Indecent Exposures

The Monstrous World We Live In

A/N: Because of the recent server failure, this chapter was deleted so I'm just reposting it. Sorry it took me so long to realize it was gone! 

Another morning, another school day, Myungsoo groaned as he stared at the mirror, adjusting his tie. He flicked his arm out elegantly, sliding the sleeve up, and glanced at his watch. That damn puppy was late again. His scowl quickly became a grin, however, when he realized her tardiness could work to his advantage. She would be expecting an attack once she stepped inside the house but not this time. Oh no, he was going to start from the outside. An ambush before she even reached the gates.

He gathered ropes, a fog horn, some cash and sprinted—well, walked as fast as he discreetly could—down the halls. He had momentarily exited the front doors when, in his mischievous oblivion, he tripped over a pair of heels spread unceremoniously in the walkway. Jumping up, a reprimand ready on his lips, he was about to lash out on the owner of the troublesome killer heels when he saw that it was his fiancé. She was sitting against the wall, arms crossed, and an ugly pout stretched across her face.

His anger turned to exasperation as he neatly picked up and returned her heels. “Jiyeon, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your way to school now?”

“Tell that to your erted bodyguard,” the lines in her face deepened. “Once that sleazebag saw my uniform, he snatched it out of my hands and fled, probably off for some cross-dressing playtime.”

Myungsoo snickered at Yuseon’s brashness and finally noticed that Jiyeon was indeed still wearing a short maroon dress instead of her Seoul Girls’ High School clothes. “Why were you here so early anyways?”

Her face brightened as she tried her best to put on an innocent smile. “Because I wanted to ride in the car with you, oppa!”

“Don’t be so irrational next time. You went in the opposite direction from your own school just to get here. And since you’re heading there anyways, make sure Yuseon  doesn’t get into any trouble. That punk probably left on his own to investigate.” It was evident that she wanted to refuse such a request but didn’t wish to refuse him. One little touch and it was over for her. “Please, Jiyeon-ah?” Target acquired.

“For you, fine,” she huffed, begrudgingly agreeing. “But if he does anything lewd or erted, he’s on his own.”

“Thanks,” Myungsoo said, ruffling her hair. Despite her clinginess and unwarned annoying appearances, he did have a soft spot for her in his heart. They had been childhood friends after all, their parents having been close friends also. Her father, the leader of the Gold Dragons, was like an uncle to him. And so, although her self-proclaimed declarations of marriage irked him, he had learned to tolerate it for the sake of their past.

“Aren’t you going to wait with me? My subordinates haven’t arrived with my backup uniform yet!” she whined.

He glanced at his watch again, mumbled an apology under the pretense of tardiness, and dashed to his car. One of his men opened the door and Myungsoo slid in, the car speeding away immediately after.  A few blocks later, the car stopped and he stepped out. Thanking the driver, he resumed with his intentions to walk to school. There was no chance he was going to stay in a confined space with a grumpy Jiyeon.


Jiyeon came to school later than usual but still considerably early for any student; that didn’t stop her from imagining an influx of bullets all targeted at Yuseon. She stomped down the corridors, peering into classrooms for signs of the pesky bodyguard, the other students staying at least a few feet away as though an invisible bubble pushed them off to the side. If she came a foot closer, they stepped two feet back. Luckily, most students wouldn’t arrive until ten minutes before class started, meaning it shouldn’t have been difficult to find Yuseon. Yet, it was.

She finally found the person that she had nicknamed “erted Weasel” in her frustration after walking around the school in circles, looking like a fool. She stared in horror at the position that Yuseon was in: the person was crouching behind a recycling bin, legs indecently spread wide open.

“You cross-dresser! Close your legs! You’re pretending to be a normal girl, not a . You’re a boy too. Watch where you’re airing your ‘thing’ around,” Jiyeon scolded, slapping the offender. She then looked at the chest. “What the hell is wrong with you?! What kind of sick ert are you?”

Yuseon tore her eyes away from the halls and responded with a questioning look.

“You didn’t need to pad them that much! It’s not normal!” Jiyeon cried, pointing to the area.

“But,“ The bell rang, interrupting her words. Not that it wasn’t welcomed—she didn’t have a plausible excuse anyways and she couldn’t very well say that they were natural body parts—but then she faced another problem that, unsurprisingly, she had not planned for: which class to go to. With only a second to decide, she chose to follow behind Jiyeon as inconspicuously as possible to room 3-B. Before she could enter the classroom, another student bumped into her, creating a ruckus, and she was caught.

“What are you trying to pull now?” Jiyeon viciously asked in a low voice. “Nuh-uh. Not my class; go find another one.” And the abandoned puppy was thrown away, shoved back into the empty hall.

There really was no way she could freely enter a room without being questioned; she needed someone who could cover for her and the only person was Jiyeon. Her last hope gone, she decided to wander through the school. This would be the perfect time to look for clues. At the moment, everyone was where they were supposed to be; prohibited items were always concealed in places where people were not supposed to be, of course.

She was touring the first floor cautiously, ignoring the freshmen’s wondering eyes and gawking expressions as she dubiously leapt from corner to corner, progressing along the path by hiding behind trashcans. Her knees ready to spring up, she was about to launch herself to the other side when her eyes caught the sight of broad shoulders and pants. Slowly lifting her head up, she peeked through the windows and saw a scruffy haired boy dressed in an oversized wool turtleneck conversing with two other males who were, without doubt, wearing Seoul Science High uniforms. Swirling waves of mistrust swept through her as she observed the interaction. Even in another school, her strong sense for justice controlled her mindset.

As part of the disciplinary committee, I cannot allow these law-breaking hounds to cavort freely! I must protect the fair maidens from the hormone-ravaging trespassers! I must protect the innocence of Korea!

She ran out from behind the bin. Although she had carefully planned out every move for the past half hour, her determination had rendered her impulsive, resulting in this unforeseen collision. Sitting up and rubbing the aching area on her forehead, she apologized to the other person and went to help them up. Her movements froze as she debated between courtesy and safety: the person that she had a misfortune of literally running into was a teacher. However, courtesy would help neither Myungsoo nor herself. She had only one option left.

Yuseon turned around and ran, pursued by the teacher who sounded her whistle loudly and repeatedly. In her own school, she would’ve been able to escape but in this foreign land, she had lost from the minute she entered. Other teachers surrounded her, their expressions livid at having to pause their lessons. The freshmen unabashedly stared at the chaotic scene and whispered the beginnings of a school-wide rumor about the senior who had ditched class but had stupidly remained on campus.

The teachers continued to close in on her, stepping closer for each question she left unanswered. She finally cracked and told them her class: 3-B. Jiyeon was surely going to murder her. Hello Mom and Dad, nice to see you again, she rehearsed in her head.

They threw her in the specified room, ignoring the residing teacher’s claims of “she’s not mine!” The cries that resembled demands for a paternity test were not even on the Yuseon’s list of top five current worries. In order of descending importance, it went: 1. Jiyeon 2. Jiyeon 3. Jiyeon 4. Suspension from a school she’s not even enrolled in, drugs, and debt (tied) 5. Jiyeon.

And her feelings were justified: Jiyeon’s glare followed her as she walked to a seat in the back like the eyes of ghosts in paintings. But she knew that her anger was justified also: she had stolen her uniform, snuck into her school, and now, she was about to embarrass the girl in front of her friends.

Her tenseness diminished a bit when school ended and she could finally escape from the awkwardness of the classroom. The question of who she was swam in a bubble above the students’ heads, which only grew with each tick of the second hand.

Jiyeon tried to catch up to her, obviously to shout some more obscene comments about her thick head, when a group of cake-faced girls their glossed-up lips suddenly appeared. They ignored Yuseon and aimed straight for Jiyeon.

“Well, if it isn’t the gangster . I hear your douchebag boyfriend is the one harassing the people from our school.” The foul-mouthed girl grabbed onto a lock of Jiyeon’s hair and violently twirled it. “Even the people you associate with are low-lives. Why don’t you fight back, huh? Oh, that’s right. You don’t have your precious guns with you. Face it: you’re useless. You aren’t needed on this earth. Why don’t you just be a good girl for once and go kill yourself?”

As much as Yuseon didn’t care for Jiyeon’s personality, she couldn’t tolerate such cold words more. Without even a warning, she kicked the bully away and stood in front of Jiyeon, stretching her arms out protectively.

“What the hell? Never seen you before. What’s your business in this? Let me guess. Do your parents owe her gang some money or something? They sell your body off to pay for the debt? Or is Ji-ing-yeon blackmailing—” the girl didn’t get a chance to finish her words when a punch connected with her face.

“Don’t speak so lightly about other people’s problems! Did your parents not teach you that if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all?! You go to school to learn, not to pick on others for an ego boost!” Yuseon rounded on the others. “And you guys! Does it make you feel good to surround and terrorize one person?”

A familiar whistle sounded around the corner. The avenging punches would have to be saved for later; she grabbed Jiyeon’s arm and hurried away. She was not too eager to experience another teacher-death-circle again. They managed to escape outside and collapsed under the shade of a tree , trying to catch their breath.

“As per decorum, thank you,” Jiyeon said, causing Yuseon to smile. “But don’t think that makes us friends or anything. I still think you’re a sketchy freak.” Yuseon’s smile faded as she nodded. Somehow, Jiyeon felt a little guilty.

“In the Dragon’s world, it’s called an ‘alliance’.”

“Huh?” Yuseon looked up, her eyes wide with hopeful wonder, ready to receive any indications close of generosity. Jiyeon mentally strangled the person beside her. What kind of bodyguard, no less a boy, acts cute like that?

“A bond between two people from the same side: it’s called an alliance. I’ll agree to reach this sort of compromise.”

“Yay!” She threw her arms around Jiyeon and hugged her tightly.

“You ert! I can feel your fake s! It’s unbelievably sickening,” Jiyeon flung the deathgripping arms away ruthlessly.

“By the way, what did that girl mean by ‘your guns’?”

Jiyeon gave her an exasperated look. “I can’t believe I have to tell you myself. Look here, there are only two people that are better than Myungsoo at using guns. The first person is Dongwoo. There’s a reason why, besides loyalty, he’s got such a high rank. The second is me. Now don’t make me explain that to you again.”

Yuseon was about to snap back when her ears perked up at the sound of deep voices. Male voices. Jiyeon noticed the silence and soon also caught the tones that did not belong at an all-girls school. They followed the voices until they reached an area by the gates. It’s the guys from before! Yuseon thought, wondering at their boldness and foolishness at having stayed near the grounds for so long.

They ducked down into the nearest bushes right as the group scanned their eyes around. The scruffy boy then handed the two a pair of sealed bags, which they quickly stuffed into their backpack. But Yuseon had already spotted the small round shapes, almost like beads, clattering around in orange containers. Pills. The disheveled boy grumbled something and left while the other two walked across the street and sat down on the bench, obviously waiting for the flood of students that were sure to come out soon.

Jiyeon and Yuseon looked at each other and quickly formed a plan: the former would only follow the boy to find out any information in a non-confrontational manner  and the latter, who could obviously take care of herself, would battle the other two and confiscate the drugs. They would then meet back at Myungsoo’s place. They nodded at each and went to work.


Yuseon returned to the Kim manor, having changed back to her normal clothes—although they were more wrinkled then usual since she had hastily squeezed them into her backpack—and sighed victoriously as she waved around the bag of drugs that she had seized. That and the energizing fight that had relieved quite an amount of stress made her especially cheerful, yet she found herself feeling a bit sad. This feeling of melancholy had mysteriously appeared but she didn’t know how to make it disappear.

As she sat contemplating the source of her gloom, waiting for Jiyeon or Myungsoo to appear, Sungyeol and Woohyun plopped themselves down on either side of her.

“You’ve still got a chance, you know,” Sungyeol said.

“Not that we approve of you but we don’t like it when dreams suddenly get crushed,” Woohyun added.

“What are you talking about? What dreams?” she inquired.

“Eh, don’t be like that. We know you like Boss. Don’t worry about the fiancé situation. They’re not really engaged.”

“Me? Like Myungsoo?” she scoffed. “I think there’s a misunderstanding here. I like him as a friend. And I’m not interested in his love life. He could marry his aunt for all I care.”

“Nevertheless, you should know that she’s not his fiancée yet. If so, then technically all of the daughters are his fiancés too. Myungsoo has yet to actually choose one. So if you’re willing to tell everyone that you’re a girl, you could find yourself as a candidate too,” Woohyun shrugged.

“Not that it would actually matter. You are a cop brat after all,” Sungyeol reminded. “We’re only telling you this since you seem a little down.”

“But that’s not why I’m sad,” Yuseon laughed. At their questioning looks urging her to continue her sentence, she assured them, “I’m sad because… MY STOMACH’S HUNGRY!”

They nearly fell out of their seats from shock at her immature answer. Why in the world did Myungsoo hire her?!

“Where’s Jiyeon?” demanded a familiar voice. It belonged to no other than the very person that they were screaming at in their thoughts.

“She should be back here any minute,” Yuseon answered.

Myungsoo shoved a paper into her hands. “Think again.”

Yuseon quickly read through the typed letter in front of her, her eyes growing wider from alarm with each word. Noticing her reaction, the twins leaned in and examined the note over her shoulder.

“I—I really thought she would be okay. She was only supposed to shadow. No more.” Yuseon explained. She steadied her hands and composed herself before she spoke again. “What should we do?”

“’We’? There is no ‘we’,” he stepped right up to her face, his voice dangerously hissing back. “You didn’t protect her. It is your fault that she’s in trouble now. It is your fault that Leeteuk has her!” his voice escalated to a yell. “How are you going to take responsibility if something happens to her? She never brings her guns or her bodyguards with her to school! How is she supposed to protect herself? Do you even think before you do things? Just stay out of it. Woohyun, Sungyeol, come with me.”

Yuseon sat down again, mulling over his words. As condescending as he was, Myungsoo was right; it was her fault that she allowed Jiyeon to follow someone dangerous. They never should have split up. Now, the Blood Angels, somehow connected to this whole drug ordeal, had her. This was no ordinary kidnapping though; there was no ransom, no demand for money or goods.

Simply an announcement of death.

And Myungsoo could go to hell if he thought she was just going to sit back and let him save the day.

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Chapter 9: Please update this story! It's really good
pomiloli #2
Chapter 9: Hi new subbie here ^ . ~
I really like your story and it's funny how Myungsoo and Yuseon seem to like each other but without realising it x)
But i wonder how Yuseon is going to save Jiyeon from Leeteuk ._.
Hope you'll update soon because i really wanna know what will happen next ^^
Icecreamninjah #3
ohhh hope you update soon :( !!
Icecreamninjah #4
Omgggg!! really loving the storyline!! :D can't wait for next chapter!! uppdate soon please! ^^
/ your new suscriber x)
malteserball #5
Plus, if you could do me a little favor, please don't make Seohyun betray the Shin bros.
NOT SEOHYUN. please?^^ I like her kindness okay. XD
malteserball #6
btw, awesome stories! Love everything that you did since In Spirit's foreword. Keep it up!!!
malteserball #7
At the start of the story, i imagined Yuseon to look somewhat like Jiyeon a la Cry Cry era but then a wild fiancee!jiyeon appeared and I was like, lolwat? and picturing their faces with each other and i see the same person but with different hairdos o_O i'm still in the process of trying to replace the character with a different jiyeon i know... XD
The fiance is really y e_e
BWOHHHH!? I really hope this is arranged and Myungsoo has no feelings whatsoever, towards her.
shanda #10
ohh goshh myungie fiance...