Time, Please Stop For A Little Bit.

Your Charming Eyes Steal A Look At My Heart.

*Listen to-INFINITE's BTD (Before The Dawn)*

I didn't know what to do. I was strongly being held down by Block B, minus Zico. Zico, that jerk, had my precious girl in his disgusting hands. I glared at him with an incredible amount of hatred in my eyes. My insides were burning with everything bad when I looked at him. I didn't like the look of him but what made me hate him more was he had my girl. She usually looked fragile and pretty but with Zico, she was scared and sad looking. It broke my heart.

As I tried to leap out of Block B's grasp, they broke my foot, making me yelp. Zico tightened his grip on ~~~. I tried to get her again but they then kicked my stomach area, breaking two of my ribs. It had hurt too much and I yelled loudly. I looked at my beautiful ~~~ who was sad because I was hurt. Zico nastily whispered in my lady's ear and her eyes widened. But slowly, she nodded. I was curious and gently but questioningly looked at her. She just violently shook her head and started sobbing. I was confused and my heart started beating faster and faster. Next thing I knew, I was hit somewhere on my neck and everything went black.


I woke with a start and found myself in my best friend, Hoya's place. I was bandaged up and water was on the little table next to me. I longingly filled my body with the liquid. I still remember that it was raspberry-flavored water, ~~~'s favorite. I looked around and saw Hoya on the couch in his living room, along with the rest of INFINITE. I immediately smiled but it quickly disappeared when I thought of ~~~. I frantically shot out of Hoya's bed and tried calling my baby's phone. No answer. I was frustrated so I hollered. Sunggyu hyung ran over to me and comforted me with a hug. I cried. I cried a lot. But, I couldn't help it. ~~~ was gone. Myungsoo and Sungyeol walked over and promised that they'd help me find ~~~. One by one, they all were hovering around me, assuring me we would find my girl. Together.

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bayan_ #1
Chapter 11: OMG OMG OMG I'M not going to cry..no no no
okay I cied:'((((
Chapter 11: The first part of the story was REALLY boring but I liked the ending it made me teared up abit
yofunkeemonkEY #3
I like your fic! Sequel!!!
I do enjoy every chapter that you wrote :)
Your DP is awesome too :D
Continue to write more stories then :]
xoxoxoxoxo :*
miyi_strawberry #5
This is such a good story Unnie!!! I already subscribed to your new story~ ~
Unnie fighting!!!!!
Iheartlife #6
Omg! This is so sad but it has a bright future. Even though your loved ones are dead and gone, you should always be happy because they're watching you in heaven. Thank you for this wonderful story <3
Iheartlife #7
nooooo they died D:
miyi_strawberry #8
Aww.... how can they die so easily... this is sad...
and I think you should Unni.
Update soon!!!
miyi_strawberry #9
WHAT!!! What will happen next???
What will Zico do??
Unni... why are you gonna end this story too fast???
Update soon!!!!