Chapter Five—



Taemin wanted to scream, he’s really jealous of JB right now. He wants to just go over and hold Miki in his arms. Which might be quite weird, knowing that she’s holding onto JB at the mean time; Taemin sighs, he’s never been the romantic type of boy, no wonder he hasn’t gotten any valentine chocolates up to this age. No love letter, no gifts, nothing.


When Miki had pushed him out of the truck, he stumbled down on the street with his head dizzy. She caught him in time he fell. Her strong arms surrounding him, pulling him up and supporting his weight. “Is this déjà vu?” He manages to choke out.


“No, Taemin. It’s not. Wake up.” She speaks softly into his ear.


“I’m sorry!” He screams, aware that he was lying in a girl’s embrace acting stupid. “We’re on the run! How are we going to get to the airport now? Our ride with the truck is gone.”


“Taxi.” Miki walks up to the street and holds out her hand, waving crazily.


“Are you sure?”


“It’s worth a try.”


When a cab pulls up, they scramble into the back seats, Miki telling the driver instructions in the calmest voice ever, her face hidden by her hood. Taemin tries to cover up his face with his large backpack and he hopes that his neck would cooperate for the rest of the way without giving his face away.


Fortunately, the driver didn’t suspect a thing. He kept talking to them though, which Miki finds a burden. Miki had told the driver that her name was Hyorin, a girl from the country side wanting to go study aboard. She says that Taemin’s her brother that he is really shy. She’s trying hard not to reveal too much, always changing topics and trying to lecture the driver on not focusing on driving.


The ride was peaceful or so Taemin thinks. He finally gets to have some sleep from the hard day. Without noticing, the sun is already setting on the horizon. “Pretty.” Miki says in awe. “The city sundown is so different from the country sides. In the country sides, when you see the sun going down, it means that the day’s work is over and time to rest, but here in the city, when the sun downs…It just gives me the feeling that people are going to creep out and enjoy themselves. It’s like the real fun is at night time.”


“You’re a keen observer Hyorin.” The driver nods. “Yes, the night time here is really lively, but be careful of being alone on the streets. I heard that there’s this girl criminal who has murdered someone coming to the cities to escape. You watch out alright?”


“I-I will.” Miki stutters. Almost everyone knew about them? Then it’s no longer safe in Korea, she needs to head out of this country immediately.


As they pulled into the airport’s parking lot, Taemin paid and manages to give the driver a crooked smile, hoping he didn’t give himself away too much, knowing that the driver knows about Miki being a criminal. Miki also thanks the driver and gets out of the car. She kind of trips when she steps out and Taemin catches her and screams, “Miki!” And one look at Taemin’s face, Miki knew that the driver heard them and they had to go.


“Y-you guys are…Police! Securities! These two…” The driver got out of the cab and shouts loudly.


“Crap!” Taemin gets back to his senses, they were so close! But they just had to get caught in the airport. More running. He thought.


Miki and Taemin breaks through the automatic doors and climbs up the nearest escalators in a hurry, pushing past random people in their way, muttering ‘sorry’ from time to time. They get to the counters, pushes past the line of waiting people and goes up front, they quickly get tickets, considering they’ve got no luggage, they were done booking almost too fast.


“Something’s wrong…Why haven’t the counter people have no recognized to us? The data should get to the airport first, to block off our thoughts of getting out the country!” Taemin paces in a girl’s washroom he manages to lock up from the inside.


“I don’t know either!” Miki shouts at him.


“Will they still let us board when they find out later on?” Taemin bites his lips. He kept on murmuring and chanting, Miki was annoyed to the top. She grabs his collar and covers his mouth.


“Shut it blonde boy.” She mutters. He pushes her off automatically, he’s always ready for combat; always know when to deflect someone’s grabs. But he couldn’t think if he was too harsh on her. She was as worried as he is and now he just made her mad. He was sure it’d be hard to see her soft and gentle side like in the hospital again. A day with cops and running away sure can make someone go mad. He thinks he’s mad.


“I’m sorry.” Taemin runs to her in the little space and hugs her, squeezing her and sobs on her shoulder like a little boy. “I’m tired, I’m worried, I can’t focus and stay calm.”


“That’s why I told you not to come.” She says softly, cradling him. 

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Chapter ten will be the last chapter! :)


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Thank you springjasmine91 for being there when no one else is *sniff* :)
YAY!!!!!!!! NEW CHARACTER!!!!!! MYSUNGSOO!!!!!!!!!!! <3Kamsahamnida Sherioka-shii~i wish u luck for the next chapter too! <3
@springjasmine91; Haha, I updated again!! :DD I hope you like Kim Myungsoo, because I think he's going to take an important role in this story!
@wfall99; Haha, it's Taeminnie!! That's such a cool nickname! *0* I hope you like it so far >///<
Okay so they reached the airport~this is getting interesting~ update ya~hwaiting
wfall99 #5
Omo! Teaminnie :D
Wait.. I'll read the story first XD
Wow....awesome...update soon!
@springjasmine91; Thank you so much for commenting and reading! You don't know how much it means to me. *0* I updated once again! :)
ahahahaaa~wow...a whole lot of adventure for them huh~wonder when the romance starts~ahahahaaa update soon~
WOw...interesting~update soon