(HeejinxHyunjin) LOONA

GIrlgroup short stories

75 words at the end are authors note, fyi;]
have fun~

"Bread Girl"

And there she goes again.
Since this school year begun she will always come here, order her drink and leave. 
Like probably anyone but I don't pay attention to them! Just to her. For those few minutes she comes in and waits for her hot coffee and a slice of bread (always a different one!) I only pay attention to her.
It probably sounds weird but can you judge me? She is stunning! You are just not able to look away. She looks kind of arrogant, her apperance is pretty sporty and eventhough she probably just eats bread everyday her body is perfectly slim. Even lean I would guess but since fall is coming she mostly wears hoddies. And her smile whenever she gets her order. Nobody can top that!
But my friends are judging. Strongly. 
Since we discovered this café at the end of last school year, we've been going here to do our homework and just chat a little. This way we get to have our homework (mostly) in the most pleasant way. Everything is easier with friends. Even math!
Jinsoul is a genius with this weird number stuff and helps all of us to get at least acceptable grades. But she is also the one who teases me the most. Besides Haseul and Vivi, who most of the time are just smiling into their coffees and keep silent, Chuu is the one who exaggerates. In a supportive way I guess.
Whenever she enters, Chuu would tap on my shoulder and calmly-not-so-calmly tell me. Embarassing because she has anything but a calm voice, but still sweet of her.
At the same time our math genius, even when in the middle of a task, would begin to giggle and grin slyly. I know she just tries to scare me but like...
it works. She is totally the type who would just abruptly stand up, go to the bread girl and tell her about me stalking her (which I am not!). So I don't trust her at all.
I adapted the 'bread girl' expression form her. I still don't know her name. 

"Gone again and you still didn't talk to her" Jinsoul states and Chuu lets out a sad sigh.
"Well what could I say" I countered annoyed at the truth in her teasing.
"How about: Hey you, I've been stalking you for the past few weeks. How about I treat you to a hot coffee and oh you didn't try this bread yet, didn't you?"
As she picks up my bread to illustrate her scene I smack her to stop "Shut up, I got it!" While I'm looking for my pencil -which fell down because I turned around way to fast as Chuu tapped my shoulder- to continue facing my homework, she keeps on talking. "You know, you could just begin to work here so she will maybe recognise you! Imagine! Wow!" Now it was Chuus turn to shut her up... but in the Chuu way, stuffing my Croissant which was still in her hand into the latters mouth. 
But I have to say... that was not that much of a bad idea actually.
And just as I thought of asking if some workers are needed Haseul took her chance to speak "Don't be an idiot Heejin. You already don't stop complaining when we only have half of the homework of today." I sink back into my chair. Didn't even notice that I really stood up.
"Come on. Tomorrow is another day" Jinsoul said in a teasing tone. Playing with her Pen, still chewing on my Croissant- Wait!
"Hey thats mine you fish!!" 

"Are you still goint to eat that?" Vivi askes half laughing half worried.
My eyes still at the counter, observing the situation, unknowingly squashing my Croissant with one hand. 
I let it drop on the plate again, not moving my eyes.
The bread girl is talking to the cashier for alsmost 5 minutes now. And she seems to enjoy it. The girl who just always wents in here, ignoring every kind of smaltalk and just wanting her bread and coffee is now talking to the guy who just served us our orders. Including my Croissant. 
He has this sly smile on his face. It wouldn't be that much of a deal, since it may also just be his cashier face of 'hey buy all my stuff' but it seems to be more. She even handed him a note and wispered into his ear and know it looks like he's teasing her. With poking!
"Then you should not totally squash it or should I get you a blender? Would be easier-" All I hear after that was a smack and a squeal of Jinsoul.
I don't know who hit her but thanks. 
I turn back around and let my head sink onto the table. Spreading my arms over my homework and closing my eyes.
"I'm probably just one of the many extra actors who are just existing to make the movie look natural. Important, yes. Otherwise the movie woukd look pretty weird right? But no one knows them. It's just a fact. No one goes like 'Hey did you see that girl sitting in the far back of the Café? She's so beautiful!' Ooh indeed she is. But the 'she' I mean is the protagonist. She doesn't know me. The girl in the back. I'm just here to- "And now shes overdramatizing again. Bet?" Jinsoul stopps my mumbling.
"She's gone Hekki you can look up again"
I stood up. Packed my stuff and drank the rest of my coffee. "You can have it" I tell no one specifically, refering to my not so delicious looking Croissant. I'm not lucky with these lately...
Ready to leave as someone calls my name.
"Hey you're Heejin right?" 
Anyone could have called me. Anyone but not this guy. Not now. 
"My friends are going to pay for me don't worry." I mumble, walking past him and continue to leave. He then suddenly blocked the way and grined. What is with this guy? He has the attention of Bread Girl what else could he wish for?
As he still doesn't move I moan "What do you want?" 
He smiles. Still sly but a little friendlier now. Kind of like before when he took our orders but not his cashier smile. It has some hidden meaning and that is what makes me even more annoyed. "I guess you won today!" He exclaims. Huh? I didn't know that this café had made some kind of prize draw... but I didn't draw any tickets. Maybe an annyversary? Whatever it might be I'm definetly not in the mood for any kind of talking right know. I'm coming here nearly everyday so why today and why him??
"Don't look like that! Be happy or at least act like it since she might still hear us" 
"What?" He is kind of crazy right? Whats up with this guy?
"Look" He fishes a small folded paper out of his pocket. "I am just here to handle your this. Now smile a little!" He hands me the paper. I look at him in confusion, not really paying attention to the paperthing. He just winks and went back to continue his work. 
Now I'm standing in the middle of the Café, my face feels red and full of confusion. Should I go back to the others or should I leave.
What is this note and who's that guy?
Wait, it that the note she gave him before?
Why did she gave him that note and why did he give it to me?
Is that some dump kind of prank? Jinsoul??
Nah... Jinsoul likes to tease but she wouldn't be that mean to me.
And how could a prank even be possible without one of them? They both don't know that I'm waiting for her everyday since she first entered this café.
Wow I really sound weird. Why am I like this? What is with this girl?
I opened the note right there. It's bright yellow.
In as fast but controlled style it says,
'Hey, wanna hang out somtime? I see you a lot here and thought that we might get along well.
(I hope the guy who I'm "proud" to call my brother wasn't that embarassingTT) 
How about tomorrow? I'm coming like usual;]'

WELCOME to the end of my second story~
I noticed that my storys are probably a little flat... I'll try to build up a little more tension or suspense next time!
it would be a great help if you could tell me what your thoughts on this are heh
Especially about length and and if it's interesting.
Oh and how was the use of characteres? 

Have a nice day, night, blablabla and good bye~

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Mateohaupt #1
memelindaa #2
Chapter 6: Noo yulyen fluffy?
Chapter 1: Wait this is sooooo cute????
i don't know if u know fromis_9 or not but if you know them can you write a chaeyoung x nakyung chapter? maybe where nakyung is an introvert and she always get bullied and chaeyoung came to save her. hehe i would be glad if u write one but its okay if u won't.
PurpleLikeTheStars #5
Chapter 1: Can you write a Yeji x Hyujin chapter? ?