"What's Up, Dock?"

Beyond The Shore

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The sun was high in the cloudless sky as Chanyeol clad in his famous checkered blue board shorts and black wife-beater piled his bags onto the deck of the ship...well ship would be exaggerating, this here, this was a death trap of a boat. The rather small boat had one sail attached to a rusted pole. The bow of the boat was falling off and the only thing guaranteeing their safety if either of them fell off the boat was half a floater haphazardly glued to the front of the boat. All in all this was a floating monstrosity. Chanyeol knew it but since his best friend owned this shipwreck he willingly -accompanied by his bubbly buddy’s insistent whining and nagging that is- agreed to a 3 day trip of fishing and swimming and maybe just maybe some more fishing.


Chanyeol couldn’t actually think of anything else to do on a boat out on the open ocean besides fishing even if he hated smelling like dead fish, or fresh fish..or just fish, so of course he’s decided to do the most decent thing and fish with bread -sorry hungry fishy-, something he much preferred although Baekhyun, he’s sea captain on this hell of a voyage would refuse to allow him to disgrace their fishing trip with bread, and he didn’t care although he would keep it a secret for now.


Baekhyun jumped onto the boat with enough enthusiasm for the both of them. Pulling up his slightly loose black skinny jeans and pulling down his bright blue button-up shirt as the tiny boat swayed under the arrival of his weight. He sticks his index finger into his mouth and pops it out lifting his right hand up to check the direction of the wind. Happily skipping along to the sails and hoisting them up as his light blonde and pink highlighted hair ruffled in the slight breeze. Chanyeol marveled at his ministrations, the poor kid really loved this boat and he really has to much energy he noted.


“Ohh Channie boy, be a good lad and toss me hat over old chum?” Baekhyun spat out in the most ridiculous pirate accent he could muster whilst his finger wiggled in the direction behind Chanyeol. The taller boy swiveled around eyeing the rather old second hand worn out costume pirate hat lying entangled in the ropes practically invisible.


“Can’t you sail without it this time?” Chanyeol whined lightly stomping his foot on the wooden deck and sticking out his lower lip in a pout while his light brown hair covered his eyes “You’re not Jack Sparrow you know”


Baekhyun gasped clutching his chest dramatically “Well I never!” he coughed out in a horrendous pirate imitation as he flailed his arms violently “A captain without his hat is not a captain indeed matey...arrrg” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone not once giving up on his pathetic accent which Chanyeol was beginning to resent “and besides the others will be coming soon and I don’t want to be” he paused eyeing his friend from head to toe “......and it’s Captain! Jack Sparrow to you it is”.


Chanyeol unconsciously covered his body under the others judging gaze before he rolled his eyes muttering incoherent sentences under his breath as he un-tangled the hat unwillingly even with its feathers intact and flung it as hard as he could onto Baekhyun’s face who just muffled a thank you out along with an infectious chuckle. Just then the boat begins to sway violently under the addition of new added weigh causing poor Baekhyun to falter in his own steps tripping and landing with an audible thud onto his face.





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Well that escalated quickly lol /facepalm/


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