
Midnight Kiss

Hey everyone, this chapter got deleted over that weekend with all the weird technical problems so I'm reposting it now. I'll also post another chapter in a few :))



I blinked a couple times until I finally understood what he said.


“Taemin, I-” But before I could continue, Taemin crawled on top of me. I stared into those warm brown eyes, watching how he longingly glanced at me.


“Jin Ae, I love you. I know you never really gave me a reply from my last confession, but I can wait until you want to give me an answer. I'll be patient with you. After that confession, as time went on, I realized that I love you more than I thought. When I watched the sunset with you, I couldn't stop myself from having butterflies and feelings nervous. However, as you sat next to me I felt calm, as if I could tell you anything.


When I thought you died at the hot spring, the rush of adrenaline made me realize I couldn't live without you. Then you almost disappeared on me again when you dove from the cliff. I couldn't bear to hold your cold, lifeless body. I questioned what life would be without you. Even though you've only been here for only a few amount of days, I feel like a lot has happened between us.


Then relief washed over me when you opened your eyes. Jin Ae, you mean a lot more to me than you can ever imagine. Now that you might be getting married to Kim Hyun Joong, I feel like my time is running out.” I watched as Taemin's expression showed need for me growing and growing.


Then Taemin's lips landed on mine. His lips were soft, sweet, and gentle. I couldn't pull away as he deepened the kiss, greedily. I smiled. Usually Taemin is innocent because he is the maknae and he probably has to keep up that young image, however, there were those rare moments when a manlier Taemin would pop up. I always enjoyed when those moments would come up because it's like I see a side of him that usually no one else sees. It makes me feel special, important.


“Taemin!” I suddenly heard Jonghyun yell his name, “Key needs you to clean your room! I swear there are banana milk cartons everywhere!”


Taemin reluctantly pulled away and groaned in dissatisfaction. He quickly kissed me on the forehead when he got up and walked towards the house.


He yelled at Jonghyun, “I swear hyung! You have the worst timing!”


“What what did I do?” I listened as a bewildered Jonghyun followed after the angry Taemin. I slowly sat up, my heart still wildly racing from what just happened. In a daze, I walked into the house. Since I was in a weird trance, I didn't realize who was in front of me.


“Ouch,” I stated as I ran into a hard brick wall. “Oh, sorry Jonghyun!” Suddenly, Jonghyun wrapped his fingers around my wrist and gently pushed me against a wall.


“Jonghyun are you okay?” I asked, worried.


“Jin Ae,” His voice was tender, raw, genuine. He slowly moved his head cautiously towards me, slowly as if waiting for me to pull away in disgust. He looked into my eyes and noticed that I wasn't really rejecting the fact that his lips were now only a couple of centimeters away from mine. He smirked then kissed my lips, rather roughly. Jonghyun kept teasing me by biting on my lower lips. He pushed his body up against mine.


Why wasn't I pulling away? Honestly, I have no idea. Why didn't I run away when I had the chance? Again, I have no clue. But as Jonghyun was kissing me each second felt intoxicating, addicting. I didn't want to admit it, but Jonghyun was a pretty good kisser. Also, the feeling of his muscles against me made me feel even more dizzy than I already was.


He pulled away, giving us both a moment to breath.


“I'm just going to say this quickly. Jin Ae. I really do like you. Honestly, I think it is more than just a liking. You're innocent and sincere. You are strong, independent, and tough even when we tried to mess with you when we first met. You are different from the other girls. You stay true to who you are, never waiver, and you always stand up for what you believe in.


When I asked why you put me second to last on that list, you said because of my ual behavior. I promise you I will show you my gentlemanly side more often and I will try to control myself more often. But for now, I just wanted to let you know how I feel,” Jonghyun confessed.


Then he pulled me in for another kiss. This time it was sweeter and gentler. His arms were loosely wrapped around my waist, supporting me in the kiss. When he pulled away, he winked, and left.


Now at this point, I swear my knees were going to give out. All of this was way too much to handle.


“Jin Ae!” Key called my name, “Come here for a second,”


I followed his voice and entered into his room. The door suddenly closed and I jumped into a ninja position.


Key looked at me bewildered, “What are you doing?”

“You're not going to do anything weird to me like that one time in the closet will you?” I defensively asked.


“Hm,” Key smirked, “Now that I think about it that was pretty fun,” He moved closer to me, until I fell on top of his bed. Key wrapped his hands around my wrist and begin to move closer. I shut my eyes, ready for the worst.


“Pft,” Key broke out into laughter, “I'm sorry, you're face just made me laugh,”


I looked at our position, “It's not funny Key. Don't play around,”


“Aw, but you're going to be married soon and we won't be able to have any fun. I barely got to do anything to you,” He ily commented. “I remember when I woke you up on the balcony. Water dripping off of you and revealing a certain something when your shirt became see through.” He leaned in a whispered into my ear, “How about we pick up where we left off in that closet?” I felt my face get hotter as he kept saying these things.


He laughed again, “I'm sorry I can't keep this act up! The way you react to me is just too amusing!” He let go of my hands and got off of me.


“KEY! YOUR SO MEAN!” I screamed.


“No, I'm sorry that was kind of mean.” Then he stopped laughing and got serious, “But honestly, Jin Ae. I'm going to miss teasing you. I'm not sure if I have feelings towards you or not, but whenever I'm teasing you, I always feel happier. Also, I love that you always appreciate my food and the fact that you are pretty stylish every now and then.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips and winked, “Might as well get a kiss in before they put the ring on it,”


“Thank you, Key. For everything,” I kissed him on the cheek, “Well except for the random creepy almost moments,”


Key blew a kiss to me as he walked towards the door, “Anytime. Oh, and you better head on downstairs. Taemin already cleaned his room and so now we're all going to head to the park,”


“Okay,” I stated, ready to go to the park.



Soo, what did you think of the chapter?

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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 49: 3rd time reading and I still love it. Update soon please x
Chapter 49: I love the cherry coke couple hahaa... Update soon author-nim :))
Blingsterswds781 #3
Please update soon author-nim!! You got one more subscriber :D
zettyez #4
Chapter 49: I love cherry coke couple! U got 1 more subscriber authornim!
chekkuame #5
Chapter 49: hehe Nice! Minho belongs in a swimming pool. I like both couples. Keep it up, author-nim!
chekkuame #6
Chapter 48: Ah cute! hehe I won't unsubscribe. I'll wait for you! And Jonghyun... <3 Just kidding!
Naviky #7
Chapter 48: Aww so nice! Ugh i love shinee those dorkie adorable boys xD please update soon!
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 48: lol that is just so cute! >< glad you updated!!