Chapter 4

Having My EX as a Roommate (Seulrene)
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4. You see each other’s dates.


I was about to get a glass of water when I passed by the living room to see Seulgi about to make-out with someone. I tried to go back quietly but it looks like I’ve already been caught by her date.

“Sorry. Don’t mind me. Just gonna get a glass of water.” I excused myself whispering the last part.

“Who is she?”, I heard the girl ask.

“Uhm, my roommate. ”

“Wow, you didn’t tell me she looks like that.”, I peeked and saw the girl giving Seulgi a skeptical look.

“Uh, she’s alright. So, where were we?”, Seulgi was about to lean forward in when I happened to passed by going back to my room.

Things got quiet by the time I returned inside. But after a few minutes I heard them talking again. Okay, I know it’s wrong to eavesdrop but I was really bored at the moment.

“Are you sure she’s just a roommate and you’re not attracted to her in anyway?”

“Babe, I’m not. She’s JUST my roommate.”

I think the girl was still skeptical so I hear Seulgi trying to explain again. “She’s just someone who splits the rent with me, period.”

“But she’s hot.” I giggled at that. Seulgi must be irritated she’s giving me interest.

“You wanna date her then?”

Hmm, sounds familiar. Still bitter with the gym incident I see. I giggled at that.



“Sorry, I’m kidding. I’m just not attracted to her like that okay. So can we continue where we left of?”

I heard the sound of kissing continue.


“Babe-”, I heard Seulgi complain with a groan.

“I just don’t get it you know. You live with someone so good looking yet you’re not the least bit attracted to them in ANY way possible?”

“She’s just NOT my type.”

“Really? Then what is your type?”, I can tell by the tone of their voices that their still flirting with each other.

“YOU okay? YOU are my type.”

The girl giggles. “You’re so cheesy.”

Augh, tell me about it. Nice pick-up line Seulgi- NOT!


I hear the girl already. Maybe I should stop (eavesdropping) already.

Oh god. They’re gonna do it in the living room aren’t they?

That ! I told her is strictly inside the bedroom!


“Augh, babe!” I heard Seulgi groaning again.

“I just don’t get it you know.”, the girl seemed out of breath.

“Get what? Are we still talking about my roommate? Look, let’s just put it this way, she’s kinda like a cousin to me. ”

I hear them making out again.


“Wait, what do you mean kinda?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“Augh… Oh my… Fu… W-what’s n-not a big deal?”


Seulgi you animal! She’s trying to talk! If I find out you’re ing her in my couch, I swear I’m going to make you drink my downy (fabric conditioner). Wait, no. They’re too precious to be wasted on you.


“Well, we… kinda… used to… date.” Seulgi really sounded breathless this time. Good thing I can only imagine the things that bear is doing to that poor girl.

I swear to god Seulgi, if I see any stains-





“She’s you’re EX?!”

“Uh, yeah? But we broke up ages ago.”

“But you’re living together?”



“S-stop… Uh… S-seulgi… W-wait.”

“What’s wrong?”, Seulgi groaned in frustration again.

“You guys!”

“You’re exes that live together! Doesn’t that sound wrong to you?!”

“I told you she’s like a cousin to me. Like a relative.”

 “Oh my god. How can you compare your ex to your cousin! Unless… You really ARE cousins! Oh my god! That is so gross.”

Oh this is getting good. I should’ve gotten a snack with my drink.


I’m hearing heavy footsteps.

Wait, she’s leaving already?



“Hyojin, wait. It’s platonic. That’s the word I was looking for. We’re not related I swear. We grew up together but we are so not related.”


I hear the footsteps stop.

“But she’s still your ex.”


“Look. If you’re uncomfortable doing it here… then… can we just continue this over your place?”

“Augh! I can’t believe you! Can’t you see I’m upset already?”

“I can make you feel good I promise.”

“No. The mood is ruined.”


The footsteps continue.


“Hyojin! Wait. Hyojin, come on now.”


I heard a slap.

“It’s HYOJUNG! You don’t even know my name! ert!”



Oh my god! This is so priceless.

I can’t stop laughing.

Seulgi you are so stupid.



After while I hear music from the TV.

That’s my cue.


“Hey Seul. Where’s your date?”

“She left.”

“Not feeling well.”


“Too bad, she’s kinda cute.”

“(It’s) Her loss. Want something to drink?”

“No, thanks.”


After coming back, we both settled with whatever’s playing on TV.

She stands up to stretch after a few minutes saying, “I’m going out.”

“Okay. Uh, Where you goin’ though?”


“To get laid.”

“Seulgi, that’s like the second girl you brought here this week. And it’s just a Wednesday. ”

She gave a few seconds to reminisce before giving me a smug look. “Well, what do you want me to say? I’m bored. And there’s no way I’m getting laid staying here.”


When I didn’t reply, she continued. “RIGHT?”           

“Ha ha ha. Funny-NOT.  Just go ahead.”, I spoke when I realized what she meant.


“Go ahead?”, she said while moving her eyebrows.

“I mean LEAVE idiot.”, I threw a pillow at her.


She laughed at this throwing me back the pillow she caught before finally putting on her shoes.


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Chapter 10: This is soooo chill, funny and wholesome 🥺💜
Chapter 1: 😂
Who0001 #3
Chapter 10: Omg kang lmao😭😭🤣🤣
Who0001 #4
Chapter 9: Aww❤
cooljags #5
Chapter 10: Awwww this is sooo adorable
Dorkydory_X #6
Chapter 10: Why they’d split anyway? Just curious
157 streak #7
This seems interesting 🤔!!!
Chapter 10: This chapter 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Damn Seulgi was slowly falling in love again.