
Midnight Kiss

Ch 10- TaeTae


Suddenly, I heard a chuckle. I quickly looked up at Taemin, somewhat confused. He suddenly broke out into full on laughter.


I was so lost and bewildered, “Um, did I do something wrong master?” Seriously, this maid act was taking control of me, possessing me to the bone. Must be because of my competitive issues. I was saying master without thinking.


That only made him laugh even more.


“Seriously Taemin,” I frowned, “Are you gonna do anything to me or not,” Didn't realize how desperate that sounded until it came out of my mouth.


He smiled, “Of course not,” He lovingly kissed my forehead. “I wouldn't ever imagine touching you,” I looked into his deep brown eyes. Not like I gazing into them, more like glaring.


“Wait, that was definitely not a compliment,” My frown grew, “I'm pretty sure that's a really offensive comment. I think you just hurt my pride as a girl,”


He laughed, “Let me rephrase,” Suddenly he realized we were still in the position of him pinning me down. “Oh, sorry.” He apologized and immediately got off of me.


“Um, it's okay?” I was seriously unsure as to what was happening.


He just laughed at the tone of my voice. Taemin's laugh was charmingly adorable yet strong & masculine in some way. It seemed to replay in my head. Replay, replay, replay:) His laugh seemed to give off a kind and gentle feeling to it; so much that it was captivating. When people laugh it's either fake or really annoying, but his was sincere and heartwarming. It sounded calming like the sound of a harp, harmoniously beautiful. WAIT! This was not the time to be thinking about Taemin's laugh! When did I start zoning out?!


“I can't imagine touching you because of my past. I don't really think it's right to force lustful emotions on others, especially if they don't want it,” Taemin answered with sorrowful eyes. Suddenly, he looked tense, defenseless. The strong, charismatic Taemin from SHINee had sunken down to a weak, fragile looking teenage boy.


I hugged him. “I don't know what happened in your past, but please don't ever show me that tortured look you had a second ago. I don't ever want to see you like that,”


He hugged me back. “Thanks Jin Ae.” Taemin whispered into my neck.


He looked at me, “But I think your trying to force yourself on me,”


“What?! It's just a hug,” I defended myself. “It's not like I'm pinning you to the bed like you were doing to me earlier.”


“No, I know,” Taemin started, “But do you realize what position you are in right now?”


“What are you-” I looked down and realized that as I was hugging Taemin I somehow ended up on his lap....


I jumped off of him, “Oh my god,” I spoke that part in English, “I'm so sorry!” I was bowing like a maniac, mostly because of my embarrassment and the attempt to avoid eye contact.


“It's alright,” Taemin got up and grabbed my shoulders to stop me from bowing. “It's not like entirely hated it,” He winked and then went over to his closet. I blushed, good thing he walked away.


When he wasn't looking used my hands to pat my cheeks furiously. Stop blushing, stop blushing! What the heck has gotten into you. It's just a wink. People wink at you all the time!..... Wait no that was a lie... Just player guys wink at you all the time. So it's nothing different!


“By the way change into this,” He threw a bag at me, hitting me in the face.


“Please do not tell me it's like a playboy bunny costume or something,” I begged. I seriously was getting tired of these costumes. Not that the costumes were uncomfortable or anything, I mean this maid outfit was made out of silk. It's just uncomfortable in the embarrassing and 'omg. This makes me feel like a ' kind of uncomfortable.


“Hey! I'm offended that you'd think I'm as dirty minded as Jonghyun,” He crossed his arms. I stared at him, “Okay so maybe I can be wrong minded. But hey I'm a guy,”


I just sighed and took out what was in the bag.


“Oh. My. God,” I gawked at it.

(Taemin's Lovely Present)


“This outfit is adorable!” I exclaimed.


“Thanks, I chose it myself,” Taemin was soaking up the praise. I let him have it, since I was so overwhelmed by the outfit.


Then it hit me, “Why do you have this?” I asked.


“When Mr. Lee told us his daughter would be coming to Korea I thought a welcome present might be nice,” Taemin smiled shyly.


“Thanks, TaeTae~ You're the best!” I gave him a big bear hug.


“No problem,” He hugged me back, “And TaeTae?”


“What?” I pouted, “You don't like it?”


“No,” He smiled, “I love it. I'm just glad that I'm the first one to receive a nickname. But anyway my dear slave, my request is that you wear this,” Taemin pointed at the bag where I stuffed the present into.


“Okay!” I exclaimed, “I'd love to, master.”


“Okay, my next request is to quit the maid act,” He said with a tone of annoyance. “It's getting annoying,”


“I thought you'd never ask,” I smiled before hopping out into the hallway to change in my room.


After Changing


“So what do you think?” I did a full turn for Taemin.


“Perfect,” He smiled.


“Thanks,” I grinned.


“Oh, I was talking about the outfit,” He smirked. I just playful punched. He fake fell to the ground, “Ow! Jin Ae you injured an important celebrity. My fans are gonna hunt you down,”


I used my formed my fingers into a gun and acted like a Charlie's angel, “Well, they better bring it on,”


Taemin just laughed and walked towards the door. He looked back at me and stated, “Better hurry downstairs. The other masters are waiting,”


I nodded and followed him down the steps.


Well, I'm glad Taemin's angel side came back. If it didn't I would've been ually harrassed by Onew or Jonghyun. Hopefully his angel side will last...

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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 49: 3rd time reading and I still love it. Update soon please x
Chapter 49: I love the cherry coke couple hahaa... Update soon author-nim :))
Blingsterswds781 #3
Please update soon author-nim!! You got one more subscriber :D
zettyez #4
Chapter 49: I love cherry coke couple! U got 1 more subscriber authornim!
chekkuame #5
Chapter 49: hehe Nice! Minho belongs in a swimming pool. I like both couples. Keep it up, author-nim!
chekkuame #6
Chapter 48: Ah cute! hehe I won't unsubscribe. I'll wait for you! And Jonghyun... <3 Just kidding!
Naviky #7
Chapter 48: Aww so nice! Ugh i love shinee those dorkie adorable boys xD please update soon!
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 48: lol that is just so cute! >< glad you updated!!