they felt each others silence.

“So---” Kei started out, however a random guy, who he doesn’t even know, interrupted him.

“Kei!” he said giving him a high five and then he left.

“Heeey” Kei answered back. [i] who was that?[/i]

“Anyway, so……’re doing well, that’s great!” He said nervously. But suddenly his voice became serious. “Naomi I----”

“Yo Kei!” another guy interrupted him, but this time he actually knew the person.

“Hey Bakanishi!” he greeted back. Just like the other guy, Jin gave him a high five and left.

Kei became more irritated. “You know what, I think we should go outside.” Kei suggested as he noticed that more and more people was interrupting their conversation. Naomi noticed it too and nodded. She and Kei went outside into the garden. They walked in silence for a while, just following the path of gravel on the ground. The silence wasn’t as awkward as they thought it would be, it actually brought a sense of peace and calmness between the two of them.

Naomi broke the silence first, “What were you trying to say inside, before you were interrupted?”She asked with a chuckle. Seeing her smile brought back memories that he had with her. Those times when he joked around with her and when she would laugh at his corny jokes.

“Umm….uh……I……can I have you’re number? You…….umm…….changed your phone……..and……and I couldn’t get in contact……with…….with you anymore, so……..” He said scratching the back of his head. [i]Damn! What the hell is wrong with me!?”[/i]

“I guess…….” She said frowning. “Was that what you were trying to tell me inside?” She asked bitterly.

“Well…….no…….I wanted to say, that----” Suddenly the lights and the fountain in the garden surprising the both of them. The music inside got louder as well.

“Kirei………” Naomi commented as she admired the beautiful fountain and the light surrounding it.
Kei couldn’t help but stare at Naomi’s beautiful angelic face.

“Yea, kirei………”


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter ^^ And I hope it wasn’t too boring. I wanted to introduce all of the characters in the story. Fujiwara Tatsuya will appear in the story later on so wait for it! In the next chapter there’s gonna be more yamaki moments too lol.

Comments would be very much appreciated. Stay tune for chapter two! :D

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
pocariporii #2
aww...poor Kei! I hope Naomi will break up with Koji to be with Kei again. She obviously loves Kei more so no point staying with Koji unless there's some reason she's struggling with??<br />
Update soon!
I'll stay tuned! hehe...
oh my... my heartaches when Kei was heartbroken. I feel you, Kei. :'(<br /><br />
update soon! ^^
Shuism #5
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This story is beautiful, seriously! I especially enjoyed the first two chapters...<br />
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I will definitely continue reading this...
I hope you guys enjoy this story!