Chapter 1

Be My Girlfriend?
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Nayeon isn’t sure what it is, but there’s something so much better about studying in Mina’s room. Possibly the snacks, or the fact that Mina’s roommate, Jihyo, is never in. Not that Jihyo isn’t a nice person, she is. But she’s also fluent in three different languages and considering Nayeon is still stumbling her way through Spanish 101, she can’t help but feel like she’s being judged at times.

“What? Were you raised in a barn?” Startled, Nayeon looks up just in time to catch Mina’s eye roll. “Shoes off if you’re going to lay on the bed.”

Once her shoes are where they belong on the ground, she returns to lying on her stomach, staring blankly at the rectangles of white against the pink of Mina’s comforter. “I was going to say sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t remember how to.”

“Lo siento? Maybe?” Mina chews on her bottom lip for a moment before shrugging. “Close enough, anyway.”

Lo Siento. Nayeon tucks that into her memory for safe keeping. Flips the page on her textbook and munches idly on pretzels as she does. There’s a test next week and she knows that she’s not ready for it. Isn't sure that she ever will be, at this rate. But while part of her wants to grouse at how unfair it is that a second language is required for her major, she also knows how useful knowing Spanish will be when she starts her career. Knows she should be grateful for the chance to learn it now rather than stumbling her way through in a few years.

By hour two of studying, she’s tempted to snag the fur pillow she tossed on the floor when she called the bed. Sleep is beckoning her, especially given how comfortable she is. The clacking sound of Mina pushing back from her desk is the only warning that Nayeon gets before the woman flops across her legs. “Not that I don’t find chem enthralling, but I’m ready to go get pizza. You in?”

As if there was ever a bad time for pizza. It takes them both a moment to gather shoes and jackets, not to mention double check that they have their ID cards, but after that, they’re on their way to the dining hall.

It’s just late enough in the semester to be pretty outside, not too hot, but not yet at risk for snow or sleet. Nayeon is able to comfortably shove her sleeves up to her elbows as they walk, chatting idly about the coming weekend.

Mina’s toying with the idea of going on a third date with some guy named BamBam or possibly going home for the weekend. Or rather, she’s toying with the idea of going home for the weekend to avoid going on a date with BamBam.

“Couldn’t you just tell him no and stay here?” Nayeon asks as she follows Mina to the pizzeria.

The question earns her a shrug. “Maybe. He’s a bit clingy? I’d prefer to have a concrete reason so that he doesn’t start in on the whole ‘well if you don’t want to go on a date, maybe we could just hang around your dorm’ thing.”

“Ew.” Nayeon snags a slice of cheese pizza for her plate. “You could always tell him that you have plans. Namely Me.”

“Sounds delightful.” There’s a teasing hint to her tone, complemented by a wiggling of eyebrows that makes Nayeon laugh. “But no, a girls weekend sounds really nice actually. Watch some Disney movies, maybe make breakfast. Jihyo has a waffle iron that she said I could use whenever.”

“Then it’s a deal. You can’t see him because you need to spend time with your dear old friend Nayeon. Who is very depressed because-” The woman at the register takes her ID and then Mina’s, giving her time to think of a reason- “She’s going to fail Spanish at this rate.”

“You’ll do fine,” Mina reassures her as they find a table. “You’re just brain dead from studying so much lately.”

“Easy for you to say.” It’s a write-off, even though she knows Mina has a point. There’s just so much pressure that comes with being an Im, and even if her family hasn’t openly protested it, she can feel the disapproval. Her sister off to become a lawyer, and here she is at some state school with plans to become a teacher. Not exactly fulfilling the family legacy.

It’s a ramble that Mina has listened to more than once. As a first generation college student, their struggles are vastly different, but they've always done well at listening to one another.

“Enough of that, though, what about you? Anything new with your love life?”

Nayeon goes to shake her head and then realizes that maybe Mina can help her out. “So uh, there’s this guy in my sociology class? Jimin. And I’m pretty sure he likes me. And I think he might be planning on asking me out.”

That gets Mina’s attention, elbows on the table, chin resting on her folded hands as she leans forward. “Aw. Is Nayeon finally going to get a boyfriend?”

“Maybe? I’ve never dated? And I’m not sure if I’ll like it.”

Especially not when she uses Mina’s experience as a jumping point. BamBam is too clingy, and though Mina hasn’t said it outright- sounds a bit controlling as well. Jungkook had been the complete opposite. Distant to the point that Mina had spent the entire two months they dated wondering if he actually liked her. There were others too, though none that Mina stayed with long enough for Nayeon to learn their names.

And Jimin? Naye

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Chapter 7: Awww i loved this story!! It was so cute!! Thank you so much for writing this!
Mcdead #2
Chapter 7: It's so cute omg!!! I love it
Chapter 7: i love this story ofnskfn so cute
MiNayeon_2224 #5
Chapter 7: ??
Wivern #7
Chapter 7: All wrapped up,with a pretty bow on top. ^_^
Chapter 7: Awwwww thank you for the beautiful ending
ayamdawan #9
Chapter 7: This is the cutest thing i have ever read for a long while THE FLUUUUFFFFFFFF
MiNayeon_2224 #10
Chapter 6: MiNayeon lovesick ❤❤❤....Happy Holiday ?