The Third

Leaving to Escape the Pain


“That’s the last box, I think we deserve a break.” Soohyun told his girlfriend.


“I agree. This would have been easier if our parents approved of our decision.” She said smiling at him.


The hose they moved into was ridiculously cheap for its size and condition, but they weren’t going to question it since they didn’t have a lot of money. They spent the rest of the week and part of the next unpacking and moving things around along with selling the piano that they found in the basement. As they did this she would find little presents or notes with loving poems or phrases on them that never failed to make her smile. However they grew fewer as Soohyun found a job at a nearby music store to pay for the things they needed. At first she stayed home and took care of it but eventually she began going out and wandering around the city. Soohyun felt bad for being away from her often so he would bring small trinkets back to show her that he still cared. One day he decided to leave work early in order to surprise her and take her to a movie. However when he got back to their house she wasn’t there so he sat down on the couch figuring that she had gone to the grocery store and would be back soon.


Soohyun woke up upon hearing the door closing and locking to see his girlfriend walk in with a small smile on her face carrying her purse. She looked up and stared at him in shock before walking over.


“Shouldn’t you still be at work?” She asked.


“I took off early so we could spend some time together since we haven’t been able to for a while.” He told her.


“Oh, sorry, I was over at a friend’s house helping her make a cake for her little sister’s birthday and ended up staying there longer than I planned.”


“That’s okay, I’m glad you’ve got friends to keep you company. How about we go to the movies so both of us can relax and you don’t have to cook dinner?”


They did just that but when he tried to put his arm around her shoulder part way through, she shrugged it off whispering that she was too hot. The drive back home was awkward and neither of them talked the entire time. When they got back she said she was tired and going to go to be immediately. Soohyun stared after her and quietly whispered, “I love you.”


Over the next couple of weeks Soohyun found himself often coming home to an empty house, and even when she was home she was distant. He decided to ask their neighbors if they knew where she went so often and for so long.


“I always see her get into a fancy car with the same gentleman driving. They seem to be really close because he kissed her cheek once and she laughed at him.” An elderly woman told him. “I haven’t seen you around very often, are you her brother?”


“Something like that, thank you for your help.” He said before wandering back into the house.


He was in the kitchen when she came home later that day, making dinner for them.


“Sorry, I’m late. My friend’s little sister wanted us to play dress up with her and I couldn’t say no. I think both of us were surprised that we’re the same size, she such a good taste in clothes and said that I could borrow some of them if I wanted.” She said dropping her purse at the table.


“That’s nice of her. She sounds like a good friend.”


Whatever either of them was going to say was lost in the sound of her phone ringing. She looked at the id and quickly walked out of the room before answering. He waited for a bit before moving to where he could hear her talking.


“What is it? . . . No I can’t come over now, do you want him to get suspicious? . . . I know you miss me but still . . . I know you love me . . . fine, fine . . . I’ll see what I can come up with.”


He went back to where he had been standing and looked up at her when she came in with a blank expression.


“I’m sorry about that, but I need to go. My friend’s mother is in the hospital and she needs someone to look after her sister for the night. Maybe we can have dinner together tomorrow.”


She left before Soohyun had a chance to say anything in response. He sighed as he heard the door close behind her and sat down at the table with his head in his hands. Eventually he ate the food and went to bed.


When he woke up she had not returned making him sigh again. The front door opened while he was eating breakfast so he went to see if it was her. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday but she looked slightly different.


“You’re back.” He said.


“Yeah, apparently her mom’s going to be fine and had only forgotten to take some of her medicine.” She said and started to walk past him.


“I missed you last night. You know I love you.” He hugged her.


“I know.” She stayed stiff in his arms and didn’t return the hug.


“Then why do you always go out with another guy? You were with him last night weren’t you?”


“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She said struggling in his arms.


“The old woman next door told me that you are always with another man who has kissed you. And if you weren’t with him then how did you get that mark on your neck?”


“So maybe I am seeing someone, what does it matter you?”


“What does it matter? I’m your bofriend!”


“You might as well not be for the amount I see you!”


“Then at least break up with me before you go out with someone else!”


She broke out of his grasp at this point and glared at him.


“I should have listened to my parents and never gone out with you.”


At that she lost it and began screaming things that didn’t make sense. He backed up when she started throwing punches and trying to kick him.


“You are a worthless person, a pathetic excuse for a boyfriend, a waste of air, and a leech on humanity!” She yelled before punching him once more and knocking him backwards.


By this point in time he was at the doorway to the basement, which both of them had forgotten existed, so when she punched him, he fell backwards causing the door to open. He tumbled down the stairs and hit his head on the chair at the bottom. The last thing he saw was the satisfied look on her face as she closed the door.




He watched as the police found his body and arrested her. He watched as a family with a son moved in. He watched as that son wandered down a hallway and to the basement, as if sensing something was there.



A/N: This one was harder to write since I had nothing to draw from for it and actually had to google signs of a cheating girlfriend. Any way I hope it isn't too bad and thank you to everyone who reads this.

The next chapter will be up late tomorrow if I manage to get it up tomorrow because my last class gets out at 5, T^T

The offer still stands for anyone who can guess the next person.

Here's your picture FiveMoreMinutes


On a happier note, my Neverland and SS2 posters arrived in the mail today!!!!! Now all I have to do is wait for the SS501 one and I'll be happy.
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Nice :3
This is seriously good. I saw your sequel and went back to this - omfg this is seriously good.

I love your writing; subscribing <3
I just cryed my eyes out! Good stories! Just depressing~
lol loveee it
okay now every time i watch a shared dream, i think of this :'(
omg!!! even though this story is depressing, its amazing i love it!!!
But yay sequel!!! =D =D =D
Ohmy, that would be so cool! I don't know if you want any ideas, but what if the 7 of them find each other and debated what to do. Suddenly, one of them decides to each help each other or something :D

I don't know >.< but again, I love this chapter ;A; -grabby hands towards Kevin- T^T