Chapter Seven—



47 seconds for the police to locate their position from all of China. 30 seconds for the police to contact the nearest police station. Five minutes for the police from the nearest police station to surround them.
“Where are they now Taemin?” Miki shouts.
“Probably recruiting members at the police station.” Taemin replies with a calm shrug.
“Fine. When we arrived off the plane, I took the sleeping you to call Myungsoo. He came and picked us up, I don’t know why, but you were still asleep. When we arrived at the hotel, you were sleep walking all the way out of the building. Then you woke up. But, Taemin, tell me why you were sleeping so long? I find something suspicious here.” She gets up from the bed, sits beside Taemin and holds his hand. She orders him to open his mouth and when she leaned in, everything sort of fell into place.
“Sleep syrup.” They both say.
“So the airport knew all along yet they still let us on the plane. Maybe my dad knew that we were going to head for the airport and planned ahead.” Taemin says exactly what Miki was thinking.
“And your dad ordered the flight attendant to put sleep syrup in our drinks, but they didn’t’ think I wouldn’t drink anything. So before they could come after us after the plane landed in China, I dragged out to leave!” She continues with enthusiasm. She grips his hand.
“You bought us some time! How come I feel so useless?” He laughs before giving her an encouraging hug. They just solved a big case! He didn’t think she would hug him back, but she did, also squeezing him in her embrace. The hard tension from a moment before gone. 
“I think I’ll go take a shower. Call Myungsoo to get us some snacks.” Miki breaks away, taking off her clothing and accessories one by one. She also takes off her high heels and stuffs them under the sofa. She walks to the bathroom and closes the door.
Taemin uses the hotel phone and calls Myungsoo and within a minute, he heard a knock on the door. He opens the door to come face to face with his dad. He avoids looking at the bathroom, afraid of giving away everything. He felt relieved that she stuffed her high heels under the sofa. He hopes his father will believe that he was just about the take a shower so the bathroom has water splashing sounds. 
His father points to the lobby, holding a gun out in front of Taemin’s face. Taemin follows, closing the door of the hotel room calmly and quietly.
But he can’t help but think: What is he going to do now? 
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Chapter ten will be the last chapter! :)


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Thank you springjasmine91 for being there when no one else is *sniff* :)
YAY!!!!!!!! NEW CHARACTER!!!!!! MYSUNGSOO!!!!!!!!!!! <3Kamsahamnida Sherioka-shii~i wish u luck for the next chapter too! <3
@springjasmine91; Haha, I updated again!! :DD I hope you like Kim Myungsoo, because I think he's going to take an important role in this story!
@wfall99; Haha, it's Taeminnie!! That's such a cool nickname! *0* I hope you like it so far >///<
Okay so they reached the airport~this is getting interesting~ update ya~hwaiting
wfall99 #5
Omo! Teaminnie :D
Wait.. I'll read the story first XD
Wow....awesome...update soon!
@springjasmine91; Thank you so much for commenting and reading! You don't know how much it means to me. *0* I updated once again! :)
ahahahaaa~wow...a whole lot of adventure for them huh~wonder when the romance starts~ahahahaaa update soon~
WOw...interesting~update soon