Making Friends

Super Junior High


A/N: I mean could you girls be any sweeter XD I love you all <3

Seriously I do C:

Henry POV (Yes girls Henry Lau, please hold you screams..)

This new school is hard to get used to…I need to make friends. Look at those guys over there.

He was looking at the EunHae/YeWook/HanChul/SiBum/KangTeuk/KyuMin Group.

Some of those guys are in my class. I can pretend to ask for help. Just then a tall senior passed by me, he was skinny and had a very handsome face, he looked Chinese, but I didn’t know for sure. He bumped into me but I didn’t even notice till he spoke.

“Sorry..I’m  Zhou Mi, I am new.” You could tell with that accent he was Chinese. I reached my hand out and he took it we shook hands the touch of his soft skin made my heart jump.

“My name is Henry.” I said letting go of his hand, and already missing the way it felt.

“Do you want to eat lunch together?” it was my first week and I think his as well.

“I would really like that.”I smiled and we sat at the nearest table. I guess ill try to make friends with those guys another day, I was happy with talking to Zhou Mi. He told me about why he moved here, how he missed China and about his jerk of an ex boyfriend. He started to tear up but I wiped them away and smiled softly.

“I am glad I could make a friend like you Henli” The way he said my name was so cute.

“Me too Zhou Mi!” we exchanged numbers and I told him I would call him soon. He smiled and waved at me.

I thought to myself, my first crush at a new school…Who knows this guy might actually like me back, well I hope so at least. I am a pretty optimistic when it comes to my love life.

“Hi Henry!” I heard someone say I turned around.

“Hi Donghee!” the other kid who started with me this week. “How has your first week been?” We were in the office awhile before we went to class this morning. “Did you make some friends?”

“Only you…” he seemed kind of down, I will introduce him to Zhou Mi, when I see him next. “Don’t worry too much…” I smiled at him and he smiles back. Thank goodness classes were over I went to my locker.

“Hi locker mate!” I looked up to see a rather friendly looking guy. I saw him by that group of guys earlier. “My name is Siwon!” he extended his hand to me I shook it.

“I’m Henry!” I tried to stay calm. I was making another friend and so quickly.

“Wonnie!” Siwon turned around to see who had called him. “I’m so tired.” Some boy wrapped his arms around Siwon’s middle and rested his head on his shoulders.

“Bummie…” he patted the boys head. “This is Henry!” he gestured towards me.

“Hi, I am Kibum.” He reached his hand out I accepted and shook his hand.

“So I think I will leave now.” I waved goodbye to the new boys I had met.

I walked home, in complete silence trying to comprehend the week I have had.

First: I was in a new school.  Second: I already had a crush, on a senior… Third. I made friends with my locker mate.

“Henry-oppa!” my little sister was calling for me, I ran to her room. “I missed you!” she hugged my leg and I lifted her up and embraced her tightly. It was just me, her and my dad. We are a small but loving family. I kissed her forehead.

“Oppa is here, I wont leave, I promise.” She smiled at me and I ruffled her  hair and set her down and went to start dinner. Just then the bell rang, I trotted to the door to see who it was.

“Who is it?” I call as I am heading to the door.

“Hi my name is Choi Siwon, my family lives across the street and my mom baked this pie.”I opened the door to see my locker mate.

“Hey!” He smiled at me.

“Hi Henry! I didn’t know we were neighbors!” I opened the door.

“Come on in.” he walked in and I made some tea.

“OPPA! HURRY!” I sped up the stairs and Siwon followed after me.

“What’s the matter !?” She pointed to the floor where I saw a HUGE black spider. i suppressed a scream, man I hate spiders! Siwon walked up to the spider and captured it in a glass.

“I got em’!”he showed it to me I shuddered and hugged my little sister who was shaking.

“Yah, Siwon get it out of here!” I practically screamed at him.

“Relax, it’s just a little spider.” He opened the window and tossed the spider out.

“Thank you!” I hugged Siwon. He blushed. I guess that happens with skinship sometimes.

“You are welcome! It really wasn’t a  big deal though. Just be lucky my friend Yesung wasn’t here. He would have made a pet out of it.

“So do you have a lot of friends?” I asked setting my sister down.

“Yep, they are really cool guys, but my boyfriend is the best.” He started to blush again.i assumed the one who was with him earlier was his boyfriend.

“Well that’s cool..” I said in a low tone.

“Hey do you want to sit at my lunch table tomorrow?” I perked up.

“Can I bring someone he is having a hard time making friends…” I was talking about Donghee.

“Sure the more the merrier!” he ruffled my hair. “I have to head home now though.” “Oh before I forget, you should walk with our group tomorrow morning!”

“Wow! Thank you I will!”

“Okay we meet at the street sign at 730! See you then!” He waved goodbye as he left through the door.

“Oppa!” I looked down at my little sister.

“What’s wrong?”

“that Oppa was very handsome.” He cheeks flushed pink and she scurried upstairs.

All I could think was, Omo…it’s her first crush, and so young too. She is only 6…Aish! Kids these days…

Siwon’s POV

He seems like a good guy.


 I bumped into someone. “Omo I am so sorry!” I helped the guy get up.

“No, no its okay I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Such formal Korean. Oh this must be the new senior the other’s talked about.

“I am Choi Siwon. We go to the same school.”

“Hi, my name is Zhou Mi! It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shook my hand very calmly.

“Zhou Mi, do you want to join my table for lunch tomorrow?” I hope everyone was okay with all the people I invited.

“Really? I don’t have many friends, so this is really good of you! Thank you!” he hugged me. I felt like I made him happier. This made me smile. God always says to make others happy and you will be happy.

I walked into my house, to see my boyfriend playing with my little brother and sister. I picked him up and piggybacked him to my room.

“Wonnie!” he was a little surprised. “What are-“ I cut him off with a sweet and passionate kiss. I felt him smile into the kiss and he became weak and fell backwards on to my bed.

“Bummie..” I looked at him, he really was adorable. I just wanted to kiss him forever.

“Wonnie…” he looked at me with that gaze I crave so much, my heart began to beat and then I said it… those three words that can make or break the relationship.

“I love you!”


A/N: eager to find out what happened to EunHae? Or how Kibum reacts? I really do feel evil leaving it here but I think it is a good step for the next chapter XD


I love you all and your wonderful comments <3

Thank you

TyeDyeBoogers: You are my umma who always pushes me to finish <3 thank you! <3 and you also are my dorky friend  <3

Mushroombaby12: I am glad you like my stories so much! >.< it really makes me happy! Saranghaeyo! <3

LeeTacyeon: Here is your Zhoury…HenMi cause Henry is going to top XD

Ruka29Hawkes: When i saw your comment I was really touched that you got so into that scene like I did C’: thank you! <3

Parkchanmi3: We are going to create an awesome fic!!! <3 and also saranghaeyo! <3

Samona: Actually…Hae is going to top.. :P <3 saranghaeyo! <3 I’m a huge YooSu fan! <3

Thank you so much you lovely girls <3


Yes, the time has come to shamelessly advertise my other fics.. *sigh* -Yesung’s Dilema (YeWook) -College Romance (KyuMin) - A Super Junior Love Story (All couples)

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so fast >.< another update XD love you all


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 16: will you going to update this one??? the story is nice.
looking forward
Chapter 6: lol I'm suppose to be in bed but I realized I was just reading this
Chapter 16: Ah eunhae so cute
Chapter 16: soooo cute~~~
Update more~
Supernatural-lover #5
Chapter 15: Hi~! I started to read this story today~! OMG! Is so cute! <33
kaykaygirl #7
Chapter 15: I started reading this today an I absolutely love it!
MsChoKyuhyun #8
Haha this story is really funny... They all act so GAY XD omg Kyuhyun is so OOC haha. I Lol'd imagining them at a sleepover.. And them actually calling it a sleepover XD
puckbunny #9
ahahaha hae your such a ! & i like it :) update soon!
Oh Yeah~ Just how I like Hae to be...
y~ kkkk....