That Name...

Midnight Kiss


The five boys rushed in, hearing the commotion. I was wiping the sticky gooey smoothie off of my now freezing body with a paper towel.


Dang, now I'm gonna have to take another shower...


“What's going on in here?” Onew questioned with leader-like concern and worry. Luna ran into his arms, desperately; fake actress tears rolling down her petite face as she snuggled closer to him. Onew pulled her against his body.


“Oppa~” She sobbed into his chest, “I accidentally clumsily tripped over nothing, as I was walking over to give _____ a delicious strawberry banana smoothie we made for her. Though I apologized she yelled furiously at me and started calling me a ,” Luna made her grip tighter on him and cried even louder, “Oppa.”


The five boys' eyes snapped up to glare at me.


Onew comforted her, “Sh, Luna it's okay don't cry,” Then he gave me a piercing look with a mix of pure animosity and disappointment.


Jonghyun inched towards me, “Are you gonna say you're sorry? Or do I have to force you with tactics I used earlier,” His strong grip tried to grab me. I violently smacked his hand away.


“Don't touch me,” I didn't scream, I didn't yell it, however; my steady and icy tone let them understand how I was feeling.


“Jin A-” Taemin started towards me.


“Do NOT come near me,”


“Stop being dramatic and just listen to us,” Minho scolded.


“I'm being dramatic? Don't you think I have the right to be acting like this?” I loudly protested.


“Acting like what? The stubborn insensitive person you are?” Key bluntly declared.


“Dramatic? Stubborn? If you look at it from my point of view, then you'd be more understanding,” I began to inch towards them with anger in each step, “I'm a girl who is forced to move to a foreign place, not knowing the people I'd meet nor the people I'd be living with. Then those people have the right to tease me, play with me, hurt me, yell at me, put me down, and stab my back numerous times. Without knowing anything about me they listen to the generic stereotypical idea of a Californian Girl. To make it worse, they defend their friends by putting me down, without even knowing my side of the story, and not understanding that I AM A HUMAN BEING TOO and yes, like those five over there,” I furiously pointed at the five, “I AM A GIRL. Yet, you think you can treat me like trash that you walk all over, not considering my feelings at all,”


My voice was stern and even, not loud and whiny, because maybe then they would listen to me. Obviously, Jonghyun didn't listen to a word I said earlier when he ually harassed me.


They all seemed taken back by my words. I just took a deep breath and walked up to the bathroom. Time to talk another freaking shower!

(Bathtub & Shower)


I hopped into the shower, gently washing the sticky substance off of my skin, lathering the soap. I messaged shampoo into my hair, scrubbing out as much of the smoothie as possible. Then I conditioned my hair and rinsed. To finish it all off, I soaked in the warm water.


“Ah,” I sighed in relaxation, “This feels soo good,” I started to hum to myself happily.


Suddenly, it hit me like a ton of red bricks...


I forgot to grab myself some clothes before I walked into the bathroom. I was in such a rush to clean up, that I didn't even think about clean clothes! There was no way to avoid the situation. I just had to walk out there and pray that no one was upstairs, that those pretty boys were still flirting with the tramp-ish girls.


I grabbed my cute and comfy Victoria's Secret Robe and tightly tied the belt so that the robe would fit me snug.



I cautiously creaked open the door, peeping my head outside. I snapping my head back and forth to look both ways, I listened to the sound of laughter. It was the boys, but it sounded a little distant. Hoping for the best I accepted my ninja mission to get to my room without being seen by any of the boys.


I tiptoes quietly, not making a sound.


I didn't want to run or they’d hear my footsteps and possibly come out of their rooms.


Finally, I turned the door knob of my room, excited that I reached my safe haven without any issues! Yes, alleluia to the Lord! I smiled like an idiot as I scuffled into my room, closing the door behind me and letting out a sigh of relief.


Someone coughed.


I looked up to find SHINee staring at me with lustful eyes, glancing at me up and down.


“YAH!” I yelled, “What are you doing in my room?”


Key awkwardly coughed, “We were gonna come apologize to you after we told the girls that it'd be best for them to leave,”


Taemin avoided eye contact, “We knew you'd probably ignore us so we decided to wait for you in your room, making evading us rather challenging,”


“And then you came in,” Minho stared at me, eyes wider than usual, “In that,”


“Not that we mind or anything,” Jonghyun smirked, “I actually prefer this look better,”


“Who knew? You actually have a nice figure,” Onew commented seductively.


By this time my face was bright rose with embarrassment and anger. I was thinking of yelling at them, but then refrained myself because their reason for being in my room was too apologize.


“Just get out,” I huffed opening the door for them as they scurried out, stealing second glances at me.


I put on a casual outfit, knowing that after that incident I'm probably going for a long nature walk until dinner. I needed to clear my mind from all that happened so far and avoid seeing SHINee after they had a chance to look at me pretty much half .

(Your Outfit)


With a sigh I exited my room, and silently shut the door. I heard voices. They were talking. One voice seemed familiar, however; I knew it belonged to neither of the SHINee members. I walked down the steps, looking at a rather handsome guy chatting up a storm with the guys.


“Yup, that's her. I'd remember that beautiful figure anywhere,” The stranger smirked.


“Um, I'm wearing a really really loose sweatshirt and you're complimenting my figure?” I questioned, eying this obvious flirt. “Who are you?”


He pouted, “Aw, you don't remember me,”


I looked at him more closely, squinting my eyes, “Nope.”

He cleared his throat, “ Hey there,” he seductively stated, “Haven't I seen you some place before?”


“Yes, and that's why I don't go there anymore,” Like a reflex I answered with the comeback.


“Still feisty,” He chuckled.


Then it hit me.


“You're the guy who tried to impress me with money, flirting, wanted to get it on with me, and take me to your place to have ” I bluntly stated. Key coughed up his drink he was sipping on from my comment. Onew patted his back to help Key breath. Minho stared with wide eyes, mouth opened. Taemin was choking on some candy he had in his mouth. Jonghyun glared at the guy, either being protective or jealous... I'm going to go with jealous.


He laughed, “You see right through me,”


“YAH!” Key Umma appeared in front of him, “Kim Hyun Joong! Don't take random girls to your house and have with them. Especially this one,” Key pointed, “She probably has no idea what to do in bed,”

“Um, excuse me! How would you know anything about my life?” I yelled at Key.


“La La La La~ I don't want to hear it!” Key covered his ears immaturely.


Onew smacked him, “Shut up,”


Key pouted, “Fine,”


“Wait,” I looked at faced the stranger, “What did you say your name was?”


“Kim. Hyun. Joong,” He flashed me a killer smile.

(Kim Hyun Joong from SS501)


Little did he know, but hearing that killed me inside. My heart was breaking into a million pieces, completely shattered.


That Name...


“You,” Those were the only words I managed to mutter out of my mouth as my body stiffened.


“Yes?” Kim Hyun Joong questioned with a bewildered look.


“You don't recognize me?” I calmly stated.


“You're the girl from the party right?”

He doesn't remember.


“Yes,” Was all I could say.


The memories seemed like a bad dream, a movie, playing through my head. Each and every feeling, the pain, the misery, each so clear, as if it only happened yesterday. My cries, my wants, my pleas. His eyes, his scent, his tender hands. Our moments, our hugs, our kisses. Together.


“Jin Ae,” Minho came wiped a tear from my face, “What's wrong?”


“Jin Ae,” My name slide off of Kim Hyun Joong's tongue. I prepared myself for the worst, inhaling deeply.


“That's a cute name,” He purred at me. “It compliments a cute girl like you,” He inched towards me.


“Don't. Touch. Me,” I whispered quietly, covering my face with my bangs as I looked down at the ground.


I felt SHINee's stares; a mixture of concern, worry, anger from my rudeness, and bewilderment.


Kim Hyun Joong obviously didnt hear me as he said, “Aw, someone's being shy,” As he tilted my chin up towards him.


I froze, like a solid statue. There was nothing more terrifying than having memories that seemed like a ghost, suddenly all come pouring back as if they never disappeared.


“You don't need to be shy. I won't hurt you,” He smiled. Those words. They were the exact same.


I slapped his hand away, making a loud noise.


With that I ran out the front door, leaving the whole scene behind, hoping that it would never catch up with me. Thanks to the crazy weather, it was no longer warm. The sun was beginning to set, waving good-bye behind the tall tress, making the air cold and crisp. No winter coat to help me, because I was dumb enough to cause another scene and dash out off the house.


…. Why do I always run away? …. They're probably all at home thinking I'm being dramatic again. I approached a park, listening to the calming rustling of the leaves on the ground, looking at the bare scrawny branches of the trees. I slowly trudged over to the colorful playground and sat on the swing, slowly swinging myself, in deep thought.


I felt the wind starting to pick up as it hit my face, stinging my cheeks, turning my nose a bright red.


A shiver violently shot down my spine. I pulled myself into a tight ball trying to collect warmth.


It didn't help. I began to shake madly because of the freezing temperature.


Suddenly, I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling embrace and hug me.


“Pabo,” A whisper in a concerned voice spoke into my ear, as the stranger hugged me from behind tightened their grip, “Don't ever do that again,”



Who could the person who chased after her be?!?

Kim Hyun Joong or one of the SHINee members?

Or possibly someone else?

What did you think of this chapter?

Tired of the five girls getting away with everything? Defensive biased SHINee?

Also, Kim Hyun Joong. His name causes her heart to break. Why do you think that is?



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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 49: 3rd time reading and I still love it. Update soon please x
Chapter 49: I love the cherry coke couple hahaa... Update soon author-nim :))
Blingsterswds781 #3
Please update soon author-nim!! You got one more subscriber :D
zettyez #4
Chapter 49: I love cherry coke couple! U got 1 more subscriber authornim!
chekkuame #5
Chapter 49: hehe Nice! Minho belongs in a swimming pool. I like both couples. Keep it up, author-nim!
chekkuame #6
Chapter 48: Ah cute! hehe I won't unsubscribe. I'll wait for you! And Jonghyun... <3 Just kidding!
Naviky #7
Chapter 48: Aww so nice! Ugh i love shinee those dorkie adorable boys xD please update soon!
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 48: lol that is just so cute! >< glad you updated!!