Chapter Three—


        Really fast, they got to Seoul. In Miki’s mind, she cheered. Though it was tiring, but the suspense and chase is starting to make her excited. Just like when she started killing that man—Miki has this weird flaw. Whenever she starts getting excited, things would go overboard. Maybe that’s the advantage her sister uses towards her. Man, her sister knows more about herself then she does—after cornering the man, she was hesitated to hurt him, but once a kick was aimed at the man’s stomach, it went out of control.


“Hey Miki, pull over in front of that Japanese restaurant.” Taemin leans close to her, puts her lips beside her neck and demands, breathing in her ear. She nodded and did as she was told, but secretly laughed.


“What’s with the strong attitude?” Miki says.


“Well, someone just ditched me. Do you simply think I would maintain calmness? You expect too much, killer girl.” He mocks. “Say hello to Taemin the manly.”


“Don’t call me killer girl.” She shakes her head in disbelief, wanting to change the subject. “Are you sure we can make it to Japan safely? Although it’s only an one hour flight but—”


“No. That’s why we’re going to China instead. Quicker by half an hour and the security of the airport in China aren’t that high tech as Japan.” He cuts her off. She asks him about the tickets assured her that everything is all set. “At the same time, we have to get onto the plane quickly or else my dad or the other cops would be here in time to stop us.”


“Wow that sounds fun.” She rolls her eyes. “Public humiliation.”

Before they entered the Japanese restaurant, he ordered her to look stunned and far away like what she looked like in the hospital room. He wants her to blank out before they head in.


Clearly, he seems to have a plan on what he’s going to do and all Miki had to do was follow, but she’s not doing anything stupid without an explanation. She leaned on the great moustache cardboard man standing beside the restaurant door saying: O-TASTY RAMEN!


“Okay, we don’t have much time to get to the airport. The highway doesn’t let motorcycles on and if we don’t take the high way, it’ll take longer than a normal car would. I thought maybe we can get the Japanese to help take us to the airport. Pretend you’ve got a shock.” He finally gave in when she refused to go in, she rather stays here and chill with Mr. Moustache then go into the shop looking blank and stupid and embarrass herself.


“Are you crazy? How would the Japanese just give us a free ride? Won’t they recognize us at all?”


“In fact, they won’t recognize us at all. The Japanese rarely reads Korean newspaper and usually the Japanese version comes out unexpectedly late. We get to buy some time. The cops probably don’t know we’ve escaped to Inbeon’s International Airport, but they’ll suspect our plans and head there sooner or later.” Taemin talks really fast, pulling her into the restaurant without letting her reply.


He leans on her shoulder once again, “we can only pull this off if you act well. Now, obey.”


Miki walked in, she flicked her eyes wide open, staring far away. She tries not to look at the surroundings of the restaurant. She focuses her eyes on an ugly looking trophy at the very back of the restaurant. Miki has seen many crazy people throughout her life and usually their eyes would turn hollow and the orb would get wider, they would close their mouth tightly so people can see their jaw line, she also remembered that people in a shock would grip their fist tightly.


“Welcome!” An old man wiped his hands on his white oily and a little burnt apron. He smiles widely, holding his arms out as if she’s his daughter going into papa’s embrace. Miki doesn’t know if she should ignore the man and focus on the trophy or what, but Taemin saved her just in time. He chose the perfect timing, too. He made sure the old Japanese man was confused before talking.


“I’m so sorry. My sister has a shock. She just got it when we were walking on the streets. All she keeps muttering is the airport. She wouldn’t say anything else. I just convinced her we would get help here and let her meet our little baby brother at the airport. We heard that our baby brother is really sick and she’s scared to death. She’s hallucinating a lot, too.” Taemin walks up to the Japanese man, whispering in hush voices, but just loud enough for Miki to hear what he wants her to do. She can literally imagine him ordering her to say those words. “A-Air-port-t.” Miki chokes out, managing out a shriek.


“Okay, okay. Japanese man will help you see your little baby brother.” The old man looks horrified, he didn’t say anything else, but led them to the back door. He walked into the kitchen and told some staff to take care of the store while he’s gone. Then he comes back and leads them out to the parking lot and into his truck.


The old man insists Taemin hold onto his sister’s hand to comfort her. Taemin acted cool and held her hand, while his inside panicked. But the thought dissolved when he felt a squeeze from his hand. Miki had just squeezed him back! When he looks at her she doesn’t move, but stare out the window of the car blankly.


You are one heck of a girl.Taemin whispers in his mind.

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Chapter ten will be the last chapter! :)


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Thank you springjasmine91 for being there when no one else is *sniff* :)
YAY!!!!!!!! NEW CHARACTER!!!!!! MYSUNGSOO!!!!!!!!!!! <3Kamsahamnida Sherioka-shii~i wish u luck for the next chapter too! <3
@springjasmine91; Haha, I updated again!! :DD I hope you like Kim Myungsoo, because I think he's going to take an important role in this story!
@wfall99; Haha, it's Taeminnie!! That's such a cool nickname! *0* I hope you like it so far >///<
Okay so they reached the airport~this is getting interesting~ update ya~hwaiting
wfall99 #5
Omo! Teaminnie :D
Wait.. I'll read the story first XD
Wow....awesome...update soon!
@springjasmine91; Thank you so much for commenting and reading! You don't know how much it means to me. *0* I updated once again! :)
ahahahaaa~wow...a whole lot of adventure for them huh~wonder when the romance starts~ahahahaaa update soon~
WOw...interesting~update soon