The Taxonomy of Reptiles and Amphibians, As According to a Puppy

The Monstrous World We Live In

Yuseon was walking down the street to her new job—punishment—as the gecko’s bodyguard. (In her head, dragons are related to lizards and lizards are related to geckos so therefore, Myungsoo must be a gecko.) A pen was gripped between her teeth as she read through the classifieds section of the morning newspaper.

If I could find a high-paying job, I could pay off the debt quickly. But the only listings were for menial jobs that paid minimum wage. Who am I kidding? I’m going to be stuck with him forever, she groaned.

But he’s not that bad of a person. He even saved me when I was drowning and considering how he kept quiet, he actually saved me for life. If I had been exposed, who knows how many times I would have been attacked by now. And because of the way he acts sometimes, I can’t help but pity him. It hurts to see that empty, soulless Myungsoo. But damn it! It’s because I pity him that I get caught off guard! I should hate him.

Yes! She pumped her fist. I’m going to hate that gecko!

She was in the middle of calculating the number of years that she would be tortured when she abruptly walked into someone’s back.

“Hey, watch it!” the guy yelled as he rounded on her.

“Sorry!” she apologized politely.

Yuseon was about to walk around him when she heard crying and looked over his shoulder. A young girl sat cowering in a circle of preying high-school aged boys who were pressuring her to buy a mysterious item—most likely drugs, she deduced—while trying to slyly pull down her clothes. Her good manners were gone. 

“You idiot! Don’t just stand around in the middle of the street!” she yelled as she kicked him. His friends hadn’t even gone a couple of feet before she mercilessly ripped the offenders to shreds. One person even had the audacity to bribe her with the drugs, which only incited her wrath even more. She then accompanied the girl home, glad to have helped another person. At least she doesn’t charge me for it.

Yuseon entered the Dragons grounds casually, the guards used to her presence. It had been a few days since she had become a permanent bodyguard—permanent because really, it was going to take a miracle to pay off a debt as large as hers. Dongwoo and the twins kept their promises; no one else found out about her gender. There were even occasions when they had helped her protect her identity.

She spotted a card with her name on it, sitting on the floor of the corridor. Underneath was a neatly stacked pile of cash. Money! She darted forward. Her fingers had almost grasped the crisp bills when out of nowhere, metal arms shot out from the wall, trapping her.


“We shall now discuss the money laundering issues that have been reported within the Silver Dragons. Will the head of the division please present your statement?” Dongwoo announced.

It was the bimonthly conference where the leaders of each division gather in the conference room. Myungsoo always sat at the front of the table with Dongwoo to his immediate right. The left seat, intended for the wife, remained empty. That was the coveted spot by the daughters from each clan. Because no one from the Black Dragons had a daughter, the one that could snare the position would attain great power for her group.

The representative from the Silver Dragons was about to speak when Sungyeol knocked on the door. With a smirk, he whispered, “Boss, Yuseon has arrived.”

Myungsoo smiled and stood up. “Meeting’s over,” he declared curtly before leaving.

The assembly sat there bewildered. “He was smiling.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such an expression before.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that side from boss more often.” They all nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Myungsoo walked up to Yuseon and unwrapped piece of a candy, popping it in her shouting mouth. She became quiet and enjoyed the unique fruity taste of the treat.

“Do you like it?”

She nodded in reply as she continued to savor the sweetness.

“That’ll be 500,000 won.”

“What?!” she spat the candy out. She was trying aim for his face but unfortunately, he managed to block it.

“And a million won for dry cleaning,” he said matter-of-factly, pointing to the invisible stain caused by the candy.

“Stop using such dirty tricks!”

“Stop being such a lousy bodyguard. I can’t have a person who’s supposed to protect me fall into naïve traps.”

“It’s your fault I need the money. Why do I have to pay you anyways? This is ridiculous! I quit!”

He pulled out his cell phone. “That’s a shame. Well, I do know someone on the black market who’s been looking for a playtoy. Of course, I wouldn’t know why he would need such a person,” he drawled. “But I guess you’ll find out. They are willing to pay a high price so I’ll let you keep the change.”

“Fine! I’ll pay your damn bill!

He patted her head. “That’s a good puppy; you finally understand.” He leaned closer and hissed, “Until you pay off every last won, you have to stay by my side.”

Once her head drooped in understanding, the metal bindings finally retracted. Yuseon extended her freed arms and stretched her body.

Myungsoo reached down and pocketed his money. “I won’t be needing you for the rest of the day so you can go home. Report back here tomorrow morning at seven.”

Then why the hell did you call me here? To just increase my debt? Yuseon thought as she stomped away.

“Please give my greetings to the lady that’s taking care of my little puppy for me,” Myungsoo added.

“Don’t call me a puppy!” she turned and yelled back. “When I become a police officer, I’m going to fine you for all of the bad things you do!”

“Speaking of fines, you will be penalized another million won for attempting to rob me.”

“Screw fines! I’ll throw you in jail!”

Myungsoo watched her trudge away and smiled. I knew this would be fun.


“You’re home early!” Seohyun smiled.

Yuseon’s smile disappeared as her heart warmed from the sight of the gentle lady. Seohyun was still young, only in her late twenties, yet she had accepted them into her home.

After leaving the Kim estate—since they were charged for every item they used, that cheapass—the siblings were on the streets again. It was by pure misfortune that they had chosen a night when the rain had come suddenly and in torrents. As they peered out from cardboard boxes, a pair of feet stopped before them. Their eyes followed up from the soaked shoes to the surprisingly amiable face, waiting shyly under an umbrella. “Would you like to come stay at my home?” the kind lady had asked. Like that, without introductions or questions, she had taken them in. In this monstrous world, she had done the unexpected: she became their miracle.

“Yuseon, someone told me they saw you fighting again,” Sunggyu reprimanded.

“Those guys pissed me off! They were attacking some poor girl! What else was I supposed to do?!” she huffed.

“You should be more careful. I wish you wouldn’t fight though,” Seohyun pleaded, her eyes shaking with anxiousness. Yuseon immediately cracked.

“I won’t, I won’t. I promise I won’t fight anymore.”

Hoya punched her shoulder. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep! Knowing you, the next step you take out of this house, you’ll be involved in some mischief again. ”

“It’s alright. Stop scolding her,” Seohyun stood up and extended her hand. “Yuseon, come take a bath with me.”

The house was traditionally styled in every way; however, it came with one modern luxury that the siblings had come to enjoy: a private bathhouse.

“I know it’s hard to live as a female,” Seohyun said as she scrubbed the other’s back. “so I can understand why you were raised as a boy but don’t you ever wish to just be yourself?”

“But I am being myself. I’m happy this way,” Yuseon softly smiled.

After hearing the assurance, Seohyun brightened. “Will you stay with me? You and your brothers already feel like family.”

“We’ll stay as long as you want! We’re already grateful you took us in that night and then fed us and gave us clothes and shelter,” she continued to ramble in praise. “And you paid for Sungjong's school fees and his uniform and books!”

Seohyun could only laugh from embarrassment. “I’m glad. Then it’s settled—you don’t have to find another place. I’ve seen those newspaper clippings,” she winked. “Don’t worry… I will never throw you out.”

Mom and Dad, it seems there are still good people left in this world,Yuseon thought as thankful tears rolled down her face. 

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Chapter 9: Please update this story! It's really good
pomiloli #2
Chapter 9: Hi new subbie here ^ . ~
I really like your story and it's funny how Myungsoo and Yuseon seem to like each other but without realising it x)
But i wonder how Yuseon is going to save Jiyeon from Leeteuk ._.
Hope you'll update soon because i really wanna know what will happen next ^^
Icecreamninjah #3
ohhh hope you update soon :( !!
Icecreamninjah #4
Omgggg!! really loving the storyline!! :D can't wait for next chapter!! uppdate soon please! ^^
/ your new suscriber x)
malteserball #5
Plus, if you could do me a little favor, please don't make Seohyun betray the Shin bros.
NOT SEOHYUN. please?^^ I like her kindness okay. XD
malteserball #6
btw, awesome stories! Love everything that you did since In Spirit's foreword. Keep it up!!!
malteserball #7
At the start of the story, i imagined Yuseon to look somewhat like Jiyeon a la Cry Cry era but then a wild fiancee!jiyeon appeared and I was like, lolwat? and picturing their faces with each other and i see the same person but with different hairdos o_O i'm still in the process of trying to replace the character with a different jiyeon i know... XD
The fiance is really y e_e
BWOHHHH!? I really hope this is arranged and Myungsoo has no feelings whatsoever, towards her.
shanda #10
ohh goshh myungie fiance...