The Moniker Absurdity

The Monstrous World We Live In


“I said to be here at 7,” Myungsoo scowled. “It’s now a quarter past. Shall I sign you up for obedience training?”

“I’m not a puppy, you bast—” Her words were cut off when he forced a small tablet into . “Will you stop doing that? At least warn me beforehand!”

“Fair enough. I am about to put another pill in your mouth.”

She opened to say “what?” when true to his words, he threw in a second one.

“What the hell are you poisoning me with?” she asked furiously.

“Those are multivitamins. I need a healthy bodyguard.”

“Oh well, thank you.”

“For the tablets, that will be 290,000 won. Good puppy,” he said as he patted her head. “Here’s your treat.”

He placed a chocolate into the gaping mouth of a very stunned Yuseon. “And that’s 225,000 won; it was specially imported.”


They walked to school that day, him with his usual apathetic expression and her with a seemingly indestructible murderous aura. Dongwoo was the only accompaniment; Sungyeol and Woohyun stayed behind to lay more traps for Yuseon, a task they had accepted with great gusto.

“No! Please! Leave me alone!” a girl cried out. “I don’t want it!”

 “You’re going to buy this, no matter what, so give us your money.”

Yuseon snapped out of her angry daze. “I smell danger!”

She pushed past girls who had stopped momentarily only to brush off the situation with “she probably has a weapon… let’s just go.”

The four boys who had cornered their target against the wall noticed a strangely shaped shadow above their heads and looked up in alarm. Yuseon’s leg and fists came down on the group.

“I-won’t-let-you-escape-flying-cannonball-kick!” she screamed. “I-will-kill-you-ramming-bull-full-force-punch!”

“I can’t believe… that idiot names her attacks,” Myungsoo said, narrowing his eyes.

He had a good mind to leave when he noticed one of them pull out a knife. Without another thought, he ran towards the scene. The sneak never got the satisfaction of sinking his weapon into Yuseon’s back; he was pummeled by a not too pleased-looking Myungsoo.

“You good for nothing pieces of trash! Stop preying on the weak! I’m busy these days because of that stupid gecko and here you are causing trouble! No one asked you to make my life more difficult!” she screamed as she used them as punching bags to relieve her stress. “I hate people like you! How are you going to grow up to be decent citizens when you’re selling drugs and hurting women like this?”

Dongwoo intervened and locked her arms, dragging her away. The beat up boys, their high school uniforms torn, immediately took the chance to run for their lives.

“Hey! Come back here to your hell! Don’t think that I can run away from my troubles like you can! Face me like men!” She became quiet though when she noticed the girl, clutching her ripped up dress.

“The people I hate the most are rapists,” she spat as Dongwoo lowered her down. “I should have really killed them.”

She walked over the girl, who slightly backed away from her. At first, Yuseon was confused but then she remembered: she was wearing her uniform, a male’s uniform. Taking off her jacket, she draped it over the girl’s shoulders.

“Don’t be scared,” she said softly. “Myungsoo, we need to take her to a hospital.”

He nodded in response and called for a car. Dongwoo, on the other hand, gleefully typed out the reminder, “add hospital bill to debt” on his phone.


“Let me go!” she yelled, trying to cut the restraint.

Myungsoo had added a leash on to her arm and was currently tugging her along as they crossed the school grounds. “I have a puppy that keeps straying from his owner. If you want to get rid of that debt, then do your work properly and stay with me.”

“It’s because you keep mocking me with that debt that I keep running away.”

After leaving the girl in the care of doctors, Yuseon had tried to escape from him by using the crowds at the hospital as shields. That failed to work when she suddenly tripped over the leg of an IV stand. After he had dragged her out, she had tried to escape again by running into a museum. Unfortunately, it was the museum of oddities and she got lost in the hall of mirrors, where she was forced to wait until security came to rescue her. The third and last attempt was when she proceeded to plead for help from the nearest policeman. However, by this time, she looked quite disheveled so when Dongwoo explained that she was a “special” brother who sometimes suffered from paranoid schizophrenia attacks, the officer gladly handed her back along with some recommendations for psychiatrists and treatment. His patience weaning, Myungsoo walked into the pet store across the street, chose the most durable leash, and effortlessly attached it to her wrist.

“By the way, 57,000 won for the leash.”

“You hate me this much, huh?” Yuseon asked, her face frowning with resentment.

Myungsoo stopped walking and studied her expression.

“You must hate me otherwise you wouldn’t keep adding on to my debt like that.”

Dongwoo cringed. No, it’s not like that! He just wants to keep you by his side! Myungsoo, tell her before she becomes even more displeased!

“I guess my parents were right. The police and gangsters really can’t get along,” she leaned closer. “So their children are fated to be enemies.”

Boss! Tell her there’s a reason behind all of this! If only you would just say something!But it’s impossible... He doesn’t know what to do in such a situation. That’s not how he was raised.

Yuseon yanked the leash out of his hands and left for class first. “What was I thinking? Of course he’s not a good guy. He’s the head of the Dragons.”

“It’s really a student from this school that’s selling them?”

She whipped her head in the direction of the voice and ran to hide around the corner, eavesdropping on the conversation.

“Apparently! They’re not only targeting students from this school but other schools around here too! The principal for Seoul Girls’ High even came to discuss it with our principal!”

“They might try to come for us next.”

“It’s scary how drugs are becoming a bigger problem. And I thought we’d be safe in a prestigious school like this.”

A fellow student is involved in illegal drug trade? Could those punks from yesterday and this morning be involved? As the head of the disciplinary committee, I, Shin Yuseon, cannot just sit back and allow evil drug goblins to ravage on innocent, unsuspecting students!

She sneaked into the administrative office, crawled past the secretaries’ desks, and situated herself behind a trashcan by Principal Lee’s office. She could discern two other voices: Vice-principal Jin’s and most likely, the head from the other high school.

“Tablo, it is only because you are my dear friend that I haven’t yet contacted the authorities about this matter,” the guest pleaded. “My students are positive that it’s from your school. How can you act so passively when the only education your students are getting is on how to be violent criminals!”

“Mr. Park, if it really is one of our students, we’ll find out and punish them accordingly,” the vice-principal said.

Tablo shook his head. “I don’t believe anyone here could be that awful.”

The other principal sneered. “You’re forgetting one person. Isn’t that gang brat one of your students? Kim Myungsoo? He has the power, money, and access to drugs as the head of the Twisting Dragons. It seems like he would be the most capable.”

“No! He wouldn’t do such a thing!”

Yuseon swiftly charged into the room and slammed her fists on the table. “If Myungsoo belonged to that type of gang, I would never have spoken even one word to him! He has never touched nor dealt with drugs!” After seeing their shocked faces, she lowered her head in repentance and added softly, “That is what I believe.”

“I feel the same,” Tablo said, smiling at her honesty.

Principal Park huffed and left the room, realizing that the conversation would not lead to any desirable conclusion. Yuseon immediately sat down and raised her arms above her head. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to barge in like that! And I spoke out of place too!” Why did I have to go and defend that idiot?!

“It’s alright! Stand up now. He may be mad now but he’ll get over it,” Tablo grinned cheerfully.

“Principal Lee, you’re a really good man,” she said, relieved. “You believe in Myungsoo even though you don’t know definitely.”

“No matter what, I will always believe in my students. If one person causes trouble, however, then it will also be I who has caused that trouble. I’ll take responsibility for every action. But I’m confident that the drug dealer is not from my school.”

She bowed and left, heading towards her second class with a note from the secretary to excuse her tardiness, when a girl greeted her. “Thank you for what you did for me this morning.”

“Oh, you’re the girl that was attacked!” she replied bluntly. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, thank you, Yuseon-sshi.”

“You know my name?” she asked, scratching her head.

“You’re really famous in this school,” Yuseon beamed at her words. Probably because of my sixth sense for justice! “Since you became Myungsoo-sshi’s bodyguard,” the girl continued.

Yuseon felt like sulking in a corner. I’m only known because him?

“Please express my gratitude to him for me. I would tell him myself but he’s a bit… intimidating.”

Yuseon nodded and watched as the girl walked slowly away, trying to hide the obvious limp that was a result from the incident. I have to find out who’s behind all of this—for the principal and for the students so this can’t happen to anyone else.


“So the girl from this morning goes to your school?” Dongwoo asked. Although she had avoided them for the rest of the school day, she had no choice but to meet Myungsoo at his home after.

“If only she could remember their identities though,” Yuseon sighed. “I was too angry at that time to remember much either. What about you?”

Myungsoo just shrugged.

“At least say something, you gecko!” she yelled, punching his shoulder.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” a female voice suddenly cried out.

A girl dressed in fitted black dress with a sweetheart neckline grabbed Myungsoo and comforted him, his hair. “How dare you hit the leader of the Dragons! Who are you anyways?”

“Who are you?” Yuseon asked back.

“I asked first! Don’t answer my question with the same one!”

“Good evening, miss. This is Shin Yuseon, his new bodyguard,” Dongwoo interrupted to prevent the situation from becoming tenser.

“You’re that police brat that Myungbean randomly hired,” she came over and observed her face with derision.

Myungbean? Yuseon laughed in her thoughts. Good grief, the world never does run out of ridiculous nicknames. She pretended to fix her collar, using the momentary pause to control her facial expression.

“And who are you?” she questioned again with equal coldness.

The girl sauntered back and sat down on Myungsoo’s lap. “I’m his fiancé.”

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Chapter 9: Please update this story! It's really good
pomiloli #2
Chapter 9: Hi new subbie here ^ . ~
I really like your story and it's funny how Myungsoo and Yuseon seem to like each other but without realising it x)
But i wonder how Yuseon is going to save Jiyeon from Leeteuk ._.
Hope you'll update soon because i really wanna know what will happen next ^^
Icecreamninjah #3
ohhh hope you update soon :( !!
Icecreamninjah #4
Omgggg!! really loving the storyline!! :D can't wait for next chapter!! uppdate soon please! ^^
/ your new suscriber x)
malteserball #5
Plus, if you could do me a little favor, please don't make Seohyun betray the Shin bros.
NOT SEOHYUN. please?^^ I like her kindness okay. XD
malteserball #6
btw, awesome stories! Love everything that you did since In Spirit's foreword. Keep it up!!!
malteserball #7
At the start of the story, i imagined Yuseon to look somewhat like Jiyeon a la Cry Cry era but then a wild fiancee!jiyeon appeared and I was like, lolwat? and picturing their faces with each other and i see the same person but with different hairdos o_O i'm still in the process of trying to replace the character with a different jiyeon i know... XD
The fiance is really y e_e
BWOHHHH!? I really hope this is arranged and Myungsoo has no feelings whatsoever, towards her.
shanda #10
ohh goshh myungie fiance...