Quarantine with Donghae is...


I had this idea in order to make my ELFs and ELFishies happier. This is to make the readers get through the global lockdown easier and with a less clouded mind. Imagining stuff gets me through hard times like this and I thought to share this with all of you.

Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWX9ijUK7vA


Feel free to give me ideas of more images. So, practically, I take requests to write. An imagine can be as long as a oneshot (so even 3000-4000 words), but I still want them to be shorter as an imagine means that details are not important.

Also, I already have 14 ideas, meaning 14 days of quaratine and with a continuity. The rest (the requests) will be extras and can be related or not to the short story.

Also, if I notice everybody wants imagines with other members, please say so and request it! Got some time in hands to write, but not much as I work from home and 8 hours a day are frozen :( but it's fine!


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