
I Still Love You [Chaennie★Jensoo]



Chaeyoung couldn't believe what she just heard. She stood up from her bed and walked toward Jennie who was sitting while hugging her knees on a corner of their hotel room. She lowered her head and closed her eyes. Her heart couldn't handle hearing the responses from her three group mates. Lisa who was kneeling next to Jennie just kept starring at her with empty gaze. Meanwhile, Jisoo stood kept silent. She just staring at the Seoul's night view through the window.

"Tell me it isn't true, Unnie. Please don't leave us. Don't leave me" Lisa begged while grabbing Jennie's hand.

"I'm so sorry, but I think it's for the best. I really can't take it anymore.." Jennie was sobbing.
"Jennie Unnie, you have to be strong. We can get through this. Four of us will make it. Together. Oh, come on Unnie. Don't act like this. We can not without you.." Lisa's tears streamed down on her cheeks.

Jennie shook her head.

"I understand how you feel, Unnie. But, don't be selfish. Think about our feeling. Think about BLINKS' feeling." said Chaeyoung while standing in front of Jennie.

Jennie rised her head. She looked up Chaeyoung. She smiled in pain.

"What do you know, Chaeyoung? What do you understand? I'm the one who get hatred from half of the BLINKS. Not you. I'm the one who get those disrespected comments, shamming comments. They even called me e. I was once called a Burning Sun dancer. They insult me. Not you. No matter how hard I try, it won't be enough. All i do is wrong. They will keep on disrespect me. Not you! You will never ever understand my feeling. So, please just shut your mouth.."

"Unnie, please stop.." Lisa whispered when she saw Jennie had carried by emotion.

"And you, Lisa.." Jennie turn her gaze to Lisa, "Everybody praises you. Everybody likes you, admires you. In people's eyes, I always be the bad girl and you are the good girl. I am said to be an attention seeker. The YG's golden girl. Do you think i asked for those favoritism from the company? Never! I don't have choice. I must do what they want me to do. That's my job!"

"Please hang on a little longer.. Everything will get better.." said Lisa.

"I can't take it anymore. I shouldn't be here any longer. Please, let me go.."

"I always thought you're a strong woman, Unnie. But, it seems like i was wrong. You are weak. You forget our promise? That the four of us will always be together no matter that happen? You can't keep that promise. You're just a liar!" Chaeyoung said in high voice again.

Slowly, Jennie stood up and gave intense gaze toward Chaeyoung, "Yes, I'm weak! I'm a liar! Are you satisfied now?!"

"Oh, good. Finally you admit it. And, one more, You're a coward who only can runaway from all of your problems."

Jennie just stay quiet. Her hands formed fists, trying to suppress her emotion. 

"Suddenly lost of words, Unnie? Why? Because I am right? Well, okay if that's what you want. You want to leave? Then just leave for good! I don't give a anymore! But one thing you have to know. I'm gonna hate you for the rest of my life. I don't want to see your face or hear you voice anymore!"

Lisa and Jennie were shook seeing Chaeyoung's reaction. Chaeyoung was always a sweet and nice girl. She never said anything bad. 

"STOP!!" Jisoo finally opened . She walked toward her three friends.

"Let Jennie go.." Jisoo tried to be calm but she couldn't hide the trembling of her voice.

"Jisoo Unnie.." Lisa and Chaeyoung couldn't believe what they just heard.

"If Jennie isn't feel happy in BLACKPINK, then what's the point of her being here? All these times, Jennie always try to make other people happy even when she is feeling sad. It's time for her to chase her own happiness."

"Jisoo Unnie, are you out of your mind? Are your brain is still within your head? Don't you remember our struggles during trainee days until this day? There are millions BLINKS out there. Can't you imagine what they feel when they know that Jennie leaves? All those times we share tears, sadness, happiness, and laughter with them." Chaeyoung became more furious.

"If you can't be honest with yourself, then all those happiness and sadness are fake and useless.."

Jisoo came to Jennie and gave her a warm hug. She tapped Jennie's shoulder softly and whispered "I don't want us to end up like this. But, I don't want to see you getting hurt everytime."

Jisoo released her hug and gave her best attempt to smile despite the pain she felt in her heart "Now, you can go and live your own life.."

"I'm sorry, Jisoo.. I'm really sorry" Jennie said in almost inaudible voice.

Jennie looked at her other two friends.
"I'm sorry, Lisa. I'm sorry, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung felt both of her legs suddenly got weak. She dropped her body onto the floor. Her heart and body couldn't take it anymore.
"It's okay if you can't forgive me. I know I don't deserve it. I'll leave now."

When Jennie opened the door and about to left the room, suddenly she felt her wrist was held by someone. 

"I'm begging you, Unnie. This will be the very last time I beg you not to leave. Do I need to kneel in front of you? I'll do it.. Please, just stay. Don't go."

"I'm sorry, Lisa.. But, this is too hard for me.."
Lisa held Jennie's wrist more tightly. Jennie felt pain because of Lisa's firm grip.

"I don't want to lose you. I can not lose you, Unnie.."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Let her go, Lisa. Set her free.." Jisoo tried to release Lisa's grip from Jennie.

"I won't let her go, Jisoo Unnie.."

"Lisa, you can't keep what doesn't want to stay." Jisoo looked at Lisa with stern but sad gaze.

Finally, Lisa gave up and loosened her grip. She watched how Jennie's wrist slip out of her hand. She turn around, she didn't want to see Jennie leave. For a moment, Jennie just stood still in front of the opened door. She knew that once she step out from that room, she wouldn't be back. She would lost her place to return. But, she already made up her mind. She finally stepped out of the room and left her three friends who was crying. She kept on walking and never turn back. The tears on her cheeks tears streamed down without she could ever stop. But, now she has no Jisoo, Chaeyoung, or Lisa to wipe her tears. She only had herself.

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Chapter 7: what's next authornim?
please make this chaennie end game authornim...
SaySaySouffleee #3
Chapter 7: Hi umm, if you have time, could you possibly update because I I’ve basically read almost every chaennie ff I’ve found and this the next one I wanna finish. Amazing plot btw!
reysh1810 #4
Chapter 1: Author gonna update ?
Michae47 #5
Chapter 7: came here for channie, so please be channie end gamee wuhuhj
Chapter 4: It was really sweet as Jennie sent those notes to Chaeng.
Chapter 3: this is very sad
babyblackpink #8
Chapter 7: I hope Lisa and Chae will understand jennie and I'm still thinking about the chaennie memories, i am excited for the next chapter. Thank you for the double update :)
babyblackpink #9
Chapter 6: aw jensoo's friendship.
Chapter 5: I read this because of chaennie tag.