Family Ties (Edited)

Thicker Than Water



There are no set in stone ships atm, so its all on you guys and the ideas your prompts give me. I’ve got a couple of directions I can go but it’s all on you, I’d recommend reading the OG shot first.


This story may deal with homophobia at points however for plot lets pretend Korea have legalised gay marriage and gay adoption. Also lets give Korea the American school set up (Graduate at 18) ‘cause everyone knows it


Family Time


The Kim household was the loudest house on the street.


Sang and Min-Jun were the only gay men living on the street too, so therefore their neighbours in the conservative nation of South Korea did not like them much already. The screaming and shouting from the nine girls that lived there just solidified the hatred the neighbours had for them. The two men had always wanted children of their own, a house full of love and laughter. It was one of the best things being out in Korea had taught them - when your true family lets you down you get to choose who you love enough to create a new one with. So after a year of living together as husbands they saved up, bought a huge house in a nice neighbourhood and began the process of adopting children. They made a pact early on that they would only adopt older children, the ones most parents overlooked in favour of newborns or toddlers.


On their first trip they’d found Nayeon, a bunny toothed eleven year old who immediately caught their attention. They had walked in to see kids of all ages running around and playing, neither man knew where to start. Luckily for them, someone else made the first move. Nayeon had marched over and introduced herself as their “future daughter”, her confidence may have bordered on delusion but Sang had found it endearing. With that many kids no wonder Nayeon fought to be the centre of attention, she kept the men monopolised so that there was only one child they’d consider memorable enough to see again. After meeting with her three times they were sold and signed all the paperwork to take her home.


Nayeon would be their eldest child, she was a little narcissistic and sometimes delusional but whenever her future little sisters came along she would go out of her way to look out for them. She was somewhat of a cliché when it came to being a big sister, not wanting to be involved with her younger siblings until they had at least all reach sixteen. Teaching them how to do their make-up and impress boys (and later girls also), even though she annoyed all her siblings at one point or another they loved her…though they will never tell her that.


After a year or so Nayeon commented that the house felt pretty empty and Min-Jun and Sang had to agree. They had such a large house, too large for the three of them, so they decided to adopt another child. When they returned to the orphanage they found two siblings sat together away from everyone else. This time they had brought Nayeon, the idea was if any of her old friends were still there they could look into adopting them first, so Min-Jun asked her about the duo in the corner. Nayeon had said the elder girl was called Jeongyeon and the younger was Jihyo, they were sisters that usually avoided talking to new parents. When Sang asked her why, Nayeon shrugged and just said “new parents split up old families”. It was no surprise, with that information in mind, that when the men went to speak with the siblings Jeongyeon was frosty towards them.


They visited a few times and once Jeongyeon and Jihyo were reassured they wanted both of them the walls fell and they were able to get to know each other. Eventually they signed the paperwork and added two new additions to their family. Jeongyeon was the contrast to hurricane Nayeon, she was calm and cool, with a talent for cooking. Because of this Nayeon and Jeongyeon would clash a lot, marking some of the most vicious fights known to man but luckily Jihyo was a great middle man. Whilst Nayeon was the eldest, Jihyo was in charge - she was a natural leader and ended up taking after Min-Jun in her mild mannered ways. Whenever a new sibling arrived after that point she would be the one to take them under her wing.


Jeongyeon and Nayeon were chaos but Jihyo created unity, it all just worked.


For a while they were fine with their family of five, the house still had enough room for each girl to have their own room and allow for a ton of spare rooms but it was significantly fuller than before. One day Sang got a call from the adoption agency they had used for their other children, three Japanese sisters had just arrived. They had been kidnapped from an orphanage in Japan and were smuggled into Korea, the assailants had been arrested but the girls were badly shaken. The agency knew that Sang and Min-Jun were happy to keep siblings together and so they asked if the men would take the trio in on a temporary basis as the girls refused to part from each other. They spoke no Korean either which made things somewhat awkward in the beginning, Momo (the eldest) somehow picked up enough to ward away the other girls but that obviously didn’t lead to cohesive family life.


It had been Jihyo’s idea for the family to have Japanese lessons, the then nine year old rightly commented that it’d be easier to get along if they made an effort. She was right, eventually the Japanese girls were conversing confidently in Korean once they had warmed up to their new family. Soon they were welcomed as permanent members of the Kim household. As previously stated, Momo was the eldest. She was the same age as Jeongyeon (a year younger than Nayeon) and the duo became close due to this. Momo was a great dancer, having taken lessons since she came to live with the Kim’s. She was also Jeongyeon’s partner in crime, sneaking out to parties and playing pranks. The two of them were a formidable duo that drove Min-Jun insane. They were too much like Sang, fun loving and chaotic. Sana and Mina were twins and polar opposites, Sana was loud and abrasive while Mina was shy and quiet. Sana spoke in actions while Mina spoke in…awkward silences and repression. Despite their differences the two of them were inseparable, Sana stood up to bullies for Mina and Mina would help Sana pass classes. Mina would watch Sana try on hundreds of outfits at the store and Sana would watch all Mina’s ballet recitals. Yin and Yang. The three siblings were so close they refused their own rooms, wanting to stay together. Sana and Mina even requested to share their bed, in the beginning the trio would all sleep on Momo’s but Momo eventually decided to take the single.


However, if Mina was having a panic attack or Sana was shaking over the thunder storm outside they’d all crawl into Momo’s bed once again and when Min-Jun would go to wake them he’d find them all smiling in their sleep and content just being with each other. To many this was weird but not to them, after the horrific thing they went through when being brought to Korea they had learned to be strongest together.


Adopting Chaeyoung had not been intended, it just sort of happened. Min-Jun had been at a market in Seoul and was grabbing his wallet to pay for something, only for his hand to collide with another. He grabbed it on reflex and turned to see a small terrified girl gazing up at him - she looked younger than Sana and Mina. He kept his grip and interrogated her, only to discover that she was going to use his wallet to buy food. She had run away from her abusive foster home as, to her, living on the streets was a better option. Min-Jun took her for dinner, then they went together to the police station. He stayed whilst child protective services spoke to Chaeyoung and kept tabs on her for the following two weeks. As soon as he could he adopted Chaeyoung, Sang was shocked but didn’t mind the new edition.


Chaeyoung was a minimalist, she wasn’t used to having a lot of anything: friends, stuff, toys etc. So it took a while for her to settle into the family unit. It was strange to everyone that Chaeyoung and Mina became close, they never openly talked often but a lot of the time Chaeyoung would be sketching at the table as Mina played games on her phone in silence. They enjoyed each others company, both quiet by nature especially at first. Chaeyoung was a talented artist, she could sit for hours at the kitchen table doodling anything and everything. It was how Sang earned her trust, he went out and paid for an expensive art set so that she could work on her skills. Out of all of them Chaeyoung was the trouble maker, Jeongyeon and Momo loved pranks but Chaeyoung was the one who got into genuine trouble more often. The calls from school for fights, the police dropping her home for something stupid…she could be a lot.


But she was also the most loyal of their brood, no matter what the situation her family were her first priority. She was loyal to those who were loyal to her and would fight tooth and nail for those she loved.


The appearance of their youngest was completely out of the blue. They had finally saved up to go on vacation and after a long household debate they agreed on going to Taiwan. It was an exciting time, Nayeon had just turned was getting ready to start high school so the trip was a treat before all their babies ended up in big school. While they were there the family began to enjoy night time walks, exploring the beautiful city of Tainan. One night they took a wrong turn into a more run down area, there were homeless people all over the street. All the doors were open revealing the nefarious acts going on inside the dark buildings. Sang kept his family close and tried to guide them out of the area, but then Min-Jun froze. Following his line of sight Sang saw a little girl sat in a doorway, it was one of the houses with lights on revealing a poker game and drugs being used. Instructing Min-Jun to go back to the hotel with the kids, not questioning his husband Min-Jun did as requested.


Three hours later Sang reappeared with adoption papers and the little girl in tow. It was difficult at first, Tzuyu (the newest addition) spoke absolutely no Korean. She was only ten at the time, a year younger than Chaeyoung, and so once they had returned home she was put into some intensive Korean lessons. Tzuyu was a lot like Mina, only rather than shy she was more reserved - choosing to say very little rather than being unable to speak in social situations. But she was definitely the baby of the family due to her naivety and innocence that lay under her cold façade.


It would be another few years until their family was complete. Chaeyoung was halfway through her first year of high school when she brought her friend Dahyun home with a sob story. Apparently Dahyun had been kissed by a girl in the hallway at school and her parents had freaked and kicked her out of home. They were extremely religious people and therefore had not only been furious that their daughter was a lesbian they had also gone on a vile tirade about Sang and Min-Jun. Dahyun, at fourteen years old, packed her stuff and left home. She was welcomed at the Kim household and found herself with eight loyal sisters.


Chaeyoung loved having her best friend living with them, she and Dahyun were bros till the end. Dahyun fit in really well with the others: she’d learn Mina’s recital music and play it on piano so she could practice, she’d pull pranks with Jeongyeon, sneak to parties with Momo or gossip with Sana. The girls adored her and she really pulled the family to a perfect close.


“GIRLS GET UP IT’S TIME FOR SCHOOL!” Sang shouted up the stairs,


A groggy Jeongyeon stepped out of her room and into the hallway, she couldn’t wait to graduate and be free of the daily wake-up call. She’d be chilling at college like Nayeon was, working her own schedule without fear of laying in to late and having a shoe thrown at her by Appa Min-Jun…he used to pitch baseball in college so believe her IT HURT. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she began making her way down the staircase, she’d managed to put on her uniform but her shirt remained untucked and her tie was in a tangled knot on her neck. She walked into the dining room where breakfast was being laid out by Mina. Min-Jun would usually cook the meals but Mina would always take them to the table, Chaeyoung always said in terms of the Japanese girls that: Momo was your girlfriend, Sana was your side piece and Mina was the wifey. Sana usually attacked her with something after she said it but it was a pretty true sentiment.


Almost everyone was already sat at the table, only Tzuyu who was still getting ready, Momo still yet to rise from bed and Nayeon who was attending college an hour away were missing. Jeongyeon took her seat between Dahyun and Jihyo, head immediately making a pillow out of the table.


“That’s unhygienic.” Jihyo sighed,


“You’re unhygienic.” Was Jeongyeon’s muffled response,


“What does that even mean?”


“Shhhh….too loud….too early.” Dahyun was dozing off while propping her head up with her hand,


Jihyo rolled her eyes at the duo as Sang leaned over and knocked Dahyun’s elbow with his fork, “Uncooked joints off the table.”


Dahyun muttered and sat back in her chair. Jihyo chuckled and looked to her father who could only shake his head. She couldn’t understand why those two were so tired, it wasn’t like they were up all night. In fact Mina had actually been up late playing video games yet she was one of the first awake. Dahyun would (and had) sleep all day if given a chance and Jihyo could not grasp how she could, for her she always went stir crazy every time she was idle. Jihyo liked having activities and needed to keep herself busy. In the living room was a massive year planner with different coloured dotted stickers for when the girls had clubs or events. The large red circles were days that their fathers needed them home, nobody could schedule anything on that day.


Jihyo’s colour was light blue and her small dots were on nearly every day on the calender. Between her duties as Class President, head of the debate club, choir, yearbook committee, Big Sister Programme, events committee and tutoring Mondays and Wednesday she didn’t really have a lot of time to breathe. However, Jihyo liked the hectic and the intensity of a full schedule - it was where she thrived. Min-Jun was a lot the same way and so had tried reminding her a few times not to burn herself out, they made her promise to take Sunday’s off as her personal time and so far she had adhered to that. If so somewhat reluctantly.


Sana was a little similar, not because she was involved in a lot of extracurriculars but because she had an extensive social life. Out of everyone in the house Jihyo and Sana were home the least. Sana was extremely popular, she was known to be the nicest girl in school but associated herself with some of the more y types. Because of this Sana and Mina were never able to talk much at school, despite being so close. Mina was a shy nerd who mostly stuck with Chaeyoung and Dahyun while Sana stayed with her own friends. Sang had many a heart attack over various outfits Sana had left in or boys/girls she had brought home to “study” with. She was the wild child and neither of her fathers knew how to deal with her. Min-Jun’s sister, Sunmi, was the one to deal with girl problems so they had left Sana to her.


Sunmi was equally out of her depth.


At that moment she was sat opposite Jihyo texting away on her phone, picking at the food on her plate. Mina sighed as she sat next to her twin, she didn’t like Sana’s friends - they could be mean. They also created a wedge between the twins during school hours, they didn’t like Mina and Mina sure as hell couldn’t stand them. Rather than distract Sana from her phone she instead watched Chaeyoung sketch something in her notebook. She was tuning out the now awake Jeongyeon and Dahyun arguing over the last bit of orange juice, as well as Appa Sang now wandering in and out of the room looking for his work tie.


“Chaeyoung-ah, Sana-ya” Appa Min-Jun called as he finally sat down to eat, “Put your things down and eat please.”


“Just a second.” Both girls declared in unison,


Min-Jun sighed, “Where are the other two, I only count seven.”


“I’ll get them.” Jihyo said,


Everyone immediately dropped what they were doing and ran for cover.




There was a tell-tale thud from above as Momo finally awoke. Tzuyu happened to come through the door at that moment, “No need to yell I’m right here.”


She wasn’t wearing her school uniform, instead she was dressed in a black sports uniform with a bow on her back.


Jeongyeon snorted, “Morning Legolas.”


Tzuyu just poked her tongue out.


“Shouldn’t you be dressed for school?” Jihyo asked as Tzuyu sat down,


Tzuyu shook her head, “I have to practice before school for the competition later.”


Min-Jun dropped his spoon with a clang, “That’s today!?”


“Yeah?” The youngest frowned, “You and Appa Sang said you’d come.”


Appa Min-Jun looked sheepish, “Sorry sweetie, but we promised to go over college brochures with Jeongyeon and Momo later. They’re already cutting it close to deadlines.”


Tzuyu was the youngest child and therefore, often forgotten - she had long since accepted that.


“I-It’s okay.”


“Maybe Chae could go watch you?”


Chaeyoung looked up, “Can’t - Mina, Dahyun and I are going to the movies.”


“You can’t push it back and take Tzuyu with you?”


“Pre-booked tickets, sorry Tzu.”


Tzuyu just went back to eating. She learned long ago that Chaeyoung didn’t want her baby sister hanging around. Luckily there was a beep outside, the school bus. Everyone made a mad dash to the door.








“Hurry up, Chae - we need to grab the back seat!”


“Give her credit, she’s going as fast as her little legs will carry her.”


“ you Jeongyeon!!”




“Sorry, Jihyo-unnie.”


“Bye girls have a nice day!” Min-Jun called after them,


Once the procession had left the man sighed in relief and sagged in his chair, when Sang wandered in still looking for his tie Min-Jun grabbed it from under the newspaper his husband had been reading over breakfast. With a grin Sang pecked his cheek and sat down to finish his breakfast with his husband.


“Peace at last.”






“WHY DID NOBODY WAKE ME UP!?” Momo yelled as she sprinted out the door,


With her shirt untucked, hair a mess and wearing two mismatched left shoes.


A/N - Prompt :) Literally have no ships prepped and very few story-lines. I would prefer g/g ships but maybe have one or two m/f ships at some point. PROMPT ANYTHING AND I KINDA WANNA HAVE OUR GIRLS DATE DIFFERENT PEOPLE THROUGHOUT.

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RIGHT! SO: Originally I had to change Heechul to Siwon cause he’s dating Momo, however it has now come to my attention that Siwon is publicly anti-gay marriage. I’ve decided to take out Super Junior completely because they aren’t making this easy for me, so now they’re OCs.


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NikkiTheNetherqueen #1
Chapter 23: Hello author of such a beautiful fic. I love all your works and the dynamic that you write your characters with, especially in this story which is my favorite. I know it's been a while since you posted, and that life can be hard so I'm not begging for updates. But I will wait patiently for future chapters to this wonderful story if they ever come because seriosuly, this writing deserves to be read.

Thank you for writing.
poplarbear #2
Thank you for writing this story
Annoymous390 #3
Chapter 23: Update please also dubchaeng love them too
Annoymous390 #4
Chapter 23: Update please also dubchaeng love them too
Chapter 23: Oh my, I’m so sorry for not commenting sooner, I missed two chapters TT
Nayeon finding out she is pregnant was such a heartwarming chapter. Sure she had her doubts, she was scared but in the end she wanted to be a good mother, something none of them had truly experienced. Its admirable she does this.
And I also have to say I’m loving Leetuek and Siwon in here, they care but their daughter thinks, they let her diced what to do. Ignoring all those thoughts their neighbors could have. And I loved the image of everyone fighting over who would be the best aunt.

Damn, I already forgot I gave that prompt, thanks for remembering it. Chaeng is still their ‘trouble’ child and it showed here, she does what she wants and doesn’t really care about the outcome (which makes me somehow like her character even more)
I understand why she got so angry, it was her baby sister that went through all this, I wouldn’t know how I would react, so there is no arguing if this was right or wrong. Also I totally loved Officer Happy and Officer , best names for sure. Maybe as a prompt, that after all this really leads to Chaeyoung getting taken away, cause I know you can make it angsty and I love your angsty (I really love all your stories so much)
And I truly loved this talk between Tzuyu and Chae in the end. I love those too so much.
All in all, great chapter as always. <3
Chapter 23: Hahahahaha Chaeng
Gotu72jae #7
Chapter 23: I’m actually curious about why did boa give up nayeon I hope she has a good reason
Chapter 23: EHEHEEE
chae baby, your wild came in clutch for once!! baby :^)
her and tzu just saying it straight out, i like it a lot. it’s super cute and it’s really nice how they’re so honest, i hope they will grow closer, and tzu can confide in someone :))
Heyyou1105 #9
Ohh can we have one where one of biological parents wants there kid back